35K Increase.


Active Member
Word on the street is that apps were up 35k this year in CO. Not sure how that's available already but that's just what I heard this morning?‍♂️.
Seems like a huge jump, but with woofs on the horizon, and “burn yer points” newberg calling for it who knows?
Where are all these people when we need to fight to protect the animals we love?
If those 35k are non-residents, they just contributed over $4 million dollars to the CPWD buying a small game license, habitat stamp, and cost to apply for a single species.
So if a person put in for 5 species for the first time, would that count for 1 or 5 “applicants”?

So if a person put in for 5 species for the first time, would that count for 1 or 5 “applicants”?

From what I’ve seen in most of their reports, it looks like individual transactions count as applicants. For all I know they count ATV renewals as applicants now. I’m sure they have much more complete data for internal use though.

This just came out a couple of days ago, so as usual I get to make up my own reality.

If those 35k are non-residents, they just contributed over $4 million dollars to the CPWD buying a small game license, habitat stamp, and cost to apply for a single species.
Sounds awesome in theory, but I don’t think CPW, at least the commission, is our friend. This is just more glut for them to say how they can’t regulate herds properly, since they need more money, it’s always more money. Funny how we aren’t getting more habitat or access out of this. I think the only redeeming thing polis has done is open up some STL’s, but with tons of money should be buying up habitat for animals…
Are they actually "brand new" applicants or is it people that have only been buying points that actually put in for hunt codes this year. Be interested to see if the points only applicant pool dropped in significant numbers
I am curious how many of those are people who formerly picked up an OTC elk tag, but now with many archery units going to a draw, maybe they are actually applying. I'm sure this doesn't account for all of the new applicants, but could explain some of them.
I'm not sure if apps means applicants or applications.

Either way, 35K increase would be low if you believe prior news stories of 50-70K increase in applicants in each year of the last few years.

Some of that is folks being sloppy with words and what counts as an application (each species, each CC transaction, etc..)

Had some people I work with (transplants) that want to start hunting and need a hunter safety card. All of the classes in
CO Springs and Pueblo were 100% booked in Feb. and March.
Had some people I work with (transplants) that want to start hunting and need a hunter safety card. All of the classes in
CO Springs and Pueblo were 100% booked in Feb. and March.
Snuck the old wife in a class but I signed her up last November… she was pissed; she hunted in AZ before, and thought it was silly that she had to do this for Co, she did say 90% of the class was kids and a few adults there
Didn't Montana experience something similar last year?

The big campaign about needing more licensed hunters a few years back was a huge lie. Numbers have been steadily increasing for years.
Had some people I work with (transplants) that want to start hunting and need a hunter safety card. All of the classes in
CO Springs and Pueblo were 100% booked in Feb. and March.

I thought everyone was just taking hunter ed courses from an online only state (eg Idaho) and then reciprocating that card to your state.

I believe all states will honor the Idaho online course even if courses taken in your state would have required an in class component.
These are all people who have never hunted before, but since moving to Colorado, they want to experience everything. Most have tried skiing and mountain biking and feel like hunting is next.
They have no idea about how the draw works or preference points. But all of them know someone who hunts OTC elk.
I doubt any of them will hunt more than a weekend. None of them realize how big the country is or will walk more than a couple of hundred yards from a road.
Could be the result of the new Wyoming Regs, 90% Res to 10% non-res I believe. People might be realizing that drawing a Wyoming tag is a dead end so they are applying in Colorado.
Everyone I know is done applying the big three in WY ( if your under prob 17/18 points it is a waste now, we will see if it changes to bonus draw of some type once they see how many applicants do not apply this year. That might be some of the reason for more apps. But CO is growing with transplants.
Could be the result of the new Wyoming Regs, 90% Res to 10% non-res I believe. People might be realizing that drawing a Wyoming tag is a dead end so they are applying in Colorado.
This! PPs in CO still get you in the woods in short order. Wy, 4-5 years for a general! It’s obvious why we’re seeing the increase.
This! PPs in CO still get you in the woods in short order. Wy, 4-5 years for a general! It’s obvious why we’re seeing the increase.

100%. People believe that 90/10 on all species will happen soon in WY. Whereas, 80/20 is the worst they hear about CO. And CO hopes to keep OTC and let you point collect at same time. Newbies are definitely picking CO. Even more than before.
Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and Utah had rough winters or down numbers. I think a lot of folks decided to try to burn their deer and elk points in Colorado this year.
I agree about the NW corner. But the rest of the state wasn’t publicized with the influencers like all of the other doom and gloom
I'd guess at least some of those folks see the writing on the wall, and that OTC elk hunting will likely be a thing of the past at least for NR hunters soon. Best to build a few points while still hunting the OTC when that time arrives.
We all keep talking about the “increase in popularity” of western hunting but also clearly see how the application process, odds, costs are getting so much more difficult, not to mention everyone involved seems to hate everyone else! I suspect a LOT of the new people just getting into it will give up sooner rather than later, there are just fewer opportunities to start and maintain this lifestyle for the more casual participant. It will never again get “better” than it is now, but we are probably going to have to plateau soon, otherwise why would these new applicants even bother.

Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

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