Back to the Campfire


Coach Hunt


Well, track season is now over, and perhaps I'll have a moment or two each day to throw another log on the fire and stir up the coals!

Where is and how are you folks???

Open up the brats and lets start toasting 'em. YUM YUM

Your up Drummond, any funnies lately??? Saw some deer on the Elida place the other day.

Welcome back Coach! Good to hear from you. I have not had a whole lot of funnies lately, its been a tough year so far but definately getting better. I guarantee I can and will share some good stories here in the near future. I did get on a deer lease today out east of Lubbock on the Pitchfork Ranch, we are leasing 17,000 acres out there for muleys, whiteys and turkey, it should be a blast. I cant wait to hunt it this year, I will take the 3 days off prededing Thanksgiving and that will give me 9 continous days to hunt for myself.


PS, lets go pound some yotes in Elida here in the next week or two.
Hey coach, Good to hear you had another good track season. Lets hear from some of the old timers around here!!. Here's another log on the fire. I'm going to start some t-bones...Who's next?. Anyone interested pull up a log, grab a beer or your favorite beverage and sign in.......
Howdy Boys!

Mind if I join you? I don't talk much, but I sure love a good fire, and a cold Dew when I can get it. Nothin' better stirs the soul IMO.


"A man can be hard to find in the mountains, but you're welcome at my fire anytime."
Smack, smack, smack, smack...I'm here. (burp) Oops...cuse me!

Toss me a brat...laod it up with peppers and onions...I'm gonna smoke ole bura outta the tent!

Good to be back, good to see old/new faces again...for those of you who don' tknow it...I'm in Cali now...heehee...had to join the fruits and nuts...if you can't beat 'em...join '

LOOK OUT!!!. I thought that was pred opening a can of beans!!! PEEEEUUUUUUUU!!!!. I know she's a lady but she can hang with the best...Hey Pred, when are we going to hear another story?.. Here's another log.
LAST EDITED ON May-17-05 AT 10:00PM (MST)[p]Howdy,
P-dub, Vanessa said "Howdy!" You should see her now. In her prom dress, she made tears come to an old man's eyes. WOW!!!

I saw a good slogan at the state track meet... "MAKE DUST, OR EAT DUST"

What in the world are you doing in California. I thought we had a dove trip planned!!!

Pass me another brat please. Any jalepenos???

Oh, P-dub, I heard from canyonwell. he hee hee, He said "SMACK!"

Drummond, I can go next Monday afternoon if you want!!! Send me an email or message. Good buck up there this year, already showing in velvet. Awfully funny being this early.

Howdy Kingfish. How was basketball!!!!?????
Good to see some new faces. Chunk on another log and lets stir up some trouble.

Howdy Phantom,

Good to hear from you again. How is the lake? I hope it is full!

Our boys won the State Championship. This is the third year in a row for us. We scored 106 points to break the scoring record we set last year of 105 points. The second place team had 64.5 points. Our girls got sixth. They just did not compete well in two events and that cost them a trophy.

Is your son going to the Don Hood camp? He'll meet some of my boys and girls. I have a 10 foot girl on her way to Virginia Tech I hope! Pretty good girl.

OK folks, more of you need to drop by the old campfire here.

Predator, how are you and yours??? Drop by and give us a few words of wisdom. Lord knows that we need it here at THIS campfire!!!

I'm from northern California, land of the giant Redwoods. I have a BIG log to throw on the fire:) Might take two guys or gals to roll this baby on the coals. I'll have a Pepsi, thanks!

LAST EDITED ON May-18-05 AT 10:49PM (MST)[p]Can't believe it's supposed to get to 109 here in Phoenix this Sunday! What the heck --- it's good to get the campfire going again anyway!!! Talking about track & field, one of my friends on our local RMEF chapter vaulted for Okla. St. y-e-a-r-s ago (George Davies). In fact, he's now in Hall of Fame and still competes as a masters vaulter.

I'm heading up to Big Lake here in Ariz. tomorrow afternoon for some float tube fishing. Guess I'll have to bring back some fillets for the smoker (anybody like smoked trout?) ...


P.S. GO SUNS (they won tonight)!!!
Hey there Coach....

Well tell Vanessa I said "HI"...and I'm sure she looked great in her prom dress; especially if she made you cry! LOL

Here's a SMACK for ole CW...and the rest of you here...

I moved here for a job...Fresno...still getting used to it here. But the job is great, enjoying the new environment...
Hi Coach. Dang, wouldn't it be nice if P-Dub would go away for GOOD?? hehe. Geez, now he's only 5o miles away from house. Lock the doors!!! PC
PDub, my sister lived in Visalia for 35 years. Her husband was the principal of Redwood High School. They moved back home here in Eureka a few months ago.

It's going to be HOT HOT this summer in Fresno. It always is.

Our daughter lives in Turlock. I don't know how she does it but she loves it.


Lordy thats a big LOG!!! Whaddidya say it was, Redwood?

Now this here campfire is a little better than most around here! I knew the Davies guy. He was vaulting right after I ran in college.

Pass me a "Lemon ade!"

P-dub, won't be the same with you out in Cali-Arnold Land.

Where the heck is Predator..... Lisa, you are up!!! Whats happening in Salt Lake City and on the Police Force????

Yes the lake is nearly full. Looks better than it has since 97.

Logan is going to a camp run by Craig Istre. Craig is another of those ACU tracksters. He will be Logan's pole vaulting coach next year. We know Don Hood, Billy Olsen and Brad Pursley. If you get to Abilene give me shout.

Phantom Hunter
Paul, his name is Dan Leppek. His family all live here in Humboldt Co. also, so we are all glad to have them back home. They are in the process of building a new house and should be finished in a month or so.

Been kind of quite lately...Lets throw another log on the fire
and see who pops up. Coach, Pred must be working a lot of overtime or maybe just to busy with the handcuffs (if ya know what I mean)...Lisa, where are you????

OK, Predator, time for YOU TO MAKE AN APPEARANCE.

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of meeting her in person, she is quite the lady!!!

Phantom, I am supposed to be in Abilene on June 6. I'll send you a PM about it.

Paul, how in the world are you doing. Long time no see. Drunk any "MINT" wine lately?? hee hee

Pass me another brat and on with another log!!!

Coach, I only drink Budweiser, and only to excess!! hehe.

Thanks Steve. That name isn't familiar. Ask him if he knows Joe Garcia. PC
Had a nice visit with Canyonwell, aka Steve Kent today, June 2, 2005. He wants two messages to the campfire!!!

1.) To Kingfish: call Steve, he doesn't have your new number anymore!?!?

2.) To the infamous P-Dub: a definite double SMACK!!!

It was really good to see Steve, he and the family are fine. Seems to me that he is just working too dang hard!!

Throw on another log, and does anybody have any Pepto??? That last Brat gave me heartburn.... buuurrrrp... excuse please.

Coach, I hope he comes on MM soon I don't have his number anymore either.. Steve, very glad to hear you and the family are doing well. Stop by here someday and fill us in on what you been doing. Thanks Coach.
Oh yeah, Here Coach, take these rolaids!!!. Here's a couple beno's while your at it!!! PPPPPPPPUUUUUUUUUU.
Howdy Kingfish,

Check your Inbox for a message and Steve's number!

Thanks for the Rolaids, helps a heap!

*rubbing back of my head*

Thanks Coach...way to keep me on my in figgen Cali...yeah, it'll be hot, but not as bad as PHX!

Here's to old friends and new...may your campfires be warm and deer poles full...go get em boyz....

Somebody told me some old folks with bowel problems were back flaming the fire.....PHEEWWW!!! Omigaw *choke* I know that smell!


Coach, sorry I missed the last few flames. I had to take some time off and hide in the wilderness for a while.


About time you showed up Lisa. Sorry I've been gone the last week. Took a week off to take some of our teenagers from church up to the mountains for camping! I just ain't as young as I used to be. They 'bout ran me ragged!!!

P-dub, when you coming back this way???

Lisa, I hope to go through SLC in August. Need to go up to Vernal!

Coach, I will probably be going to Vernal several times in August. If you can spare a day to join me on an antelope scouting trip, I always welcome your company!
Hey Coach,

Still coming to Abilene this weekend? Will be back to town late Sat. night. Will try to contact you Sunday if you are still here. Come prepared for some hot muggy weather. We have been getting a little much needed rain in the form of thunderstorms. I sure wish it would just rain and the humidity would leave.

Phantom Hunter
Hey Lis,

You got another Bonanza tag this year? You're going to know that area like the back of your hand (if you don't already). That'll be great when I come to petition you for input (if hell does decide to finally freeze over, and I'm fortunate enough to draw a tag! :) )

I'm hoping to head out to Vernal here in the next couple of weeks to do some fishing. I'll be sure to let you know how things are out there, and post some pics if we see anything worth snappin' along the way.


PS Did you ever post any pics of the taxi on your MT goat for the rest of MM to see? If not, I think it's definitely worth sharing! IMO

"A man can be hard to find in the mountains, but you're welcome at my fire anytime."
Noel, I have not acquired the tag as yet. I am hoping too, for sure, as there is a buck I've been waiting 3 years on. He was hard to pass up last year, I'm excited to see what he looks like this year for sure.

Oh, and if you campfire fanatics want to see a WAY COOL mountain goat, check it out on the sheep forum.
Coach...hey...going to phx in a couple of weeks to see Bura and other friends for a weekend...but prolly sometime this fall head out your direction....

Predator- Oopps....sorry! Yeah it's ME! Missed me didn't ya? HA...I knew it!!!! Hope you've been doin well...

Ok everyone...let's cranks this party UP! Stands on log and howls at the

LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-05 AT 08:42PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-05 AT 08:19?PM (MST)

PC, my brother-in-law, Dan Leppek knows Joe Garcia. He teaches at Redwood High. I think Dan says he also coaches baseball? Small world isn't it!

Dan and my sister's new house is comming along nicely. Just got the roof on. What a beautiful view of Humboldt Bay and the ocean they have.

Paul, good luck in Colorado this year

I think I'm ready for a few marshmallows.........


We really enjoyed meeting your and your Mrs. Thanks for stopping by. Call anytime your in town. Will let you know how the kids do in the NM draw.

Phantom Hunter
Howdy Phantom,

You didn't tell me when you guys would be in unit 34!!! Tell Robyn "sorry" for not drawing, but I didn't draw in NM, or Colorado either!

Send me a message about the dates. Hubbel canyon is good from what I hear.


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