
Long Time Member
It's early. But the usual suspects, yapping about DWR greed, opportunists, tag #, have also been early and just as vocal.

SO, here it is. This is YOUR opportunity to STEP UP, and show everyone your COMMITMENT.

The DWR is financed almost completely through tags. So, they do need $ to function.

So, here it is.

Post YOUR VIDEO, of your 2023 deer(or any tag), that you acquired. Followed with you cutting it up, burning it, shredding it, etc. Fund the DWR with your app and tag fees, then DONT HUNT, like you keep telling others not to do.

SHOW US that commitment. SHOW US, that your not an internet bitcher, but an actual MAN OF ACTION.

Don't tell us you didn't shoot something. Don't tell us you hunted with the fam.

POST THAT VIDEO, OF CUT UP TAGS. For bonus points, post the vid of you NOT HUNTING, during the season of that tag, PERIOD.

Entrants will be judged against prior years entrants(in all the years I've issued the challenge, not ONE SINGLE DUDE, has ever done it), and will be eligible for a prize.


2023. Let's see those vids
WTF is The Prize?

Asking For A Friend!

You'd Best Pony Up Some F'N Money Or You'll Also Be Literally Eating That Tag!

Then you Can Tell the Whole F'N World You SWALLOWED!

And Even You Haven't Posted A Video!
i don’t get it. just don’t apply and give them your money. come shoot the **** outta everything in montana. you might have missed the draw but fear not there are thousands of doe tags and cow tags to buy otc
It's early. But the usual suspects, yapping about DWR greed, opportunists, tag #, have also been early and just as vocal.

SO, here it is. This is YOUR opportunity to STEP UP, and show everyone your COMMITMENT.

The DWR is financed almost completely through tags. So, they do need $ to function.

So, here it is.

Post YOUR VIDEO, of your 2023 deer(or any tag), that you acquired. Followed with you cutting it up, burning it, shredding it, etc. Fund the DWR with your app and tag fees, then DONT HUNT, like you keep telling others not to do.

SHOW US that commitment. SHOW US, that your not an internet bitcher, but an actual MAN OF ACTION.

Don't tell us you didn't shoot something. Don't tell us you hunted with the fam.

POST THAT VIDEO, OF CUT UP TAGS. For bonus points, post the vid of you NOT HUNTING, during the season of that tag, PERIOD.

Entrants will be judged against prior years entrants(in all the years I've issued the challenge, not ONE SINGLE DUDE, has ever done it), and will be eligible for a prize.


2023. Let's see those vids
Hoss why are you so defensive when someone makes a comment about the dwr not doing a great job? I have given them lots of love lately. I Even started a post where I publicly thanked them for the good job they're doing. Why does it bother you so bad if we question what they're doing? Should we just make it sound like they're perfect and never question anything they do? Anyone who works in this world has had complaints and suggestions about how they can do their job better. I've had plenty of evaluations filled out on me. Sure some of them could have been an individual who had a personal problem with me, but some of the feedback was true, even though it was not fun to hear. You can either accept the feedback and become better or be offended, mad and get pissed off and never change for the better.
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Hoss why are you so defensive when someone makes a comment about the dwr not doing a great job? I have given them lots of love lately. I Even started a post where I publicly thanked them for the good job they're doing. Why does it bother you so bad if we question what they're doing? Should we just make it sound like they're perfect and never question anything they do? Anyone who works in this world has had complaints and suggestions about how they can do their job better. I've had plenty of evaluations filled out on me. Sure some of them could have been an individual who had a personal problem with me, but some of the feedback was true, even though it was not fun to hear. You can either accept the feedback and become better or be offended, mad and get pissed off and never change for the better.

Because YOU are one of the many, who are DEMANDING tag cuts. Just not for yourself of course.

It has little to do with the DWR, and everything to do with a mentality. It gets ridiculous listening to the same guys, year after year, "cut tags", "greed", .....

Yet, I guarantee YOU, among others, put in for a tag, and will hunt that tag.

Because, only the other guys are opportunists. YOU of course are truly worried about deer herds, and to prove your concern, you'll do the same damn thing the evil opportunists do, hunt deer.

Seems to me, if things are as dire as you make them, and the greedy SOBs at DWR are just so bad, you'd gladly not hunt Utah.

The mentality of "cut the other guys tag", is the issue. The other guy seems fine with what he's doing, YOU obviously have an idea that not shooting a buck, is the answer, SO DONT SHOOT A BUCK. Stay home. Take up golf.

Can I assume this year you and Bess are competing for vid of the year?

Or should we look forward to the whining and complaining after you hunted deer this year?
Because YOU are one of the many, who are DEMANDING tag cuts. Just not for yourself of course.

It has little to do with the DWR, and everything to do with a mentality. It gets ridiculous listening to the same guys, year after year, "cut tags", "greed", .....

Yet, I guarantee YOU, among others, put in for a tag, and will hunt that tag.

Because, only the other guys are opportunists. YOU of course are truly worried about deer herds, and to prove your concern, you'll do the same damn thing the evil opportunists do, hunt deer.

Seems to me, if things are as dire as you make them, and the greedy SOBs at DWR are just so bad, you'd gladly not hunt Utah.

The mentality of "cut the other guys tag", is the issue. The other guy seems fine with what he's doing, YOU obviously have an idea that not shooting a buck, is the answer, SO DONT SHOOT A BUCK. Stay home. Take up golf.

Can I assume this year you and Bess are competing for vid of the year?

Or should we look forward to the whining and complaining after you hunted deer this year?
You make some good points Hoss. I am not asking or wanting extreme changes. Just slightly and I mean slightly more conservative numbers. I too want opportunity but would not mind a slight increase in buck to doe ratios or just shoot for the upper end of the current B and D objectives. We are both passionate about deer, that's a good thing. Also, to say it again, I think the DWR has been doing a great job lately for the most part. Best of luck in the draws my friend, have a good Sunday with the family.
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You make some good points Hoss. I am not asking or wanting extreme changes. Just slightly and I mean slightly more conservative numbers. I too want opportunity but would not mind a slight increase in buck to doe ratios or just shoot for the upper end of the current B and D objectives. Best of luck in the draws my friend, have a good Sunday with the family.

The issue, to be honest, isn't the tags. Cutting tags simply hurts the DWR, hunters political clout, and our economic clout. Hunting was the big dog in Utah, then, to "save the mule deer" we cut 150,000 tags. With it, went DWR budgets(now they rely on special interest groups), we lost economic power, and lost dudes who vote.

And, show me where, in April, 2023 the herds are any different than April 1993.

The mentality of "I'm gonna get mine", is the issue.

Be it "I'm gonna get my tag", or shooting some yearling cuz "I'm gonna get mine"

Instead of bitching at the DWR, get a campaign started to not shoot little deer, if your worried about more bucks.
Great suggestion on starting a campaign to not shoot little bucks. Even though I think it would help if the DWR were a little more conservative, It is always best to do something proactive instead of complain. Epic Outdoors is doing something like this. If you turn in an unpunched tag you are in for a number of prizes.

I wonder if we could do something like that on MM. I'm going to propose it and see what founder thinks, or maybe I could just start it myself. Hunters should shoot any buck that makes them happy especially young hunters. Maybe something like this could keep some of us off the trigger unless it's something we really really want. It could save quite a few bucks really.
I do my part to help the budget.

I give them my $10 every year, when I get my "Thanks for playing, but you're a loser AGAIN" email.

Sure, it ain't much each time, but its been hundreds of dollars over the years! :p
The issue, to be honest, isn't the tags. Cutting tags simply hurts the DWR, hunters political clout, and our economic clout. Hunting was the big dog in Utah, then, to "save the mule deer" we cut 150,000 tags. With it, went DWR budgets(now they rely on special interest groups), we lost economic power, and lost dudes who vote.

And, show me where, in April, 2023 the herds are any different than April 1993.

The mentality of "I'm gonna get mine", is the issue.

Be it "I'm gonna get my tag", or shooting some yearling cuz "I'm gonna get mine"

Instead of bitching at the DWR, get a campaign started to not shoot little deer, if your worried about more bucks.
Not to butt in but I can gladly show you an area where now is different than in 1993 cuz there's 100+ dead deer strung out along the hillside. That's just how many I personally counted. At Rock Cliff (Jordanelle) from the highway all the way down to the boat ramp. Wasatch County
Great suggestion on starting a campaign to not shoot little bucks. Even though I think it would help if the DWR were a little more conservative, It is always best to do something proactive instead of complain. Epic Outdoors is doing something like this. If you turn in an unpunched tag you are in for a number of prizes.

I wonder if we could do something like that on MM. I'm going to propose it and see what founder thinks, or maybe I could just start it myself. Hunters should shoot any buck that makes them happy especially young hunters. Maybe something like this could keep some of us off the trigger unless it's something we really really want. It could save quite a few bucks really.
This act of sending in an unpunched tag to show your ‘love’ of protecting the herds only works if the deadline is before the season starts.
The only tag I'll eat is a California tag. As a NR in every other state and paying the ransom every single year only to hope that in 5 more years, I may draw a decent tag....I will never pass a meat buck towards the end of the hunt. I think that is the difference between a trophy hunter and the rest of us.

I could see residents cutting up their tags because residents pay so much less in fees. Yes, all you residents should stand up and cut up your tags!! Do it! Do it in the name of conservation....because it will make a difference for next year.....or the year after that....or maybe the year after that.
If there were more bucks in the 22 4x4 plus range there be a lot more happy hunters (Pine Valley)
Does anyone know if I can send in 'unpunched' whitetail doe depredation tags - we get 30 a year and we can only process so many. Might see if I can get some more. :)
Hey hossy?

Gonna Mix You Up A Bowl of Soup You Ain't Gonna Like!

If The KING Would Give His Coveted PISSCUTTER Tag Up I'd Fix You The Nastiest Bowl Of Soup You've Ever Tasted!

But With His GREED You Ain't Gonna See A Video From Him!
What I Said hawky Wasn't Directed At You!

Niller Won't Give His PISSCUTTER Tag Up Not Even for one Year!

He Could Give It Up To hossy's request & Still Go Hunting With Friends & Family!

He Just Couldn't Kill That DINK Buck For One Season!

But Like I Said!

MONEY & GREED Rules Around This States Wildlife!

So if a guys wants to hunt with family and friends he is now considered greedy? Give me a break. ???

I’m happy to eat some tags. Can’t imagine cutting one up and not going? Nothing better than spending time in the hills. Not even showing up? That’s some masochistic crap right there. Might want to get ur head checked hoss
Does anyone know if I can send in 'unpunched' whitetail doe depredation tags - we get 30 a year and we can only process so many. Might see if I can get some more. :)

Not unpunched. Un hunted.

And, despite all the talking, you'd be the first video, ever
Hey hossy?

Gonna Mix You Up A Bowl of Soup You Ain't Gonna Like!

If The KING Would Give His Coveted PISSCUTTER Tag Up I'd Fix You The Nastiest Bowl Of Soup You've Ever Tasted!

But With His GREED You Ain't Gonna See A Video From Him!

I know. He's honest. He is unapologetic about wanting to hunt yearly. It's you closeted guys that need to step up
What I Said hawky Wasn't Directed At You!

Niller Won't Give His PISSCUTTER Tag Up Not Even for one Year!

He Could Give It Up To hossy's request & Still Go Hunting With Friends & Family!

He Just Couldn't Kill That DINK Buck For One Season!

But Like I Said!

MONEY & GREED Rules Around This States Wildlife!

No, no, no.

What you're wanting is tag cuts. So YOU stay home, along with your family and friends.

Simply do what you want others to do
I’m happy to eat some tags. Can’t imagine cutting one up and not going? Nothing better than spending time in the hills. Not even showing up? That’s some masochistic crap right there. Might want to get ur head checked hoss

My heads fine.

I'm not banging the drum for cuts.

Cuts mean someone DOESNT GO. So, let those screaming for cuts, NOT GO.

They need to be men of their belief.

I won't get a single taker, because the guys screaming for cuts, are every bit the opportunists we all are. They just virtue signal.

Like that girl you knew in HS who was banging the football team sat night, then sitting front row Sunday morning pointing fingers at the sinners.
Hey hossy!

I Don't Recall You Living Up To The BULLSSHIITTT You Preach!

You Wanna Hunt Your PISSCUTTERS Every Year!


I'd Bet You Could Send a BIG Donation To The DWR & They'd Be Glad To Take It!

That Way You Wouldn't Have To Worry About Them Going Broke with Not Enough Tag Sales!

You Want To Hunt Every Year!

But You Want Others To Buy Tags & Not Use Them!

If That Ain't The Best Description Of A HYPOCRITE I've Never Seen It!

Carry On With Your BS!
This turn of events in this thread is almost as good as someone asking for doe hunts to save Whoopi’s deer herd on the Henry’s!

Whoop, you really are something. Tristate has got nothing on you my friend.
If you done want to hunt,?Then don't hunt.
But why are a few of you ass holes trying to make the ones who still want to go out and have a good time doing what we live for feel guilty.
Back off!!!
Hey hossy!

I Don't Recall You Living Up To The BULLSSHIITTT You Preach!

You Wanna Hunt Your PISSCUTTERS Every Year!


I'd Bet You Could Send a BIG Donation To The DWR & They'd Be Glad To Take It!

That Way You Wouldn't Have To Worry About Them Going Broke with Not Enough Tag Sales!

You Want To Hunt Every Year!

But You Want Others To Buy Tags & Not Use Them!

If That Ain't The Best Description Of A HYPOCRITE I've Never Seen It!

Carry On With Your BS!

I do exactly as I preach yearly. In fact, I do it x3. I got a dedicated tag to guarantee I can hunt yearly.

I've never called for tag cuts, and as you know, have criticized the 150,000 cuts we've already taken, whenever I can.

You should ask Chapt GTP the definition of hypocrite. Doing exactly what I think others should do, isn't the answer.

You, and the others in your universe, HATE this challenge because it calls out your bullshit.

"I eat tags", is not anywhere near the same as "there shouldn't be tags to eat". You know you are exposed, same as the others, which is exactly why, you have tried for years to spin.

But, because I'm not grouchy, and your OG, I'll give you partial credit.

Post a screen shot of your draw summary this year. Let's see if you put in for deer.
If you done want to hunt,?Then don't hunt.
But why are a few of you ass holes trying to make the ones who still want to go out and have a good time doing what we live for feel guilty.
Back off!!!

They are virtue signaling.

They too will hunt yearly, they just want some credit for saying otherwise
If you done want to hunt,?Then don't hunt.
But why are a few of you ass holes trying to make the ones who still want to go out and have a good time doing what we live for feel guilty.
Back off!!!
If I draw my GS muzzy tag this year I am going to go with my little grandsons and shoot whatever I want, even if it only is a little forky.
That way I am saving a bigger Deer from getting killed.
I am not going to feel guilty at all, I am going to have a blast!
Hey hossy!

Your Memory Must Be Worse Than Mine!

There Was a HYPOCRITE Thread on Here Several Years Ago That Went On For Almost Ever!

It Was Decided:


Yes,Even You!

Yes,Even The KING!

You'd Best Get Your Prize Money Stored Up!

There Will Be A Day When You Have To Pony Up!

I do exactly as I preach yearly. In fact, I do it x3. I got a dedicated tag to guarantee I can hunt yearly.

I've never called for tag cuts, and as you know, have criticized the 150,000 cuts we've already taken, whenever I can.

You should ask Chapt GTP the definition of hypocrite. Doing exactly what I think others should do, isn't the answer.

You, and the others in your universe, HATE this challenge because it calls out your bullshit.

"I eat tags", is not anywhere near the same as "there shouldn't be tags to eat". You know you are exposed, same as the others, which is exactly why, you have tried for years to spin.

But, because I'm not grouchy, and your OG, I'll give you partial credit.

Post a screen shot of your draw summary this year. Let's see if you put in for deer.
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Hey hossy!

Your Memory Must Be Worse Than Mine!

There Was a HYPOCRITE Thread on Here Several Years Ago That Went On For Almost Ever!

It Was Decided:


Yes,Even You!

Yes,Even The KING!

You'd Best Get Your Prize Money Stored Up!

There Will Be A Day When You Have To Pony Up!

I'll hold my breath
After doing some reflecting and thinking about hossblurs points, (even though we don't agree on everything) he is probably right. I must admit, if I wasn't guaranteed to hunt every year I wouldn't be for tag cuts. That's the truth, and it's good to be able to admit when you're wrong.

Do I wish we had a higher bucks to doe ratios, absolutely, but I also get a tag every year or maybe my point of view would be different. Anyway, carry on time to get ready to go bear hunting ?.
After doing some reflecting and thinking about hossblurs points, (even though we don't agree on everything) he is probably right. I must admit, if I wasn't guaranteed to hunt every year I wouldn't be for tag cuts. That's the truth, and it's good to be able to admit when you're wrong.

Do I wish we had a higher bucks to doe ratios, absolutely, but I also get a tag every year or maybe my point of view would be different. Anyway, carry on time to get ready to go bear hunting ?.

Of course I'm right, I am a genius?
If there were more bucks in the 22 4x4 plus range there be a lot more happy hunters (Pine Valley)
Yes and a lot more hunters and point creep. That is the case and easy to see in any good deer unit in any state.

Can't make every unit in the state a limit entry unit. We all love more bigger bucks. Don't get me wrong.

However, I enjoy hunting more often then just tagging 180+ bucks if it came to a choice. I eat a lot of tags, but there is very few hunts that were not enjoyed and memorable. We still need opportunities for new hunters and general deer hunters. Not everyone is a trophy hunter. In fact it is a select group that tag 170+ bucks consistently. A lot more go for a opening weekend and call it a hunt.
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After doing some reflecting and thinking about hossblurs points, (even though we don't agree on everything) he is probably right. I must admit, if I wasn't guaranteed to hunt every year I wouldn't be for tag cuts. That's the truth, and it's good to be able to admit when you're wrong.

Do I wish we had a higher bucks to doe ratios, absolutely, but I also get a tag every year or maybe my point of view would be different. Anyway, carry on time to get ready to go bear hunting ?.
I gotta admit it does suck trying to finagle a tag every year somehow some way. I have **** planned out 5 years in advance or try to so I always have some form of a deer tag in either utard or another state. Keeps getting harder every year.
Yes and a lot more hunters and point creep. That is the case and easy to see in any good deer unit in any state.

Can't make every unit in the state a limit entry unit. We all love more bigger bucks. Don't get me wrong.

However, I enjoy hunting more often then just tagging 180+ bucks if it came to a choice. I eat a lot of tags, but there is very few hunts that were not enjoyed and memorable. We still need opportunities for new hunters and general deer hunters. Not everyone is a trophy hunter. In fact it is a select group that tag 170+ bucks consistently. A lot more go for a opening weekend and call it a hunt.
Great point
Schoolhousegrizz, this is exactly why you don’t see me calling for tag cuts. I want to hunt! I’d have to be a real PLICK to want tag cuts only for everyone else.

If one day the biologists told me hunting was a limiting factor in the health of our deer herds, I’d be the first to do what Hossy is asking here. But since it’s not, what kind of man am I if I’m asking for others to not be able to hunt so that I can?

But this is Hossy’s point year after year: for those asking for tag cuts, put your money where your mouth is. Get the tag you thought should have been reduced and then cut it up. It’s never happened, yet the usual suspects keep asking for the tag cuts.
Hey KING Niller!

Show The Whole World How Tough You Really Are & Do As hossy Says!

You'd Save The DRATville Deer Herd!

You'd Be Minus One PISSCUTTER But You'd Probably still Live & Be OK!

Schoolhousegrizz, this is exactly why you don’t see me calling for tag cuts. I want to hunt! I’d have to be a real PLICK to want tag cuts only for everyone else.

If one day the biologists told me hunting was a limiting factor in the health of our deer herds, I’d be the first to do what Hossy is asking here. But since it’s not, what kind of man am I if I’m asking for others to not be able to hunt so that I can?

But this is Hossy’s point year after year: for those asking for tag cuts, put your money where your mouth is. Get the tag you thought should have been reduced and then cut it up. It’s never happened, yet the usual suspects keep asking for the tag cuts.
Are you just being difficult or do you really not get it? Others seem to get it just fine, but you seem to be struggling to grasp the concept.
It's early. But the usual suspects, yapping about DWR greed, opportunists, tag #, have also been early and just as vocal.

SO, here it is. This is YOUR opportunity to STEP UP, and show everyone your COMMITMENT.

The DWR is financed almost completely through tags. So, they do need $ to function.

So, here it is.

Post YOUR VIDEO, of your 2023 deer(or any tag), that you acquired. Followed with you cutting it up, burning it, shredding it, etc. Fund the DWR with your app and tag fees, then DONT HUNT, like you keep telling others not to do.

SHOW US that commitment. SHOW US, that your not an internet bitcher, but an actual MAN OF ACTION.

Don't tell us you didn't shoot something. Don't tell us you hunted with the fam.

POST THAT VIDEO, OF CUT UP TAGS. For bonus points, post the vid of you NOT HUNTING, during the season of that tag, PERIOD.

Entrants will be judged against prior years entrants(in all the years I've issued the challenge, not ONE SINGLE DUDE, has ever done it), and will be eligible for a prize.


2023. Let's see those vids
As far as the most money is from the tags do you mean the auction tags as well or just the draw tags? because I think the app fees bring in some serious money as well
As far as the most money is from the tags do you mean the auction tags as well or just the draw tags? because I think the app fees bring in some serious money as well

Yeah they do. But I generally assume if NE is putting out big money to hunt Utah, they aren't whining about tag cuts.

But if they are, I welcome their videos as well.
Count me out

The time to try and make a difference is in the meetings where they make those decisions. Not happy with the decisions, holler louder next year. As a NR, I don’t have a voice in that.

I hope I get my elk tag this year and you can be D%%] sure I will be using it.

I realize deer are more the issue, but will be “shooting” for a deer tag in the coming years. If you cut deer tags before I get one, fine. But I won’t be worried about it when I hunt.
Count me out

The time to try and make a difference is in the meetings where they make those decisions. Not happy with the decisions, holler louder next year. As a NR, I don’t have a voice in that.

I hope I get my elk tag this year and you can be D%%] sure I will be using it.

I realize deer are more the issue, but will be “shooting” for a deer tag in the coming years. If you cut deer tags before I get one, fine. But I won’t be worried about it when I hunt.

Your honesty is noted and appreciated. Enjoy the opportunity Utah provides?
The limited-entry units are managed for a 23-35 to 100 buck to doe ratio. All of these limited-entry units have the ability to produce trophy bucks. So I think some of the general units would be good at 19-22 buck to doe ratio that’s a good range.
Honesty. Unlike a swath of dudes in here that claim to be all about "quality over opportunity", then hunt deer every year, you were honest.

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