AZ 12A East Late November Muley Hunt

  • Thread starter Maverick275 (Guest)
  • Start date

Maverick275 (Guest)

I drew an AZ 12A East late November Muley tag. I have been up to 12A East on several occassions scouting and saw many decent bucks. Unfortunately, none of these bucks are the one(s) I am looking for to fill my tag. Does anyone have any suggetions as to where the big boys hang out? I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
The big boys eat at the local greasy spoon and hang out at the local bar.
I am new around here but i have an idea a buddy of mine said they got snow up there yesterday. Try down low by the buffalo ranch.
The Kiabab deer are very migratory, after the first decent snow they will move down into the junipers, I would spend all of my time down low. I'm sure the deer you've seen on your scouting trip were in the pines which makes it fairly difficult to locate the legenday monsters. I believe the really large bucks are very nocturnal, but at the end of the month as the rut approaches they will be forced to move during daylight hours.

Good Luck!
If they got snow hunt down in the PJ, find waterholes and check tracks to and from, glass all the does in the area and watch them to see where they are looking sometimes you can then spot a buck bedded uphill from them, If the rut is going on(it should be) hunt doe herds.
I spend about 2 months on kiabab hunting lions in Nov,Dec and Jan. Most of the big bucks will come down but it has to snow alot in the middle slopes to push them down to the bufflo ranch,try 284 loop above the Cane Ranch if there is not a lot of snow.I have seen a lot of deer in there as late a jan.There may be some good bucks in the 190 class in there this year.Once they go down to the bottom start to look at the waters,they will eat snow in the middle slopes.Mav

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