A 1st for NM


New Mexico finally scored a first place for something other than being first in the worst education system in the US. Sanctuary state, soft on crime, defund the police, felons out on bail and kill again, drugs everywhere. The Governor will tell you how good she is doing and how hard she is working and liberals will believe her. I remember when NM was a better place.
Yeah. I don't really want to leave but I may do so in a year or two. Work could get me into the SLC area of Utah, Hunstville Alabama or the space coast of FL pretty easily I think. Always El Paso too or around San Antonio. I'm not sure. We'll see. I hope NM gets better but I'm not very optimistic.
I saw that as well. And our communist governor thinks the cure is the remove guns from law abiding citizens and releasing repeat offenders. We have been discussing a move as well. NM was once a great state to live and raise a family. IDK anymore.
As some of you know I left NM last year after coming to grips with the fact that the state is spiraling out of control.

I couldn’t be happier with my new home state of Florida. It is shockingly different here day in and day out. My kids can play in the front yard, go in the grocery store without me, be sent down the road to fish.

Trust me, getting out of NM is worth the hassle. Anybody with a decent job can buy an elk hunt out west each year for the money they save not paying state income tax. Plus there is fishing everywhere!!
What you all just witnessed is Confirmation Bias. You all saw what you wanted to see and thought crime was more prevalent based on certain colors on a political map. When in reality, they're split 5/5 and both parties represent 3 of the Top 6; alternating back and forth between the two.

1. Washington (5)
2. Oregon (8)
3. California (9)
4. Colorado (3)
5. New Mexico (1)

1. Alaska (7)
2. Missouri (10)
3. Arkansas (4)
4. Louisiana (2)
5. Tennessee (6)

Maybe think about that next time you watch the news, read your social media feed, or interpret data.
^I don't think anyone is surprised by Louisiana and Tennessee and Missouri (New Orleans, Memphis, and St. Louis).

I guess Alaska and Arkansas are interesting. I'm not sure why those are so bad but I've never been to either one.
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As some of you know I left NM last year after coming to grips with the fact that the state is spiraling out of control.

I couldn’t be happier with my new home state of Florida. It is shockingly different here day in and day out. My kids can play in the front yard, go in the grocery store without me, be sent down the road to fish.

Trust me, getting out of NM is worth the hassle. Anybody with a decent job can buy an elk hunt out west each year for the money they save not paying state income tax. Plus there is fishing everywhere!!View attachment 145611
You ever hunt deer over there?
Of course the MSM had to throw in 5 republican states.
What a joke! If a person still believes what they see by a Soros ran organization that person will never wake up to the reality that we’re in . This is what the elites allow us to see!
Tennessee ? Give me a break 🤣 unfortunately,leaving right now isn’t in the cards . If my parents were on board to leave I’d be in Oklahoma in the blink of an eye, because contrary to BS polls red states are ran better and I’m not talking about RINO lead states either.
Truth is buckle up cuz here shortly we’re going to be in for a bumpy ass ride!
5 million illegals that we know of have come through the southern border in the last three years a majority being military aged men! We’ve been infiltrated, compliments of the U.S. federal government! NM TOTALLY COMPLICIT ALONG WIT ARIZONA.
I’m not totally convinced governor Abot wasn’t compromised as well . Only took 3 years for him to do something about it.
Make no mistake the enemy is here .
There’s no longer Republican or Democrat. Hell , the uniparty is alive and well .
It’s good VS evil.
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As some of you know I left NM last year after coming to grips with the fact that the state is spiraling out of control.

I couldn’t be happier with my new home state of Florida. It is shockingly different here day in and day out. My kids can play in the front yard, go in the grocery store without me, be sent down the road to fish.

Trust me, getting out of NM is worth the hassle. Anybody with a decent job can buy an elk hunt out west each year for the money they save not paying state income tax. Plus there is fishing everywhere!!View attachment 145611

Same friggin story has been told how many times now? Florida is heaven on Earth and NM is uninhabitable. It’s getting old.
^I don't think anyone is surprised by Louisiana and Tennessee and Missouri (New Orleans, Memphis, and St. Louis).

I guess Alaska and Arkansaw are interesting. I'm not sure why those are so bad but I've never been to either one.
Alcohol + Native villagers + no job to wake up for + 8 months of winter with not much to do but spend your welfare and PFD check + a low population to skew the data = that’s how AK shows up on this list.
A lot of the Arkansas stats come from West Memphis ( spillover from across the river in Memphis ) and Little Rock is not what it used to be either. But I was surprised to see it in the top 10. The dirty south is what it is. It gets hot and people do not act right, lol
What you all just witnessed is Confirmation Bias. You all saw what you wanted to see and thought crime was more prevalent based on certain colors on a political map. When in reality, they're split 5/5 and both parties represent 3 of the Top 6; alternating back and forth between the two.

1. Washington (5)
2. Oregon (8)
3. California (9)
4. Colorado (3)
5. New Mexico (1)

1. Alaska (7)
2. Missouri (10)
3. Arkansas (4)
4. Louisiana (2)
5. Tennessee (6)

Maybe think about that next time you watch the news, read your social media feed, or interpret data.
Why don’t you dive a little deeper next time? What do the mayors of the biggest (most crime) cities in Missouri, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee have in common?

Want to guess? Oh come on grizz take a stab at it, no pun intended,

Ok, I’ll save you some google research…..the biggest cities in those “republican” states are run by democrats! So, even though they are listed on the right, the mayors, DA, and city councils of these crime ridden cities are democrat run. Hmmmm, you wanted to see the same colors as well.
Why don’t you dive a little deeper next time? What do the mayors of the biggest (most crime) cities in Missouri, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee have in common?

Want to guess? Oh come on grizz take a stab at it, no pun intended,

Ok, I’ll save you some google research…..the biggest cities in those “republican” states are run by democrats! So, even though they are listed on the right, the mayors, DA, and city councils of these crime ridden cities are democrat run. Hmmmm, you wanted to see the same colors as well.
Haha, so now everybody who jumped on the "most dangerous states are blue" train without actually counting the states on the map they were using to justify their position... were actually looking through the red states at the invisible blue cities within the red states on the very map they misread. Got it.

Either that... OR your confirmation bias is SOOO bad that you're trying to find new ways to confirm your own bias.

Some people will look at my comment, see the states are actually evenly divided and look introspectively at themselves and their initial reaction. Others won't.

You can keep your negative feelings and anger. One person's penchant for trying to find things to make them upset doesn't bother me at all. Carry on.


PS. I fully agree that liberal cities are FAR worse run. But if you looked at that map and "noticed" that the most crime ridden states were Democratic, you may want to examine your preconceived bias... because that map doesn't say that at all. It literally says they're equal.

Frankly, it could be a test question to examine one's own bias, but it proves nothing on a geopolitical scale.

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