America: A Nation Unprepared!



LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-09 AT 12:33PM (MST)[p] The once great United States of America has become a nation in desperate trouble, not only among all the other nations but also with Almighty God. Gross sin, graft, corruption, deception, and every form of evil have taken root in every enterprise and endeavor, and there is no soundness left in the institutions of government, banking, commerce, education, and religion. We are a nation totally unprepared for the future, including the ambiguous change promised by Barack Hussein Obama. More urgently, this nation is totally unprepared to meet Almighty God, who will soon come forth with final judgment!

There was a time, not that long ago, when the United States of America was the crown jewel of the world. Immediately after World War II, the United States contained only six percent of the world's population, but controlled eighty-five percent of the world's wealth! What happened? How could a nation that had become so great fall to the depths of poverty and bankruptcy that it is now in? The answer is simple: evil and conspiratorial forces in high places wanted it to happen and gained the power to make it happen. We must remember the words of the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, an illuminist and 32nd degree Freemason, who said, "If it happens, you can bet that we planned it that way."

The ultimate objective of the conspirators is one-world government, which is only possible with a one-world money system. The current money systems of the world, especially the economy of the United States, must be sabotaged to supply the excuse to implement a new economic system of cashless, computerized commerce and exchange. Meanwhile, wars and commotions continue to reshape the international order while people are held in check by fear of terrorism and dare not raise a voice against the prevailing powers of satanic governance, which oversees the entire operation. Our current conditions are not by accident, nor are they by chance!

None of the above is a surprise to Almighty God. He foretold this through many of His prophets long ago. The powers of antichrist are hard and fast at work to bring forth the mark of the beast, which will demand total subservience to Satan himself. This is the change that Barack Hussein Obama is talking about, and it is nigh upon us. Large numbers of people are now throwing their hands up and saying what can I do? There is something you can and must do! First of all, if you do not personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, surrender you life to Him now in sincere prayer. He will hear you and prepare your heart to meet Him when He returns to this earth. Do it now before it is too late! Then, watch and pray and be vocal to others about what is happening, why it is happening, and what is soon to come! Even if only one person speaks out and declares the truth, then that thought lives. God will bless you and you will become very close to the Lord Jesus Christ!

Obama's New Age of Aquarius!

On January 20th, 2009, an event is scheduled to take place which the Wall Street Journal is calling "Washington's Woodstock." The original Woodstock was the infamous rock concert that took place over three decades ago with its wild orgies, drugs, marijuana, and numerous rock bands. Now, the inauguration of Barack Obama is being given the same name because of the countless rock stars and Hollywood celebrities that are planning to be there. Night clubs are setting up tents to expand their capacity for the wild revelers. (1) The city of Washington, D.C., is also making a special allowance and waiving the laws regarding closing times for sin businesses. Nightclubs, bars, strip joints, and other such evil establishments will be allowed to operate all night until 5:00 A.M. for the Obama occasion. (2) In addition to all of that and just in time for the inaugural rock fest, the Vatican issued a full and official forgiveness to the late John Lennon, the member of the Beatles who publicly declared, "The Beatles are more famous than Jesus Christ." That statement was made by Lennon in 1966, and now, forty-two years later, the Vatican decided to condone the declaration. (3)

The inauguration takes place on a day that is of vital importance in the world of witchcraft and occultism. Astrology is the time clock of Satan and his kingdom of demons, and it is impossible to practice witchcraft without it. January 20th, the day when Obama moves into his position of power, is the very day when the sun moves into the sign of Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac. The hit song called "Aquarius" by the Fifth Dimension told the entire story of the day that would come that would bring change for a thousand years. Adolph Hitler also claimed that the Third Reich would last for a thousand years. Officially, it lasted only thirteen years and ended on the eve of Beltaine, the druid witches' New Year sabat.

We must also bear in mind that the word inauguarate comes from the ancient Latin language of the old Roman Empire. In ancient Rome there were soothsayers called augurs who were invested with evil spirits and could supposedly declare the future. From the word augur came the word inaugurate, which literally means to take omens. In European nations the monarchs and heads of nations were always crowned by some kind of religious leader such as the Pope, a Cardinal, the Archbishop of Canterbury, or another religious official. That way, the impression was given that none would dare question the authority of the "crowned one", because the crown was placed by a supposed representative of God. Obama has chosen his so-called "holy man" to do the job. It is the immensely popular Rick Warren, the pastor of a mega church and author of the book A Purpose-Driven Life. Warren is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which is the Illuminati in the United States. Warren also admitted in an interview that he loves hard rock music. Although Warren claims to be "anti-gay" and "pro-life", it is all a front because Obama is very pro-gay rights and pro-abortion. Why would Warren support him if he had true convictions on these issues? This is the man who was handpicked by Obama to be the officiating "holy man" as he takes omens and heads for the Oval Office!

Are our elected officials truly prepared to lead? I wonder how many of them have ever read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States. I wonder how many of them can name at least half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence from memory. Here let it be noted that a test of thirty-three questions related to civic knowledge was given to our elected officials by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. The questions were regarding how the government works. The average score of our high officials was 44 percent, which is a solid "F." Dr. Josiah Bunting of the National Civil Literacy Board at ISI made the following comment, "How can political leaders make informed decisions if they don't understand the American experience?" (4)

President-elect Barack Obama rose to power within the Chicago political machine, which is known to work with the corrupt underworld crime elements. The Chicago politicians are notorious for being as crooked as a barrel of fishhooks. The current intrigue with Illinois Governor Blagojevich is one example of the environment from which Obama came. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan asked the high court to declare the Governor unfit. (5) Very soon we will see that the governance of Obama is even more deranged and evil! Obama declared that he had no contact with the Illinois governor, but it has now been proven that he used his chosen White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, to interact with the governor. (6)

We must also note that Obama reportedly went to three intense counseling sessions with New Hampshire Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson. Robinson is an outspoken flaming red-hot homosexual. (7)

On December 1st, 2008, Barack Obama announced that he has nominated his choice for Secretary of State to also be one of the heads of his National Security Team. (8) Hillary Clinton will help to oversee the new Gestapo, which will enforce compliance to Obama's directives. What is left of privacy is soon to be a thing of the past as the new National Security Team, involving many thousands of new government security agents, are everywhere. As a back up to the NST, the Pentagon is planning to have 20,000 troops on ready alert to police the civilian population of the United States. (9)

Hillary Clinton is soon to hold the powerful office of Secretary of State of the United States of America. This is the woman who admitted that she held s?ances in the White House solarium with the mystic Jean Houston and would speak to famous dead people such as Eleanor Roosevelt. (10) I have no doubt that Hillary Clinton is a witch of the first magnitude at least to the fourth level of Wicca.

On December 3rd, 2008, the Washington Post reported that Barack Obama has sent out "teams of ten," wearing yellow badges, to swarm into government offices uninvited. These teams are seizing upon records and vital information from the Pentagon to the National Council on Disability. (11) It appears that this aggressive action is similar to the violent takeover so common in Communist countries.

When Barack Obama went to Berlin, Germany, to address the German people during his campaign, it was no accident, but rather by design that he stood at the monument in the center of the Tiergarten and lifted his arm in a Hitler-like salute. Just below this Tiergarten is a vast network of tunnels that were built for Hitler by the architect Albert Speer. (12) Hitler had plans to declare Berlin as the "Capital of the World", and the spot where Obama made his speech marked the place that represented underground or clandestine world dictatorship in a new world order; three words often used by Adolph Hitler.

Berlin, Germany, had another attraction for Barack Obama. During the 1880's, German archaeologists were in the ancient city of Pergamos where they found the massive altar of Zeus. They offered to buy the altar from the Ottoman Moslem rulers, and upon purchasing it, they moved the structure to Berlin where it was fully restored. It now resides in a museum in Berlin, Germany. This altar of Zeus is the very seat of Satan! In Revelation 2:12-13, we read as follows: "And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth." These words were written to the early Christians of Pergamos and were spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ. Incidentally, Antipas was a true martyr back in those days, but his name carries a great prophetic significance. The name Antipas is a contacted form of anti-papas, or those who oppose the Pope or papal rule.

When Barack Obama visited Berlin, Germany, he no doubt visited the altar of Zeus, or Satan's seat, because he designed a replica of this altar and seat of Satan from which he made his rousing speech launching his Democratic candidacy. Remember the strange columns he stood in front of? They were made of staging materials and styrofoam, but the design and effect were still there. It was the altar of Zeus and seat of Satan.

On November 27th, 2008, Barack Obama was asked the question regarding the vision for change and where the change would be. Obama quickly stated, "I am the change, the change comes from me." (13) We are made to wonder who this strange one is, and what is his real agenda? According to Islamic tradition, there was an Islamic Imam who was the Prophet Mohammed's cousin and son-in-law. His name was Ali Ibn Abi-Talib. This man gave the following prophecy: "At the end of times, and just before the return of the Mahdi, a tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West; commanding the strongest army on earth. The new ruler in the West will carry a clear sign from the third Imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali ." (14) Strangely enough, the name Obama in the Persian language means "He is with us."

With all of this in mind, my attention was jolted by an article featured in the Baltimore Sun newspaper on November 30th, 2008, with the following headline: "Codes for Armageddon: A New President to Hold Nuclear Launch 'Football.'" The article told of an event which is to take place immediately after the inauguration of Obama, scheduled for January 20th, 2009. George W. Bush, along with a military officer, will accompany Barack Hussein Obama to the White House. In the White House, a small leather-bound metal briefcase known as the "football" will be handed to Obama. Inside the briefcase, according to the article, are "the codes to identify and authenticate a presidential order that could launch nuclear weapons and ignite a global holocaust." (15) What is awaiting the new commander-in-chief? Only God knows exactly how long it will be until the final prophecies are fulfilled and this present world ends. Bible prophecy is being fulfilled every day. We have been and are being warned. We are also commanded to watch and pray!

The Economic Blood of the Beast!

It has been said that "money is the lifeblood of a nation." If we follow through with that analogy, we can say that in a global economy, he who controls the money controls the world. We know from Revelation 13:11-18 that the second beast brings forth the final economy, and it is universally imposed upon all the people in the world. Verse 17 of that chapter clearly states the following: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." In order for this to happen, all the economies of the world must merge into one. To make that happen, the present economies must be brought into deep trouble and crumble in order to induce the people of the world to accept the new system. This new world money system will be the very lifeblood of the beast government of Antichrist.

Is it really happening? On December 1st, 2008, the London Daily Telegraph featured a headline story entitled "World Stability Hangs by a Thread as Economies Continue to Unravel." The story tells of worldwide collapse as economies everywhere on earth are in deep trouble. The writer described the once strong economies of the nations as being like stars that have fallen to the earth. It also states that in America, U.S. Treasury bills, the safe haven for money, have fallen to a 0.02 percent yield. This yield is less than zero after costs. (16) This means that people are giving their money to the government for nothing in return and are asking only that the government will promise to give it back.

On November 9th, 2008, Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown made a stunning speech at the Lord Mayor's banquet in London. In the speech, Brown said, "Now is the time to build a global society." He also said, "Britain, the United States, and Europe are key to forging a new world order." (17) Truly, the ten-horned beast of Revelation, chapter 13, is rapidly rising. Gordon Brown and others of his ilk are also secretly pushing to have Britain join the euro currency community, which would be the demise of the British pound. The euro community is fully expecting this to happen. (18)

In the United States, conditions are rapidly deteriorating. Jim Rogers, one of the world's most prominent international investors, declared that most big U.S. banks are totally bankrupt. Rogers, who is a commodities expert, has recently exited dollar-dominated assets. (19)

We know that nearly two years ago, the Federal Government began to refuse to publish or disclose the M-3 index, which tells us the total money supply. Now the Federal Reserve refuses to disclose the recipients of two trillion dollars in emergency loans. (20) We must remember that the Federal Government often uses the word "loans" to describe its hand-out money, but there is no expectation of repayment. If recipients are already in trouble to the tune of many billions of dollars, how will they ever get so far ahead of the break-even point that they would be able to repay the government? It is like loaning money to hobos on the street. With all of the bailouts, obligations, and commitments considered, the Federal Government is now in hock for over five trillion dollars! (21) This is more than the entire cost for all of World War II, which was just over four trillion dollars, if costs are adjusted for inflation. (22) In addition to that, the numbers keep going up. On November 24th, 2008, Bloomberg News Service reported that the pledges of the United States to ease frozen credit have now topped 7.7 trillion dollars. (23) This vast amount is equal to approximately two-thirds of our existing national debt.

We are living in a time when almost every bank, institution, corporation, and even state and city governments are crying for a bailout! How do you bail out a sinking ship that is this large? Where is the money to come from? The state of California has declared that they will be out of money by February 2009 and will be in a 15 billion dollar hole! (24) The state of New York is also broke, according to Governor David Paterson, who has brought forth a plan to impose eighty-eight new taxes and fees on New Yorkers. There will also be layoffs of state workers and a notable reduction in services. (25)

The United States Treasury continues to bail out our largest banks, and they are still in trouble. Twenty-one mega-banks received 33.56 billion dollars recently. The Federal Government is actually buying into these banks as part owners. (26) Eventually, the government will own everything, including all banks, industry, airlines, and so on. I can say that in twenty-eight years of watching, praying, and researching, I have never seen conditions as desperate as they are right now. The giant Bank of America Corp. announced on December 12th, 2008, that they are eliminating 35,000 jobs. (27) The massive Citigroup Bank announced the elimination of 53,000 jobs, and even though they are down-sizing by 20 percent, they remain in deep trouble. (28) Clients of Citigroup recently became very anxious when they could not access account information or only portions of information. The banks gave the excuse that the computers were down and they didn't know why! (29) This went on for days and may not yet be resolved!

On November 26th, 2008, the FDIC added another fifty-four banks to its "problem list." (30) Meanwhile, the working men and women of our nation are losing their jobs at a rapid rate. There are now ten million people out of work with little hope of obtaining a new job. (31) On November 23rd, 2008, President-elect Barack Obama warned that millions more jobs will be lost in the year 2009. One of his biggest concerns about the economy was the falling price spiral. (32) Here let it be noted that one of the primary characteristics of a depression is that prices drop very low, but people don't have the money to buy anything. This condition is now developing at breakneck speed. The next meltdown is expected to be a mortgage crisis in commercial properties. Watch for stores, businesses, and shopping malls to close their doors for good. (33)

The Detroit "big three" automakers have occupied the news lately when the U.S Congress refused to bail them out. The automakers began to cry out that their survival was a national security issue, (34) so President Bush arranged for General Motors and Chrysler to receive bailout money from the funds Congress designated for banks a few months ago. How poorly are these companies managed? When the union was asked to accept a cut in pay for the workers, it was proven that even if every auto worker would work for no pay at all, the companies still couldn't make it. This was reported on CNN News on December 10th, 2008. We must also remember that two-thirds of all U.S. corporations pay no federal taxes at all! (35) Top executives have paid themselves so many hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses, and it's all at the expense of the American people. The executives have grabbed all the money they could and went running for the tall grass. When we think of such thieves as Jesse James, Bonny and Clyde, John Dillinger, and others, we must think of them as petty thieves compared to the business executives of America and their willing stooges in Washington who perform like trained seals for them! There are numerous reports about these "distressed" executives by the hundreds partying at some of the most expensive night clubs in New York. They are seen swilling martinis and banqueting like there is no tomorrow. (36)

What is all of this leading up to? A prominent Russian professor recently predicted that once the ultimate crash occurs in the United States, the nation will fracture into six parts. Dr. Igor Panarin named the six divisions as follows: "the Pacific coast, the South, Texas, the Atlantic coast, the central states, and the northern states." He also stated that each area will be dominated by a different ethnic group. (37) Will it really happen? Only God knows for sure because He has the final say on all things!

Marshalling the Forces for World War III

There are so many signs of the times, and our world is rapidly approaching World War III, also known as Armageddon. Barack Obama has been warned of a nuclear Iran, and the entire Middle East is ready to explode into war. (38) Russian warships are now in Venezuela doing naval war exercises with the Venezuelan Navy. (39) President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has ordered the U.S. ambassador out of his country. (40) This is customary just before a war. The oil-rich country of Venezuela is also purchasing combat planes from Red China. (41) We also know that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev recently visited Venezuela and then Cuba. (42) On December 4th, 2008, a Russian warship was headed for the Panama Canal, (43) and more Russian warships were headed for Cuba. (44) Quite obviously, something is going on that will soon manifest itself. Is Barack Obama ready for all of this? There will be much more on this subject in the February issue of the Last Trumpet.

The Voice of God's Creation!

The Bible warns us of great signs that would take place in God's creation as the end of the world draws near. In Luke 21:10-11 we read of these as follows: "Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." We are certainly living during the time of these signs! As of the time of this writing, there have been 249 significant earthquakes worldwide within the past thirty days. These quakes are at least magnitude 4 in strength. The news media says very little about this subject. As the Scripture says, there are many fearful sights, and they come in many forms.

The United States of America is now going through one of the strangest and most intense winters of all time. Freak storms have left significant snow amounts in places like Texas; Las Vegas, Nevada; and even Malibu, California. Intense ice storms have left millions of people without power, and temperatures were as cold as thirty degrees below zero, Fahrenheit, in some parts of the country. Blizzards of heavy snow have crippled much of the country, and winds in excess of forty miles per hour have caused snow drifts to block major highways. It seems that our entire nation has already experienced the hardships of a severe winter, and at the time of this writing, winter has not even officially begun. From Washington to New York, extreme winter weather has hammered our nation. (45) Conditions are not normal.

There is also trouble in the heavens above, just as the Bible said there would be. On November 26th, 2008, AFP News Service reported that experts are calling for a global network to prevent asteroid disasters. The Association of Space Explorers presented a report to the United Nations on November 25th, 2008, entitled, "Asteroid Threats, a Call for Global Response." The report indicated that there are now over 6,000 cosmic objects circulating around our planet, and 1,000 of these have a diameter of 93 miles or more. If even one of these hit the earth, it would bring catastrophic damage, such as fires and tsunamis. (46) When I read this, I was reminded of Revelation 6:13-14, which reads as follows: "And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."

Scientists are also baffled because the heliosphere, the protective shield of energy that surrounds our solar system, has weakened by 25 percent over the past ten years. Thus, the sun's protective bubble of solar wind is greatly diminished, and this leaves the earth vulnerable to intense stellar radiation. (47) Indeed, our Lord is coming!

In conclusion, I would like to urge everyone to pray. God will bless you as you pray. Always remember that there is a God in heaven who hears you when you call upon Him. He will answer your prayers.

David J. Meyer

01. The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 21, 2008, by John Jurgensen & Jamin Brophy Warren, New York, NY.
02. The Washington Times, Dec. 3, 2008, by Michael Drost & Timothy Warren, Washington, D.C.
03. Reuters News Service, Nov. 23, 2008, Vatican City.
04. AFP News Service, Nov. 20, 2008, Washington, D.C.
05. Associated Press, Dec. 12, 2008, by Christopher Wills, Springfield, IL.
06. Fox News Service, Dec. 11, 2008, Chicago, IL.
07. The London Times, Nov. 21, 2008, London, England, UK.
08. The London Daily Telegraph, Dec. 1, 2008, by Alex Spillius, Washington, D.C.
09. The Washington Post, Dec. 1, 2008, by Spencer S. Hsu & Ann Scott Tyson, Washington, D.C.
10. Associated Press, Nov. 8, 2008, by Kevin Freking, Washington, D.C.
11. The Washington Post, Dec. 3, 2008, by Shailagh Murray & Carol D. Lennig, Washington, D.C.
12. Melbourne MX News, Aug. 26, 2008, Melbourne, Australia.
13. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nov. 27, 2008, AP, Washington, D.C.
14. The Free Republic, Oct. 26, 2008,
15. The Baltimore Sun, Nov. 30, 2008, by David Wood, Baltimore, MD.
16. The London Daily Telegraph, Nov. 30, 2008, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, London, England, U.K.
17. Reuters News Service, Nov. 9, 2008, London, England, U.K.
18. AFP News Service, Nov. 30, 2008, London, England, U.K.
19. Reuters News Service, Dec. 11, 2008, by Jonathan Stemper, New York, NY.
20. Bloomberg News Service, Dec. 12, 2008, by Mark Pittman, Washington, D.C.
21. Forbes Magazine, Nov. 12, 2008, by Elizabeth Moyer, Washington, D.C.
22. CNBC News, Nov. 18, 2008, Washington, D.C.
23. Bloomberg News Service, Nov. 24, 2008, by Mark Pittman & Bob Ivry, Washington, D.C.
24. Reuters News Service, Dec. 5, 2008, by Jim Christie, San Francisco, CA.
25. New York Daily News, Dec. 17, 2008, by Kenneth Lovett & Glenn Slain, Albany, NY.
26. Associated Press, Nov. 18, 2008, Washington, D.C.
27. Reuters News Service, Dec. 11, 2008, by Jonathan Stemper & Dan Wilchins, New York, NY.
28. Associated Press, Nov. 18, 2008, New York, NY.
29. Associated Press, Dec. 17, 2008, New York, NY.
30. Associated Press, Nov. 25, 2008, by Madlen Read, New York, NY.
31. West Bend Daily News, Nov. 8, 2008, AP, Washington, D.C.
32. MSNBC News, Nov. 22, 2008, Washington, D.C.
33. West Bend Daily News, Nov. 29, 2008, AP, Washington, D.C.
34. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nov. 19, 2008, by Richard Lardner, AP, Washington, D.C.
35. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Aug. 13, 2008, AP, Washington, D.C.
36. AFP News Service, Dec. 5, 2008, New York, NY.
37. Bloomberg News Service, Nov. 24, 2008, by Robin Stringer, New York, NY.
38. The London Times, Dec. 3, 2008, by Catherine Philp, Washington, D.C.
39. AFP News Service, Nov. 24, 2008.
40. Associated Press, Sep. 11, 2008, Caracas, Venezuela.
41. AFP News Service, Sep. 21, 2008.
42. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nov. 28, 2008, AP, Havana, Cuba.
43. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 4, 2008, Associated Press.
44. AFP News Service, Dec. 15, 2008.
45. Associated Press, Dec. 16, 2008.
46. AFP News Service, Nov. 25, 2008, Vienna, Austria.
47. The London D
short days, bad weather, I get kind of depressed anyway and then this, you will know what happened if no one hears from me anymore
Soooo .... Manny! You been getting any lately???

Poop ... me either!

I can't believe they forgave John Lennon. Thank god I am not catholic.
I also can't believe I wasted 3 minutes of my life reading this sh!t.

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-09 AT 09:08AM (MST)[p]Good grief what a downer guy, he must be clinically depressed. Manny, are you posting this because you agree with it, or because youre just informing us?

Boy, Dave Meyer, talk about a dooms-dayer, is that for real? It seems that the evangelicals think the world is coming to an end and that BO is a signal to that end. It must be tough living with all that shame. I wonder, with all that pressure, how he sleeps at night.

Life is great, the world is having some tough times right now but since when has it been Eden?

I wonder how much longer we have before the end of the world, anyone know?

For now, as unwise, and irresponsible as it sounds, I'm going to go ahead and plan that my kids and their kids, and their kids's kids and so on for say the next 20 generations are going to be around.

Since this planet is the only one we have and it's where I keep my stuff, I think I'll keep supporting programs and polices that help us manage a planet that will be here for a very long time. . .

I want my kids to see this place and be able to keep their stuff here too.

If I teach them that the thing to do is dream and pray about it and it will be all better, they wont have any skills to help build a stronger more perfect union. Praying has it's place, dont anyone stop praying, but with the issues facing us today needing serious attention, go ahead and pray if it makes you feel good, but we got some real challenges around here, lets all pitch in and help; winning-around about it is fun for a while, especially after a couple beers, so go ahead and get it all out, and feel free to add to it later, but come on lets get going, there's real work to do!

Happy New Year, and Manny, many 100's more!
This is all hypothetical, from a LAST DAYS point of view, no not LDS point of view that I know of?

But I think what the guys getting at, is, the road that America is going down these days is gloomy to say the least, especially with all the decadence and greed!

Believe me it will all end eventually, not to mention Bible prophcy says, "the generation that sees Israel become a nation again, their generation will see the return of Jesus Christ" no not the Mautty or Maitreya (false Christ) But Jesus?.

Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be condemmed.

Hell will be full of well intentioned people but who could just not believe.....
I think that FOUNDER needs to start a Religion Forum and keep this there instead of intermingled with other topics....

My 2 cents worth..

LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-09 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]>I think that FOUNDER needs to
>start a Religion Forum and
>keep this there instead of
>intermingled with other topics....
>My 2 cents worth..

Remember, people still have the free will to read or not to read or to post a reply or not, no matter how narrow minded it is......

this post is political with a religious slant to it, religious people love this country as much as any one here on

thats one of the problems with this country and this site some of people want to push people like me off to the side, (and subjects like this) you know outta site outta mind, irrelevant right? well that infrige's on my right to free speach...
sorry Manny, the right to free speech resides in the public domain not in the privacy of a private website. the www is public, but not monstermuleys, its a member site, you signed up and you agreed to the rules. The mods have the power of the boot. . . I'm not saying you have to go or that there needs to be censorship of your posts, i'm addressing specifically your presumption of freedom on this site. . .

The mods are more than fair, in fact the rules slip all the time but most try to keep it clean, healthy, informative and fun.

For a refresher, here is an exert from the rules:

"We reserve the right to revoke your membership to the forums or disable your posting ability for any or no reason whatsoever. reserves the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you. If you have any questions about these rules or want to report an infraction of the rules, email [email protected]

Any messages that the administrator or moderators find to be in violation of any of these rules will be removed."
Manny, you know that I respect what you have to say and very often agree with you, but when you say......

"thats one of the problems with this country and this site some of people want to push people like me off to the side, (and subjects like this) you know outta site outta mind, irrelevant right? well that infrige's on my right to free speach..."

That I don't agree with. Everyone in America has free speech, but this is a private web site, strictly limited to the wishes of the owner. He can set the rules and guidelines as he sees fit. There are no free speech rights on a private site. I hope you see the difference?

I like having you around! Please keep it that way!


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
The age of aquarius will not get here until 2038 or so and signifies the beginning of the next great rotational cycle of the solar system, which takes 29,520 yrs. Since this is a physical geologic event Obama can do nothing about it. I don't think Obama will change a thing, I mean look at all the clinton retreads he has appointed. Bigger government yes, but he'll be gone in 4 yrs and we will recover from his mess.

The ten horned beast. Its not us and the europeans, its the ten Islamic nations and the antichrist that will come from one of those nations. It is those ten nations along with Russia from the south, the former USSR muslim nations in the north, and the muslim nations in the east, that attacks Israel, not the democratic nations of the west.

Yes we have some severe economic problems worldwide that singled the opening of the second seal, 9/11 being the first seal. And there could be a push to world government or a world currency, at least among the west. But I doubt it will happen because of culture diversity, a single currency yes because the fed and big gov. is destroying the value of the dollar. But government, I doubt it. Besides, like cultures attract like cultures, universal law; Like attracts Like. We are not like the Europeans and even the Canadians want no part of our economic/monetary system or culture.

Intense winters? Its simply low sunspot activity and is a cyclical event as it always has been for millenia.

The asteroids are coming. I was reading the other day on MSN that in a few yrs or so there is an asteroid, can't remember the name, that will pass between the earth and the moon. I suppose it could hit, but to say this is a rare event or has never happened before is ridiculous. The planet has been hit many times over the billions of yrs of our existence so I would not call that anything special. Some of us would survive. Besides, body's are a dime a dozen, just go get a new one as they're born if thats what you want to do.

This heliosphere thing is interesting. But maybe this is normal in this section of the universe as we come out of the 29,520 yr cycle and into the new? It would seem so since this is affecting the whole solar system....or did they blame it on global warming??

my 2 cents
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-09 AT 12:06PM (MST)[p]wow, there is diversity among the "believers."

The one currency is oil. Since oil is traded in dollars, does this mean that the USA took the first step in developing a one world currency and therefore the root is us?

Based on your logic that's where at least one of your points leads. . . as for the mid east. Where is it said biblically that they are the ruin of the world?

BTW, I think if youre going to be a true "believer" you should believe it all, or in the very least the foundation. I'm surprised that in a hour there are two "believers" seemingly believing in the same God, but one seems to believe in science and the other does not. Sounds like you and Manny could have a good debate about what's real according you God and what's not. . .

This I think is a prime example of how religion has helped to make thing more difficult in some areas of the world, not less.

As I see it, Science and the bible go hand in hand.... it takes much more faith to believe in Darwin theory then it does in the Bible?

As far as your statement ??This I think is a prime example of how religion has helped to make thing more difficult in some areas of the world, not less.?

Muslims love death they are the trouble maker?s of the 20th and 21st centuries which the Bible shows, known as Ishmaels descendants, The true God is a giver of life not death by terrorism?

There is only one true religion, Jesus Christ and him Crucified for the world sake, get to him, not a denomination, the rest are forms of righteousness, When Christ left earth he didn't command that there would be so many dif religions.

alot of opinons are tossed around here on a daily basis many of which are foul, what i did was voice my opinion, nuke if they wish but the truth remains, some people push some subjects like this aside to keep from feeling guilt, worried that they may need to make a lifestyle change?

and thats just my 2cents
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-09 AT 03:49PM (MST)[p]Hey manny, I did not read anywhere in the bible where terrorism and Muslims are one in the same. It's this kind of propaganda, hatetred, and intolerance that's causing more conflict and hatred for religion generally than I think are most other things combined.

I cant find any passage in the bible wherein it remotely suggests that Muslims are terrorists. . .

In fact, I think Jesus was spawned on the West Bank. . . .

Help us out with your theory of how Muslims are terrorists.
It's the radical fringe of Islam T, not all Muslims. The Muslim world won't denounce any terrorist acts and distance themselves from the radical fringe. The same thing happened during Hitlers day, the good men laid down and let evil rise up.

I bet you can't find anything referring to Europe and the US ushering in the system of the beast either can you? Matter of fact, the bible will not come out and say who or what it is does it? But in armegeddon who attacks Israel? Do you think its Europe and the US? Or do you think its Russian communists and the Nations of Islam whose leaders have publicly claimed they want to wipe it off the map?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-09 AT 05:41PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-09 AT 05:40?PM (MST)


I know you would like nothing more then to show me, a Christian, as intolerant, but I'll humor you for now.

First you need to read the story of Abraham the father of the Jewish nation, (Genesis 16:15) his first child came from Hagar an Egyptian?. this is the beginning of the Arab nations, Iranians, Iraqi, Jordanians, ect; Gen 25:12 to 20

There was jealousy from the day Isaac was born, but God gave both Isaac n Ishmael the same promise of their children being as many as the sand of the sea? Gen 21:9 ?10.

That's the preface of the hatred that has gone on for a millennium or two between the Muslims and Jews.

But I could explain this all day and unless you know or have seen what the Muslim bible (Quran) says about you, me and the Jews, I'd be wasting my breath, their love for martyrdom and their hatred for non-Muslims.

So if anyone is intolerant it's the Muslims straight up! Not to mention people like you against Christians like me, I can feel your dislike for me as I read your post.

the Quran is VERY clear that "those who fight islam" is to be defined as anyone that speaks badly about Muslims or teaches or practices ANY other religions, or those who simply refuse to believe. FACT. A "good muslim" who is following their scripture will kill all the Christians or members of other religions he can find. This religion (Islam) is EVIL and will continue to cause hatred, pain and destruction around the world until Jesus puts a stop to it once and for all!

Here some more scripture to read if you can, with an open mind?
John 16:2 they will put you out of the congregation yes, the time is coming when whoever puts you to death will have the belief that he is doing God's pleasure. (Hmmmm who's that?)?

~ Signs of the End of the Age

Mat 24:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Mat 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Mat 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
Mat 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Mat 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
Mat 24:10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
Mat 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Mat 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Mat 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
Mat 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
Mat 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
Mat 24:19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
Mat 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
Mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Mat 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
Mat 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Mat 24:25 Behold, I have told you before.
Mat 24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
Mat 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Mat 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Mat 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Mat 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
Mat 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
Mat 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Mat 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
~ The Day and Hour Unknown
Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. [see Rev 14:15 ]
Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Mat 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Mat 24:41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Mat 24:42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
Mat 24:43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
Mat 24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
Mat 24:45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
Mat 24:46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
Mat 24:47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.
Mat 24:48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;
Mat 24:49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken;
Mat 24:50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of
Manny, seek help. crazy people are amusing but I worry about reading about you in the Oregonian one of these days.

10 horned beast? I hope I'm not the one that has to score that thing, sounds like a pain in the butt. take it to D13er.
I know it makes you feel good to make fun of me Hunt, but come on muslims strap bombs to their bodies and blow up inocent people and you say I need to seek help......
hey no kidding manny. Can you imagine sitting around shooting the bs with friends and talking about strapping on a vest and blowing up the neighborhood mall? Or better yet, lets get some innocent child to do it, that would be fun, huh? Blood, guts, and body parts flying everywhere, hahaha......praise allah
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-09 AT 08:38PM (MST)[p]What gets me is when one group of "tolerant," "loving," God fearing people tells me to dislike another for what a few among them has done. I dont like terror, i dont like the fact that there are people out there that want to kill other people but I dont see this as the Muslims against the rest of the world. I see very few that are willing and able to strap a bomb to themselves and detonate it in the name of their creator. . .

There are radicals from all walks of life but those few dont define the whole. . . I'm sorry if some think I dislike them for their religion, I dont. It does on the other hand sound to me like there are those among us who dislike others for their beliefs, period.

It sounds like some are feeling victimized for believing in their religion. Some choose to shout louder in hopes that more people will believe them. The problem is not with the tone, it is the message.

What got us into this mess is not what's going to get us out. More killing and more wars is not going to solve our problems. More killing and a world war against one religion might comfort those who believe the end is near, but it does not comfort me.

I dont think I'm attacking Christians. I am asking questions that deserve answers. More like them should be posed in the hopes that we dont allow our government to run this far off course again. . . If more questions had been asked and we the people had demanded more from out leadership over the past years we likely would be better off then we now are. . . no matter what your religious beliefs.

So, would i be correct in saying that some believe we should kill all Muslims before they kill us? By the sounds of it, there is little else to do. . .

I'm not packing my bags for the end, i'm going with survival and mortal life.
Manny I highly suggest you and your family sell everything and donate all of your money to Pastor David J Meyer. I have placed the following hyper-link for you. What good is money anyways with the end of days so near. How will you survive in the interim? Simple...pray and God will provide for you.

Afterall David J Meyer aka Pastor David J Meyer of the The Last Trumpet Ministries is a totally credible guy that just happened to be raised by witches. Well educated, he holds an Associates of Arts degree in Liberal Arts from a very prestigious Jr. College. I have placed the following hyper-link from his own site of his Bio.

Perhaps there maybe a role for a smart guy like you in Pastor Meyer's ministries. You could protest Harry Potter movies as promoting witchcraft to the youth of country or protest kid's Halloween parties as the work of Satan.

Don't let these non-believers bring you down Manny, because we all know just how smart you really are. Just forgive them because they unlike yourself are totally lost.

For me, the end of days will be sad since people like yourself will simply disappear. Granted this will be a huge loss not just for MM but for humanity in general. However, you will have proven your point and be thoroughly vindicated. I will miss all of you but will rejoice in your moral victory.
Manny you posted an hours reading of insane religious drivel and you think the point of it is that Muslims strap on bombs? otay. well then protestants may not have the guts to strap on bombs but they've killed plenty of innocent people with them in the UK , what does your god say about that? it's different since they're christians right? when people don't have the ability to fight those they hate with conventional warfare they resort to what tools they have. it isn't lack of morals that make a terrorist, it's lack of weapons. if you don't agree give the Palistinians the same F-16's and bombs and tanks we give Israel, then see if they keep straping on bombs, I bet they'd drop bombs, then you'd respect them. the point is as long as there's hate there will be violence, in whatever form possible, and 90% of it boils down to religion.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-09 AT 09:42AM (MST)[p]>Manny I highly suggest you and
>your family sell everything and
>donate all of your money
>to Pastor David J Meyer.
>I have placed the following
>hyper-link for you. What good
>is money anyways with the
>end of days so near.
>How will you survive in
>the interim? Simple...pray and God
>will provide for you.
>Afterall David J Meyer aka Pastor
>David J Meyer of the
>The Last Trumpet Ministries is
>a totally credible guy that
>just happened to be raised
>by witches. Well educated, he
>holds an Associates of Arts
>degree in Liberal Arts from
>a very prestigious Jr. College.
>I have placed the following
>hyper-link from his own site
>of his Bio.
>Perhaps there maybe a role for
>a smart guy like you
>in Pastor Meyer's ministries. You
>could protest Harry Potter movies
>as promoting witchcraft to the
>youth of country or protest
>kid's Halloween parties as the
>work of Satan.
>Don't let these non-believers bring you
>down Manny, because we all
>know just how smart you
>really are. Just forgive them
>because they unlike yourself are
>totally lost.
>For me, the end of days
>will be sad since people
>like yourself will simply disappear.
>Granted this will be a
>huge loss not just for
>MM but for humanity in
>general. However, you will have
>proven your point and be
>thoroughly vindicated. I will miss
>all of you but will
>rejoice in your moral victory.

Hey walley' once again anything to confuse the subject matter...

his bio"

At age 19 a friend coaxed him to attend a small church where miracles and healing were said to happen. Being drawn first of all by curiosity, David attended a Sunday evening service where the Holy Ghost began to work conviction in his heart. At the end of the service he went up to the front and fell to his knees and repented before the Lord. The following week he was baptized in the name of the Lord. One week later, he was baptized with the Holy Ghost. It was an experience reminiscent of Saul of Tarsus on the Damascus road.

After deliverance from many devils that came out from him, he instantly began to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the streets. While continuing his ministry, David also assisted various pastors and completed his Associate of Arts degree at Fox Valley Technical Institute. He also completed 10 years of service with the University of Wisconsin system as a master locksmith in charge of physical security. During that time he won many awards and certificates including the highest award presented by the Governor of Wisconsin. David also did computer programming and security systems designing and analysis.

David J. Meyer is now the pastor of Truth Tabernacle, a totally independent Bible-believing Christian church which he founded in 1974, located in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. He is also the editor and publisher of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, which began publication in 1981 and currently has over 10,000 readers. Last Trumpet Ministries International also distributes over 25,000 tapes per year. Seminars are held throughout the United States and overseas as well. Pastor Meyer specializes in deliverance ministry and exposes the dangers of the occult and secret societies. He has traveled extensively from coast-to-coast doing research and spiritual warfare.

so you don't believe some one can change,? please, you are a spin doctor budy!.......
That's some funny stuff, I hate street preachers like your hero here. nothing worse than some crazy feak screaming at you when you have stop at an intersection. we have one in town I'd love to paint ball between the eyes but he knows who I am because we used to drink together in our younger days.

Any devils that came out of him were replaced by stupidity angels or something, I liked him better before.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-09 AT 10:00AM (MST)[p]Hunt'

quote" "terrorist, it's lack of weapons. if you don't agree give the Palistinians the same F-16's and bombs and tanks we give Israel, then see if they keep straping on bombs, I bet they'd drop bombs"

Hey, where have you been, they've (Hamas) been lobbing rockets into Israel day after day the last year! God forbid should they get F-16...I geuss your too young to remember the 70's when king of Jordan kicked the Palistinians out of his country cause they were trying to take over, you have selective memory I know..

maybe you can comprehend this? along comes this guy and he says to you, my ancestors had the property you now farm, you say well this ranch has been in my family for centuries and your wrong, from that day on this guy starts blowing up your barns your crops, kills your kids, this goes on for years, you don't think that maybe just maybe you'd get tired and go postal on this guy...

people like you and Walley's logic suks, you put a spin on it leave out the facts just to prove your right....B.S

your a nuckle head, i told my self I would not beat my head against a wall with people like you 5 years ago, and I need to keep my promise, your blind!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-09 AT 10:30AM (MST)[p]Wow H-dud, how intolerant are you!

yes you are one sided or blind I'm not sure which!
>AT 10:30?AM (MST)

>Wow H-dud, how intolerant are you!
>yes you are one sided or
>blind I'm not sure which!

yah the very thing you and wall accuse me of, turns out you guys area smothered in it! LOL.......

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