Bad news for Cattlemen/Farmers



-- U.S. Department of Agriculture confirms a cow in Washington state has tested "presumptive positive" for mad cow disease. Watch CNN or log on to (AOL Keyword: CNN) for the latest news.

Having had cattle all my life I think this will be bad for us and the Western States.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-03 AT 05:11PM (MST)[p]Just f-ing what we need! My neighbor has several hundred head and I have a half dozen angus/hereford/limosin feeder steers coming in the late spring! One more thing to worry about! Lets hope that it dosent jump over to our deer and elk! Thanks for the heads up!


Life long "vagitarian"
Yes that is potentially some very bad news. Wouldn't want to be in the beef industry right now
If you thought the price of beef was bad before, wait till this settles out. Now where we gonna get it from, cant do the UK, cant do Canada...oh boy.

Cattle prices here in Washington were the best that they have been for years. That will come to an abrupt end and downfall! It will be great for us that want to buy calves but bad for those who want to sell, like a lot of folks in this area. I cant wait to hear what our as$hole governor has to say about this. He probably really dosent give a sh!t. He is more concerned with kissing Boeings a$$ for a tiny number of jobs, taking trips to see his relatives in China at our expence and sending more of our jobs over there. Oops, a little off subject! Haahaaaa... Nevermind...


Life long "vagitarian"
Call me a conspiracy nut!
Why do these stories break just before a big meat consuming holiday?
I am a butcher of 25 years and it always amazes me!
You don't think it could be those stinkin hippies in the media do you!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-03 AT 07:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-03 AT 07:05?PM (MST)

I feel a whirl-wind coming on.......It will do one of two things: quarantined area's and get sky high or the Bottom will fall out of the Beef Industry. Got yearlin's on some wheat pasture now, Think it is probably a good time to go ahead and turn them lose..Thanks for the heads up, haven't heard it yet, but if I know the Media, they will be all over it.....and yeah cattle prices are/were the best they have been in the last 20 years.........Dwayne
Feel for you boys down there. Seen how it can cripple the industry up here. F'ing BS or should I say BSE! Our Ranchers ar really hurtin' this ain't gonna help the friggin' mess either.
This will get blown way out of proportion. From what I understand, the only way a cow can get mad cow disease is by eating another cows brain or spine that is infected. The only way people can get infected is the same. That's what happened in the UK. They were feeding cows to cows. The cow that tested positive obviously had ingested tainted feed. Maybe I'll stay away from the head cheese for now.
Settle down ladies, it was one cow and I dont think that any of his buddies dined on his carcass. Besides, dont you all "fill your freezers" with the deer and elk you hunt so you should be good until next year.
My major concern is what this "scare" is going to do the cattle industry. The risks of actually contracting this disease, whether it be human or bovine, from such an isolated incident is very minimal. Just ask a cattleman from Canada what kind of damage this kind of media tornado can do to ones livelyhood.
It could eventually benefits guys like me who buy feeder steers and raise them for myself, family and friends. The cost of buying live on the hoof calves will probably drop. Great for me but sh!tty for the folks that have to make a living out of selling livestock and cattle products. Unless you have a hankerin' for beef brains, spinal cord and spleen, and maybe sphincter (haaaahaaa) you dont realy need to worry about it.


Life long "vagitarian"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-25-03 AT 03:26PM (MST)[p] It wasn't long after the Canadian border was closed,We saw the highest one week price hikes on American beef in history!
I was raising my prices up to two dollars a pound on some items!
Thanksgiving brought a correction because it is a BIG turkey week.
This will definatley scare those people that rely on Dan Rather and don't think for themselves! I expect prices to fall dramaticaly along with demand!
From my understanding, some of the beef organizations have a huge war chest for a media blitz if something like this were to ever happen.

Folks, think about it, we (USA) were able to identify ONE cow out of millions that are slaughtered as being infected. WE do have the safest food supply in the world.

That being said, we (cattle producers) will now pay the price for closing the canadian border as some countries (Japan and at least 9 others so far) have banned US Beef.

Its also noteworthy that this animal was a holstein (not a beef breed) and was a cull from a milking herd. Mad Cow is not found in young (less than 24 months) animals. Also cattle get it from eating other infected animals (cows, sheep, etc), in the form of blood meal and other supplements. This type of feed has been banned for over 12 years in the united states. It is unlikely that the infected cow got it either in the USA or recently. It will be interesting to see where the cow originated. The rumor here (SE Idaho) is that the infected cow or herd originated in Canada.

For those of you that buy beef from the store: I would suggest paying a higher price and buying beef graded either choice or prime. Beef that comes from older animals will not grade that high, and generally,it takes a "beef breed" such as angus to make that grade. Also look for burger labeled ground chuck(stuff that is ground from a specific muscle, rather than pieces and parts) You can't get infected from eating the "whole muscle" cuts, only spinal and brain tissue.

Best idea, go to your local cattleman where you can view the health conditions yourself and buy a beef for your freezer.
We run several hundred head thru the family feedlot a year, the scare will be hurting those ranchers and farmers who are ready to sell soon ,but we are thinking by late spring when the bulk of the our herd will be going to market this will be behind us,or we all will be eating 19 cent hamburgers,Now will we make alot of money on this years steers NO you just have to stay in it for the long run, Now we think cow prices will stay down thru this summer be alot of pasture for rent thats for sure, already a lot of farmers back home are talking about plowing up pasture land and planting soy beans, a couple of years down the line those same guys will be in money trouble and selling out the farm. My 2 cents
idhunters- The only thing that might not be true is the blood meal. Meat and bone meal is the culprit, because it was made from grinding discarded parts of cows ie-spines and heads. I dont think that blood meal is a contributor, because they still make it.

I think since this is a dairy cow, that dairy products will be hit hard also. You can eat the meat from a BSE infected cow and NOT contract BSE. Only if you like sucking on cow brains or spinal cartilige from an infected cow. But people will link the 2 together because of lack of knowledge.
Your probably correct about the blood meal. But I believe they have stopped using ruminants to make it?

I have not heard much about dairy products being hit. Thats the last thing we need now that milk prices are finally decent.

Gators right about the long term thing. And people that are making long term decisions like plowing up pasture based on one event might think twice.

Bottom line, stay away from the cow brains and spinal fluid.

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