3rd Season strategy question. Mobility vs. Pressure


Very Active Member
I like many other mule deer hunters am excited to have that later 3rd season. So my question to the community is what is a better strategy. Stay more mobile and truck camp to be able to move around the unit? Or pack in with the tipi tent and focus on a couple drainages? I would guess that I will see almost no one and hunt unpressured deer. My unit in particular has better than average glassing, altitude from 11.4 down to 6.8 with everything from pine aspen mix with lots of open meadows, down to P&J in the lower country. I am familiar with the unit from elk and Turkey hunting but this is a first time having a buck rifle tag. I’m interested in hearing what more experienced mule deer hunters have to say.
There’s no way I would ever restrict myself to one area during a rut/migration hunt. Mobility, and looking over as many deer in the unit is the ticket during November, as there’s potentially a ton of movement from High to low during this exact time.

The only exception to this, would be if I KNOW for a fact, that the drainages up higher are a migration corridor funnel of some kind.

Move, Glass, move, glass, move some more…….
There’s no way I would ever restrict myself to one area during a rut/migration hunt. Mobility, and looking over as many deer in the unit is the ticket during November, as there’s potentially a ton of movement from High to low during this exact time.

The only exception to this, would be if I KNOW for a fact, that the drainages up higher are a migration corridor funnel of some kind.

Move, Glass, move, glass, move some more…….
☝️this 100%. Couldn't agree more
Stay mobile. The rut and weather play such a huge part of the deer movement and the rut can kick in overnight and change everything.
Thanks for the help, ended up having a shortened hunt and with a little luck and some buddies that helped me glass, I was able to tag a buck on limited time. Watched a group of 10 does for about 6 hours and finally turned up this guy

Thank you, biggest buck to date. The goal is to get a bigger one year after year and eventually I’ll get to the monster status

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