Any NM MMers Draw Rocky or Desert Sheep Tags


Active Member
Wondering if any of you drew a sheep tag this year?
Also, rumor has it the potential new NM BHS ram is cruising the Jemez?
Anyone heard sane?
I hunted that unit in 2022. Give me a call or send a pm and I’d be happy to share what I learned. You should have a blast!!
Congratulations Elkhunter, let us know how you do!
Corby, I figured that auction tag would bring a big premium! Interesting to see how it all shakes out!
My cousin from Pecos has access to some. I will be making some trips on foot, from the south and north to get a lay of the land and get some pics of some rams.
She is lucky!!! Drew the tag at 22 years old. She also drew on her first try, youth oryx on Rhodes and youth ES elk in 34.
Gosh DAMN!!!! That’s a hell of lucky streak!!!!
here’s a nice ram we could have through a rock and hit off the horse!
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I'll be going on my buddy's bighorn hunt in Wheeler in Aug. Getting boots on the ground next week. Would be interested in using llamas or horses for a drop camp if anyone knows someone who does that. Also, curious if anyone on here has drawn that hunt?
I really hope he is unsuccessful. That ram deserves to be shot by someone who is not just a rich trigger man looking for bragging rights and a pat on the back.

Wow!! Such a bad attitude.
If you hate auction tags I can understand that, but wishing bad luck on the purchaser of a legal tag is pretty low.

You should listen to the Blood Origins podcast where Jimmy John is interviewed. He has done more for bighorn in NM than most people even know. (and this is not even counting the funding from purchasing auction tags)
Wow!! Such a bad attitude.
If you hate auction tags I can understand that, but wishing bad luck on the purchaser of a legal tag is pretty low.

You should listen to the Blood Origins podcast where Jimmy John is interviewed. He has done more for bighorn in NM than most people even know. (and this is not even counting the funding from purchasing auction tags)
Have you seen the photos and story from his elk hunt???
What a joke!!!
That is not hunting!!!!
I can see why non hunters don’t want hunting after seeing the bs that goes on.
You sitting next to Tri having a beer?
You going to condone Wade lemon next?
Wow!! Such a bad attitude.
If you hate auction tags I can understand that, but wishing bad luck on the purchaser of a legal tag is pretty low.

You should listen to the Blood Origins podcast where Jimmy John is interviewed. He has done more for bighorn in NM than most people even know. (and this is not even counting the funding from purchasing auction tags)
Dude you don’t jimmy John. So don’t judge. What would you do if you had $$$$ and was able to purchase a tag like this. You would do it. Hell I’d do it. Don’t be jealous in that way!
Even a deaf, dumb, and blind liberal would not call what he does hunting. Not jealous in any way shape or form. What these high dollar guys do is put a dark shadow over hunting. Pulling a trigger is not hunting and I am getting tired of people trying to disguise this as hunting. Starting to wonder if you are tristate.
Yes, I have seen the elk hunt. I thought the same thing as you. I was ready to dislike the guy before the interview, but I couldn't as I listened to it. Please give it a listen, it may change your mind.

Sounds like jealousy to me. If you have to come out and say you are "not jealous" then you probably are. You could make an argument that every single hunter who goes with a guide is not "hunting", according to your apparent definition.
Don’t blame the buyers for gov tags. They are not the problem. It’s the greedy agencies that thought of the program are the really problem.

Hunting is hunting don’t throw stones at one kind of hunting just cuz it’s not for you.
Even a deaf, dumb, and blind liberal would not call what he does hunting. Not jealous in any way shape or form. What these high dollar guys do is put a dark shadow over hunting. Pulling a trigger is not hunting and I am getting tired of people trying to disguise this as hunting. Starting to wonder if you are tristate.
I’m happy we have people in the world that are as rich as him in a sense because of all the $$$$ that goes back into conservation. It’s easy to be jealous they skip the “line” to get the tag. Understandable.
I’m happy we have people in the world that are as rich as him in a sense because of all the $$$$ that goes back into conservation. It’s easy to be jealous they skip the “line” to get the tag. Understandable.
Great wealth affords great privilege. $600K to wildlife conservation is a major influx of cash that benefits wildlife for everyone. Assuming game and fish uses it for the appropriate conservation projects.
Have you seen the photos and story from his elk hunt???
What a joke!!!
That is not hunting!!!!
I can see why non hunters don’t want hunting after seeing the bs that goes on.
You sitting next to Tri having a beer?
You going to condone Wade lemon next?
Can someone post a link to the elk hunt I want o check it out!
Let's see if guys like Jimmy John continue to donate to Arizona without the tags. You know since they live the resource and all let's see how much they love it without getting a tag in return
Even a deaf, dumb, and blind liberal would not call what he does hunting. Not jealous in any way shape or form. What these high dollar guys do is put a dark shadow over hunting. Pulling a trigger is not hunting and I am getting tired of people trying to disguise this as hunting. Starting to wonder if you are tristate.
I can understand the frustration, but how exactly do you define the ethical, fair chase hunting? Is it really that bad if someone has money to buy high-dollar conservation tags and support outfitters and guides that love what they do? Is it really that bad if someone has ten family and friends help them find the bull of a lifetime? Where do you draw the line? Some of this stuff may be irksome to some of us, but it is much better than the poachers that give hunters black eye or the anti-hunters that are trying to put an end to all forms of hunting and fishing. I try to be supportive of other hunters even if I may not always like their approach. You can’t legislate everything, at some point you have to let people use their own conscience and try to respect different perspectives.
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Two great rams. Jimmy Johns is an awesome ram, but it is not the huge mass one that Ortega posted earlier in this thread.
I really like the look of the one Ortega posted, as would anyone, but the bases on JJ’s ram are bigger. Guessing he carries more mass and length for sure. I wish I had to pick which one I’d shoot someday but either would do.
Have you seen the photos and story from his elk hunt???
What a joke!!!
That is not hunting!!!!
I can see why non hunters don’t want hunting after seeing the bs that goes on.
You sitting next to Tri having a beer?
You going to condone Wade lemon next?
Serious question for you Like. Keep in mind this coming from a guy that has mixed feelings about auction tags. I like the revenue they generate, but it also seems like it’s very easy for people, especially the non-hunting population, to view them as “unfair” to the animal….. Especially when you hire 20 spotters to camp out on “your” bull.

So how many people need to tag along in a hunt before you think it’s “not hunting”? Is it 5 spotters before it becomes unethical? I typically hunt solo or with a buddy, but I’m not claiming that’s how it has to be done. I see advantages to not having a small herd of humans in the woods and see advantages to having friends along.

I’m asking because you seem so opposed to the JJ hunts. Don’t know if it’s the money involved or the number of people tagging along. Looks like you had at least 4 people “helping” on your avatar photo, maybe more cropped out? Some die hard solo guys could argue that’s too many for an ethical hunt. Was yours a guided hunt? Again, there’s criticism on that too.

It’d suggest there is no right answer. I’ll take the $$ for NM wildlife and call it a collective win. That being said I like that NM severely limits the auction tags. Let’s not follow the UT model of auctioning away most everything (slight exaggeration) and setting up a hopeless “draw” system for the suckers like me that see the light at the end of the tunnel 30 years from now.

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