Arizona bear hunters



I've been hunting in unit 22. Who has been bear hunting? What have you seen? What unit are you hunting? are you going back again? Talk to me.
I've been up in 22 also...didn't see much, only one bear but too far away to do a stalk. Going to head back up...what have you seen?

Scott G.
I've seen everything but bears. Yet I have seen their sign. I'm heading up again this week also. Last year I killed a 7' 5", 450 pound, 22 inch skull bear in unit 22.
I only hunted in 27. They were in the pears, big bears, medium bears and small bears. I got a decent bear on the 4th day of the hunt. I am done till next year unless one of my buddies wants to go to one of the Southern units and try to kill one. 22 and 23 get more pressure than I like.

Bret M.
22 & 23 were a zoo this year. I think it was due to so many hunters not getting drawn for anything.

That is not fair, you live there. For all we know you have them coming into your backyard and going through your trash every night :p. Have you been hearing any NM deer stories? I need to go over and scout sometime this month.

Bret Mattausch
I haven't heard anything yet. The Muzzleloader hunt just ended and I've only talked to one guy and he didn't see anything. The bear hunt here reopens on Tuesday and I think I'll head out and see what I can find.


p.s. It's not a bear coming in every night, it's a skunk and it's not the trash it's my hen house, he's getting fat on my eggs.

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