Amazing Utah DNR/UDW employee must read


Active Member
I dont know how to start this story but here it goes. My son drew a rifle kamas tag and we headed up to are area friday to scout before the opener. I had been to this area many times before so i just wanted him to see the area before opening morning. We hike in a couple miles look around made a plan for the morning and head out to make camp. After camp we head back to the parking area to do some glassing, when a blue subaru forester pulls up and out steps a guy in a DNR uniform. He looks around and proceeds to take out a target and head up the hill. It looks like he is going to sight in his rifle. When he gets back to his vehicle I ask are you really going to shoot right here and just before the opening day? he says yes. I almost lost it right there. I asked him if he was an employee of the utah division of wildlife? he says yes. I say well i believe I just read yor website where it says to know your firearm and sight your rifle well before the hunt not the night before. I tell him I have my son here with a tag to hunt this area in the morning and this activity is not going to help. he replies well there is limited space in this area and i need to shoot my gun. the man was very rude and did not care about anything or anyone but himself. i told him he was not making a very good example of a DNR employee to my son sitting right next to me. It took all the excitement of opening day right away from my son he wanted to go home right then. we sat in the truck dumb founded by this guys actions the guy did shoot his rifle and mind you this was about 5:30PM when the deer usually funnel back into the area. i was amazed at this guys ignorance. i also asked him what he learned about hunter safety and he just went on with what he was doing. a true class act . i wanted to call him names and so on but what really got to me was the next day after the morning hunt i noticed a sign posted that said no shooting within 600 feet of the fenced area and he shot from the fenced area. do i have a case to turn him in or did i mess up by not seeing the sign at the time of his actions? For the DNR employee if you read this i hope you feel good about the appearence you made to me my son and the guy in the silver vehicle up there. i was truly amazed at your behavior its all my son could talk about all weekend. i have the guys name and his license plate number anyone here have any ideas? Sorry for the long post but i wanted you to here the whole story. We hunted anyway and took a few good memories with us but one bad one that i will never forget!

Got an Idea!

Post His name Up!

He Drives a LEZBARU Huh?

Only in TARDville!

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
Sorry to hear about that. If that area doesn't pan out for you, let me know. I hunted the Kamas unit this year and killed my buck on the opener. I'd be willing to help out if you need it.
Sorry to hear about your experience, but I am glad that you took the time to post it up. This sounds so bizarre that it appears as if he were intentionally interfering with your hunt. At the very least, I would report him to DNR and hope for a slap on the wrist.
>i really doubt it was intentional
>i think it was just
>plain ignorance and a lack
>of character

As in Maybe:

You Obey the Rules but I work for the DNR and I'll do as I Please?

Slap on the Wrist?

TARDville Ethics at their Best!

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
Put on you big boy panties and quit your whining. Are you so sensitive you going to let an incident like this ruin your hunt?? Is this what you want to teach your son, that anytime someone does something the least bit offensive or annoying to you run home and cry about it on the internet??

I'm not saying the DWR guy showed good judgment, but C'mon, throwing a temper tantrum like a 2 year old over it?? Let the anger go and get over it.
jezz kevin , the guy has a right to be pissed,,,you work for the fish cops or what,,,?
If you have that much information, a sign that said he shouldn't be shooting there, and a son who would testify, go after his job.

Years ago I had a DWR warden and his friend shoot ducks from the back of his pickup over our decoys. When I got out of the blind and headed for him. He and his buddy took off before I could get close enough to see who it was or get a license plate No. I thought I knew who it was, but never approached him about it.
>Put on you big boy panties
>and quit your whining. Are
>you so sensitive you going
>to let an incident like
>this ruin your hunt?? Is
>this what you want to
>teach your son, that anytime
>someone does something the least
>bit offensive or annoying to
>you run home and cry
>about it on the internet??
>I'm not saying the DWR guy
>showed good judgment, but C'mon,
>throwing a temper tantrum like
>a 2 year old over
>it?? Let the anger go

My first thought was along the same line, just not so rude and inappropriate. I doubt the boy would know to talk and complain about it all weekend were not the behavior modeled for him at that time and likely previously. An opportunity to demonstrate making the best of a situation made bad by a dolt's poor decision was lost. The weekend hs come and gone. And you're STILL complaining about it???

There is A LOT of area in Kamas, most untouched by boots to which one could have relocated.
again dont know where start but im not whinning we hunted anyway we put in a lot of miles on our boots not atvs. my son is a 16yr old who is very smart and works hard at everything he does. it was unfortunate for this to happen.. people on here always talk about mishaps in the field just thgought i would share mine. i am over with it and my life will go on and so will my sons. i just didnt think it was right for someone who workds for our wildlife department to act in that way i kept my cool through the whole ordeal, and you all can say what you want i knew i was going to get bashed by some one here. bottom line it justed wasnt right and thats my point. like it lor leave it.
Good grief guy's. I agree with Kevin. Shooting a gun the day before likly didn't make any difference on the deer hunt. There has been elk hunters and grouse hunters for the past couple weeks blazing away. The DWR should have been more friendly and considerate. Doubt he willingly broke any laws. Don't let a little thing like that ruin a good time with your boy.
I bet he went up to post that no shooting sign and before he did, he decided to fire off a few rounds. After he was done, he posted the sign and left. LOL...

The Elk hunts just ended on Thursday, so I am sure there were shots still going on throughout that whole week. I don't think that any of his shots would cause the deer to retreat to another location or become any more spooked then they currently were, unless they were being shot at. Deer in the mountains and deserts hear gun shots year round, just as they hear vehicles year round which makes it kind of normal for them. Since there is the archery, muzzle, and elk hunts before the rifle deer hunt, there really is not a great time to go sight in a rifle without interfering with a hunt of some kind.

I bet if you saw him shooting and just kept driving, your son would have had an awesome weekend. But after speaking to him and him disrespecting you and your son by acting the way he did, it put a real damper on the weekend. If this shooting was during the opening weekend, it would be a different story. Next time just keep your foot on the gas.
"I say well i believe I just read yor website where it says to know your firearm and sight your rifle well before the hunt not the night before. I tell him I have my son here with a tag to hunt this area in the morning and this activity is not going to help. he replies well there is limited space in this area and i need to shoot my gun. the man was very rude and did not care about anything or anyone but himself. i told him he was not making a very good example of a DNR employee to my son sitting right next to me. It took all the excitement of opening day right away from my son he wanted to go home right then. we sat in the truck dumb founded by this guys actions the guy did shoot his rifle and mind you this was about 5:30PM when the deer usually funnel back into the area. i was amazed at this guys ignorance."

All that IS WHINING!!
HNTNFSH, that would make me a little upset as well. I think the DWR we have now is nothing like the helpful, friendly, people we had 5 to 10 years ago. All they are is Want A Be Cops and know little about Fish and Game. Having said that I think going to 25 plus units is the best thing the DWR has done, probably ever.
it was across the cattle guard at the kamas wmu and we were parked when that vehicle pulled up. we had a good weekend just started not so great, but looking forward to this coming weekend in another part of the unit.
I've been told before that all those WMA parking lots are closed to shooting within 600 ft. Not sure if that's the case there or not
Seriously? Go after his job? For what? Maybe not the best judgment but I agree with what's been said about the elk hunt ending and it not affecting your hunt. Lets ruin some guys life And livelihood because you feel entitled to a spot or a deer. Come on. Suck it up and grow a pair. Teach your son stuff happens that's beyond your control and get over if. Not that when stuff goes wrong its someone else's fault and they should pay with their job. Leg me guess, he should kiss your fest because you pay his salary?
If it was on public land than he has a right to shoot his gun whether you are there or not. If it was posted no shooting than I would give fish & game his name & number with the incident and let them handle it. I wouldn't have liked it either, but public land is for everybody to enjoy not just for you because you have a deer tag. We were archery elk hunting in Arizona in September in a awesome area, and guys were target practicing with a pistol oh well what are you gonna do its public land.
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