baked trout help


Very Active Member
Had a bad experience with some small baked trout other night. Three (12", 12", 14') trout I baked 10 min at 400* in glass dish then added water to steam add'l 10 min at 400*. Pulled em out and they sat a few min while finishing broccoli and corn. I had a hard time flaking meat off bone and ended up with mostly tiny flakes of meat- with a buncha damn bones in it!

How do you all cook trout? Easier to flake off meat while it is very hot or how long do you let it cool? Meat was very tasty (lemon dill) but cool and had a few bones. Skin fell apart instead of peeled off whole... Can't remember having this much trouble before but don't want to go through this again. I know grill is better but its too damn cold out.
I prefer my fish to be grilled, fried, or baked in the oven. Don't care for microwave at all, but my hunting partner and his wife absolutely love their trout and salmon that way. He takes the filets, puts a little butter , salt, and pepper on the flesh side, and then puts them skin side up in a little white wine. Cover the baking dish with Saran Wrap and cook 3-4 minutes, let sit for 5 minutes. Skin lifts right off and meat separates form bones easily.
Don't have a microwave, and it's cold outside! I will prob lean towards the grill next time... But does anyone have good baking in the oven tips? Thanks guys
Here you go ....... make sure the trout is clean inside and out ( I scrape off the scales) cut off the head and tail, (some people don’t) put a tablespoon or two of tarter sauce in the trout. Wrap in tin foil and bake at 350 for 20 minutes

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