Anti-Methamphetamine video........


Just received this from an old school friend who is in Law Enforcement in Dallas area. He was sent this from a friend who is with the Metro PD in Las Vegas and put this vid together on You Tube.
A real eye opener that should be spread around to all ages to view, pretty sad what Meth will do to a user.
When I was on the grand jury they told us Drano is the base for most meth, that's got to be good for you. that's been a few years ago they've probably found something more toxic by now. D13er I'm telling you you better get off the stuff.

It's a total epidemic down here where I live.
It's a total Redneck Phenomenon. These Moron's
steal chemicals from Farm places, Anhidrous Amonia
tanks that are set up for fert. are robbed all the time.

It's dangerous as hell. They make their little Meth-labs
back in the sticks, and don't want anyone to find them
of course. Well, fellows like me, like to walk around in
the sticks. Guess what............

I have a slick little Colt Single Action Army Revolver,
in .44 Special that has been tricked up by Peacemaker
Specialist's in CA, and I keep it pretty close at hand
when I'm out and about.

Meth is the new drug of choice, especially for the White-trash
around where I reside. These people mean Bidness about it too.

I aint going to get killed by one of these freaks needing a
hit, if you know what I mean.

Terrible! That's the danger. You start out doing drugs and pretty soon the drugs start doing you!

They use the red devil lye (draino) to adjust the PH level near the end of the process. Usualy they "wash" it with coleman lantern fuel (bleach it white). You should read up on the process, it is just a bunch of caustic crap that alone should kill you on the spot.

Someone's cooking that junk up, you can smell it a mile away, they're not too hard to pinpoint after that.
Pretty bad here in Gillette, too. The courthouse has got a lot of business due to these losers.
My youngest brother has been an addict for 8yrs. He is now 27. It has RIPPED my parents apart, as well as the whole family. My heart hurts for him everyday...

rumproast -
you may call him a looser, but know that in Gods eyes he is still his child, and he loves him no matter what he has done, just as he loves you.


There is no doubt about that. But I Personally, think
that God wants you to, kinda, as best as you can, do
the right thing. Know what I mean? I could go murder a
family of 6, and I'm sure God would forgive me.
Don't mean I need to do it.

I like to keep God as happy with me as I can.
I'm not real sure he likes me being on MM...........

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