Another little ice age


Long Time Member
Since 98 we have been told the planet could burst into flames at any moment due to man's CO2 out put. Some folks said it was not man but it was the sun, duh, that was making us hot. Nope they said, its evil white man causing all the ills of the planet. Now these same suedo science neer do wells are saying we are headed for another little ice age. Why you might ask? Well according to these guys its the suns fault. WTF.
As far as I am concerned with all these "consensus" scientist, they can all take a flying leap. These global warmer scientist are nothing but a friggin JOKE!

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
LOL, yes they are a friggin' JOKE my friend. The majority of scientists are not convinced that Global Warming is even real... Only those easily swayed by a Power-Point presentation presented as a "Documentary", and then rewarded with a Nobel Prize!!!!
The Earth's temperature has always been linked to the sun, and coincidently, sun spots and solar flares.
Thanks for the link 202!!!
And I find it discouraging that they play this off like it's no big deal as well... That we shouldn't rely on this type of thing to curb Global Warming or something...

Scientists never admit when they are wrong, only that they didn't find what they were looking for.
But I have come to believe that the global warming scar is by design so they can get a carbon tax into place. The proceeds will go directly to the international banker oligarchy for world government and control of all countries except China and Russia, which they are slowly surrounding.

Might sound crazy so.... does anyone have a better theory??
Let's look at who invested heavily in green technology. Maybe Pickens and fat Albert Gore? They get the cap and trade passed it is a tax of $3400 per year on the back of every household in America. Congress is drooling over that amount of revenue for them to waste. Bend over and grab your ankles and hope we can get some republicans elected next year to stop this BS.
>Nothing more than a tax on
>wealthy countries, a means to
>have every country be 'equal'.
>Biggest scam in world history.

I agree, they do want us all to be equal and have the same standards of living.... poor 3rd world status.
Let's go people,

I have no issues building multiple massive coal fired power plants in eastern Nevada. Damn all the scrubbers & pollution controls, they just cut into company profits and makes my utility bill higher. I love the lights of Vegas. The chit just blows down wind, over to Utah anyway. If Utah survived Nevada?s above ground nuclear testing, they can survive a couple of 1,500 megawatt coal fired power plants on their border. Also, the palm trees in Vegas will grow better with warmer winters. Snow sucks!

Scotty? I need more power - NevadaBadger
>>Nothing more than a tax on
>>wealthy countries, a means to
>>have every country be 'equal'.
>>Biggest scam in world history.
>I agree, they do want us
>all to be equal and
>have the same standards of
>living.... poor 3rd world status.

It's called trickle up poverty.
Reminded me of my all-time favorite bumper-sticker:
"Beam me up, Scotty, there are no intelligent life-forms down here" (meaning Earth)!!

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