Antelope Success!!


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-11 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-11 AT 06:40?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-11 AT 06:02?PM (MST)

Quite a few months ago my good friend Jerry (Broadsideshot) and I talked about taking our sons on a "fun" hunt. The goal was to have lots of opportunity at success with little to no trophy pressure on the boys. Just find a buck and stalk in on him and make a good ethical shot.

With those obvious goals the decision to apply for antelope was a no brainer. We chose to make this a "boys" hunt. The boys would get 100% of our attention and help as "Dad" would not be hunting. Our good friend Johnny graciously invited us to come hunt near his home and he also took a day off of work to show us around a few areas.

The hunt started bright and early as we found the rut in full gear! Bucks chasing does all over the place. It was a sight to see. We were in beautiful country. Powder blue sky and white clouds made for a tremendous setting.


There was not much for cover but plenty of natural breaks in the terrain for stalks to be made. And several stalks were made! After a couple of near misses, my Son Dustin was next up to stalk/shoot. We snuck along a ridge line glassing and peering into every break we could find. You never quite know what you might find sneaking along in the foothills! We saw deer, coyotes, foxes and of course antelope.

It was not 5 minutes later Johnny spotted a great buck for Dustin to make an attempt at. Getting as close as we could Dustin set up for the shot and dropped this great buck in his tracks! 1 buck down, 1 more to go!



After a bit of a pack back to the truck, it was Brandon's turn! We glassed up a few more bucks that were not in the best spot for a stalk. We decided to drive around the basin and sneak in on them from another angle. Little did we know how good that idea was!

We parked the truck and again began hiking and scouring the country looking for another buck. A short time later Johnny again spotted a buck. This buck was big! Brandon settled in for a fairly long shot as we had no more ground to cover without getting busted.

Brandon took a very deliberate aim and smoked him! A short run and the buck was down for good! What a day we had! 2 bucks down in 1 day of hunting and both good one shot kills!



The boy's had a tremendous hunt. Smiles from ear to ear and great moments with good friends. In this day of inches and what did he score type ways of thinking, it was refreshing to just enjoy a good hunt with friends and family!

Congrats Boys on a very fun successful hunt! It was a pleasure hunting and spending time with you!

A very Special thanks to Johnny and his family for their hospitality and friendship! We could not have done it with out you!

Maybe next time we will hunt deer!

Awesome! The boys look like naturals behind their animals. Way to go dads!

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-11 AT 06:45PM (MST)[p]Nice hunt guys. It's really hard to beat a land rocket hunt with kids. Fun times!

Jerry and Chad - it's been a while, (especially seeing Jerry). You two don't look any worse for wear. I keep looking for a little gray but I can't find it!:)

It's always an adventure!!!
Nothin but smiles thats what is all about glad to see those youth slayin the lopes just curious silent stalker how many points did it take you to draw im assuming those are wyoming goats im from utah and have been considering putting in for a wyoming goat I dont wanna waste my points here cause im caught up in elk points.
Give both of those boys a pat on the back from all of us. They not only got two great animals, but some memories that will last their lifetime.

Great job dads on bonding with your sons.

Awesome, great job guys. Those two young men will never forget that hunt. That is what freedom and livin in this great country is all about. I think an Antelope hunt will be my daughters first Big Game hunt. Two years to go. Can't wait.
Great job Dustin and Brandon on some great goats!! You got a couple of good Dad's there, no matter what anyone else says :)
Those are some happy boys! Way to go dads on making it happen for them. I'm sure the memories of this hunt will last a lifetime! Great photographs too!
Thanks guy's! It was an awesome hunt and we are still on a successful "high"!

Jim if you look hard enough under my hat there is plenty of gray! We need to get together again!
Great times and good bucks, Can't beat that.
Smiles around.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
What a great father/son hunt. Antelope make the perfect game for a first hunt, well done all.

You dads, 'get it'.
What a great memory for a son to share with his father.
Congrats. Great pictures.

Gary Russ
Chad, great to spend the time with kids in the field. As a dad it doesn't get much better than that. And as a kid those are the times they will remember as they age, not the Disneyland trips. etc.

The boys did great and the fathers did too.

Have a good one. BB
Congrats to you all! My 2 older boys and I just complted a similair hunt on 9/23 - 9/24 in Wyoming, Good times!

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