bear hunt in NM cut!

No doubt I'll be in the minority here but I say Good. I'm all for that.

I live in Utah and our state's idea of managing bear and lion populations is to let the outfitters kill them all and what they can't get, hire the Gov. trappers to finish.

It's good to see a state that finally has the balls to stand up and admit that they don't mind a few bears in the state and are willing to manage them.

In Utah they give us about 2 weeks of good bear hunting and then complain cuz no one is killing enough bears so then the Gov. trappers pile them up like firewood.

In the long run I think this will help you guys be able to kill bigger, better bears. Don't feel too bad about it, at least your state is TRYING to manage them. The only thing our state can manage is the size of their fleet of new trucks.

Just a couple things here dawg... while I got my hackles up..

First.. your doing a lot of ASSuming arent' ya ?

Second, it wasnt the Biologists that did this... its NOT the Game Department that is "managing" the bears... IT IS and WAS the anti-hunters that got this done. Plain and simple.. doesnt have a damn thing to do with managing SQUAT.

There aint a DAMN thing wrong with number of bears in NM.. the harvest rate has been right at 10% since they completed the 10 yr study.. according to BIOLOGISTS numbers ... There was NO reason to cut the season, AND damn sure no reason to limit the statewide harvest to 336 bears.. the population has been growing over the last 20 years with MORE harvest than 336 bears.

I guess your new heros are TREEHUGGING ANTI-HUNTERS. Simple as that.

No worry.. lions will be next.. then deer, then elk ... then quail and ducks...

You boys go join up... but don't forget to bury them hounds first... cause you wont be needing them much longer...


Steve Lithgow
Well, now if the Treehuggers are managing your wildlife instead of the biologists then that is a problem.

If the biologists felt like too many bears were getting killed and changed the hunt I could live with that. But if they are just caving into public pressure from the Anti hunters, then that is a different story.

I really know very little about the New Mexico bear populations but that article made it sound like tons of bears were getting slaughtered and the Game and Fish decided to do something about it. I applaud that. However, maybe that article isn't really painting the correct picture.

I'll admit that I'm a bit defensive these days about killing everything because I come from a state that would love nothing more than to systematically eliminate every lion, every bear and every hound guy from the face of the earth.

But I'll never be in favor of letting anti hunting groups manage our hunts or our wildlife. This is probably the kind of thing were having a group like the SFW in Utah can step in and help out.

While I disagree with them strongly on their predator management theory, they sure do help keep the tree huggers at bay.

If that article is BS and what you are saying is true, then I think I'd have to change my position. I don't want to stand with the Tree huggers on this one.

But I will say this much. Over the counter bear tags in New Mex and if I understand correctly, an unlimited amount of over the counter bear tags... ?? Not a good thing in my opinion.

It's pretty much inviting the full time outfitters to come in and totally massacre the bear or lion population. And no offense to outfitters but I've never met one yet that gave a rats ass about bear or lion populations until they were all killed out and they couldn't find one.

But if this decision was based purely on pressure from tree huggers and didn't have the backing of biologists, I'd say that is not a good sign!!

Maybe we are all just "kicking against the pricks"... I don't intend to give up or just throw in the towel but I still firmly believe in my lifetime I'll see the end of legal hound dogging.
The key word there being legal. ;-)

Good luck with your fight down there. I'm sure come next fall when I want to go down there chasing and can't get a tag, then I'll realize what a bad thing it is. :)

"kicking against the pricks".

Thats it.

Over the counter bear tags are only a bad thing if your killing too many bears.. and killing more than the biologist backed 10% is only bad if you want the population to grow.. or good if you want it to shrink.. Anyway the harvest can be regulated easily by LOTS of means. .including sow quotas, shorter season, etc...

So.. the question is... do you want the population to :

A: stay the same
B: grow
C: shrink

The treehuggars dont care about anything except reducing the harvest.. they will accept anything that reduces the harvest.. then next year they'll do it again... and again... its starting to play out my friend !

So.. following the 10 yr study.. the population was determined to be growing.. with about 400 bears harvested each year over the last 15 or so years... so the the commission decided to try and keep it the same or slightly reduce it (due to depredation issues)... VIOLA ! The August hunt was created ! (previously the hunt was 60-75 days i.e. Oct 1 - Nov 1 or Oct 15-Nov 15 or Oct 1 - Nov 15)

Last year we harvested around 700 bears (really 650 if you disclude the depredation bears).. so we were at an estimated 12% of pops (pop estimate follwoing the study was 5500-6500).. that should slightly decrease the population.. I dont have the numbers to date for this year.. but it looks like about the same as last year.. or maybe a little less(projected cause the season is still open)...(course some guys knowing that next year is screwed.. will probably go kill the next bear they catch).

So.. basically you can expect that the pops are going to increase (given the 336 bear quota for 04) AND the number of dep bears killed will go back to where it was 2 years ago... 100 + bears.. last year it was 50.

Its not a complicated formula... I would NOT expect you will be able to come over here in Oct and hunt at all next year Dawg.. cause the quota will most likely be filled (might get filled in August in 02 there were 350 bears harvested in Aug).. and the season will be closed...

You can bet the outfitters will kill the first one they catch for every client they book.. and those of us that NEVER HAVE and NEVER WILL kill one will be trying to sell our dogs off to some place where you can actually use them or to the said outfitters...

Now where did I leave my beer... or did I have one ? Hmmm.. best just get another... ;)

Steve Lithgow
So I went back and read that article again and it really doesn't tell you #####. It says the number will be capped at 336 and as many as 800 bears a year were killed before.

So what the hell does that mean? One year they killed 800 bears or is that just tree hugger propaganda?

And what is the deal? Is your state game dept. just caving into public pressure or are the biologists backing this or what?

I don't know how New Mex works. Do you have a wildlife board or something that has to pass everything with a vote?

It seems a little strange to me that these decisions for next year are being made right now while the current season is going on. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that happen up here.

Maybe you hound guys should start lobbying for some kind of pursuit season to just chase. To me, that is the strangest thing about New Mexico... that you have to buy a kill tag just to go run a bear whether you want to shoot one or not.

Does your Game and Fish believe this is best or are they just getting tree hugger pressure and they are just caving into it rather than fighting it?

You guys need a spring pursuit season bigtime!!! Have you ever run pursuit past your state to see what their response was?

How are they going to cap it at 336? With a draw for tags or a quota type of deal? Any idea?

That article sure didn't explain much. And is this a temporary thing or what? Are they saying?

I am curious as to what the target percentages they would like to harvest in NM would be on game such as deer, elk each yr..... 20%, 30%? You got to realize that bear don't breed like rabbits nor any other biggame we hunt, sows won't sexually mature till there 3 and boars up to a yr latter. Since bears only breed every other yr also you can be looking at a sow thats 7 yrs old or better before her first offspring ever become sexually mature to reproduce. I would be curious how the biologists break down there #s on bear as to harvest percentages, at what percentage are you declinging the pop, increasing the pop, or holding it level. I'm wonder where that 10% figure falls in the categorys. I would really care less if they cut back the percentage anywhere I hunt, just as long as you still get a full pursuit season etc. FWIW, Since 94 when OR lost its houndhunting....its gotten better and better hunting every
LOL ! Bet the hunting kicks butt in OR too WalkerDawgs !!! LOL !

10% is what has been used here for a very long time it does assume a relatively even distribution of sows and boars.. Actually I think this was recommended following the study too.. I'll have to go read that thing again..

Anyway, Dawg.. yep you are CORRECT its strange but not as strange as our political commission..

The state game commission here is NOT the same as the Game Dept... the Commission is APPOINTED by the Governor !!! It currently has 7 members... lets see.. two work for the the Audobon Society, one is a pueblo indian, one is an oil man, and the other two are actual guys that have hunted before in their life...(I discluded the chairman.. sorry.. he is pro hunting)..

Anyway.. the COMMISSION makes the decisions.. NOT the GAME DEPARTMENT ! The Game department can only make recommendations to the commission.. I'll have to call Bill Dunn and see what their recommendation was.. if they even had one...

So now you know why we dont have.. and NEVER will have a persuit season... cause its all political.. and right now we have the most far left governor ever ! Thus the audobon people on the commission...

Like I said.. you'll probably be staying home next October... ;-)

Oh.. its my understanding that it will be a quota. Once 336 is reached.. season closed.

Steve Lithgow
I wish there was an easy answer to this one. I love going over and hunting till my dogs won't go anymore. This will change that. We have quotas in AZ and it's not the ordinary hunters that are killing the sows and shutting the season down.

I'm feeling your pain Waycool, the bunny huggers you have in the commission will ruin all hunting if given the opportunity. The Indian guy doen't want bears or lion harvested or pursued.

I don't know if my attitude is rolling over or what but I've been to way too many meetings to think that we are somehow going to change the course of this for the better.

Waycool, do you know which areas of the state are loosing the hounds? Seems to me that down by you doesn't recieve as heavy of pressure as the Northern Units. Of course the outfitters will still want every bear killed to be over their dogs for their clients so the pressure will increase in those areas still open. Man this sucks.

Well... its just tough over here Ed... I wouldnt mind the quota at all. if they would just leave the season open to persuit after it closes... same with lions... There is no harm in that at all statistically insignificant impact on the resource.. (except for Dawg training his pups on them kittens :) )

We're in a bad spot ... maybe we can fix it... first thing I'd like to do is fire the guy representing the houndsman on that bear resource committee.. he's a great guy and all.. but he's obviously no help at ALL.


Yes.. they kill some EVERY year.. three strikes and they get the shotgun.. I dont see ANY way to fix this.. some of them get relocated and stay out of trouble.. but some are just acclimated to humans and have to be euthanized. Last year they killed 52 dep bears.. not sure what the number is this year.. have to call Bill Dunn and ask...

I'm already working on a proposal for the next meeting if we can get it on the agenda... but I doubt their going to listen to one half mexican houndsman from the desert...

Guess I should just move to Oregon... ;)

Steve Lithgow
I just saw the news here , wow , 336 and where do they get that number , and next year hounds will not be allowed to be used , I understand when a plan to manage is researched and then put in place , but please show research and proof by fact . In certain areas numbers have gone done , but that is usual , nature takes its own course and numbers have ALWAYS fluctuated . I live maybe four miles from thw new G and Fich office , its right in between two beautiful golf courses , one most of us couldn't get on and I do see thier fleet of new vehicles , this dept. some times just gets to me in such a bad way , but I'll stay off the soap box for now .....NM
What the hell??!!! Hounds will not allowed to be used next year in New mexico?

Are you telling me they are shutting down the use of hounds for bear hunting next year in New Mexico?

Cuz that sure wasn't mentioned in that article. If that is true somebody needs to be drug from their office, beaten to death and hung from a light pole to rot for a few weeks.

We could probably learn something from those crazy Iraqis if we paid closer attention.

They can't possibly be closing off hound hunting next year in New Mexico. Tell me it ain't so...

No.. you can still hunt with hounds.. but only in some places in August... Otherwise you'll have to wait til October...

I got another piece of info that the "NEW" biologist for predators is the one that recommended this change... He needs to update his reading glasses me thinks...


Following the study the bear population was estimated to be double what was previously thought. The G&F had long estimated the state population to be 3000 bears.. after the study ... the more educated number was 6000.

Ok... so during the study, the population was observed as growing slightly.. from 2 -4% per year... All this while harvest was also being conducted through normal hunting.

In addition, the study indicated that the state was very near or approaching maximum population for the existing habitat.

What this all says is this... if you take an average harvest year during the study.. say 1998 where around 384 bears were harvested.. AND the population grew by an average 3% that year . Then you KNOW that by harvesting LESS than approximately 9.5% of bears .. that the population will continue to grow...

Here's the numbers..

384/6000 = 6.4%

3% of 6000 = 180

So.. if you want the population to grow.. then harvest less than 584 bears. If you want the population to shrink then harvest more than 584 bears. Finally if you want the population to stay the same .. then harvest near 584 bears..

The hard work has been done. The rest is simple math...

What is irresponsible on the part of the department and the commission is that allowing the population to grow.. when you are at or near maximum supportable habitat.

That is sad. We can look forward to an increase in the number of depredation takings in the future..

If anyone is interested in the results of the 10yr bear study.. you can find it on the NM G&F website at: Bear Study.pdf

Steve Lithgow
It ain't so. I just got back from out of town late last night. I sure felt bad that I could not attend the game commission meeting. Dawg, as I read in the paper, hounds can be used for one week in Aug. Sept. is archery only...then dogs used again come Oct. ( if the quotas are not filled ) Maybe someone else has the exact dates.

Anyhow, it sucks to be us right now.

It sounds like you boys need to do what we do up here... or at least I do.

Find some private ground the landowner will let you on. Or just do what some do up here and hit public land. But many landowners wouldn't consider letting a deer or elk hunter in but if you are hunting lions or bear, they suddenly change their tune.

Then you don't have to worry about trivial things like seasons and dates and quotas. It's kind of along those same lines as WalkerDawgs philosophy... the hounding opportunities got much better for him after they closed the state to hounding. :)

My bear season is from the time they come out of their dens to the time they go back to sleep. My dogs don't know it ain't bear season and I don't care so it works out for all of us.

But I'm not liking the idea that I may not be able to come down there and hang out with Ed and the boys next October. :-(
Hell boys it will just get better, When they stopped our spring hunt, the female harvest went way up. they also found out that when dogs were used they harvest of females went way down compared to those stalked or shot over bait.

Puma Guy has a hellava lot of statistical data you guys could use on bears and hunting, he is actually kind of an educated pri#k.

You boys are where we were about eight years ago, good luck.

I'm sorry but you could use a organization like SFW, maybee we could send you fishon, he likes to argue wether he's right or wrong.


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