Another "quick" game... I got 65

Wow...I am really slow. I was looking for like 2-3 minutes for #2 and then I looked up and it said I was on 3. I must have hit it without knowing. I suck!!
Ok. Second time got 68 seconds using those touch pads on Apples which have to be slower.
First try 70!

Second try 46!

Gave up after that!

Fun game though....I guess. :)
Whoa!!! I should have known better than to try somthing like that while on a ton of meds!!! I puked in my waste basket!!!!!


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-07 AT 08:19PM (MST)[p]36 for me and my wife also got 36

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