Best bow for under 600.00


Active Member
Want to get back into bow hunting finally got my shoulder rehabed. Was wondering can I find a good bow for around 600.00 don't want to be cheap but if I happen to have a shoulder problem again I don't want to be out a ton of money cuz doc said this is my last chance thanks for any responses
I'd go over to the archerytalk classifieds and look for a used 1 or 2 yr old bow for 400 to 450. You can get some top of the line bows for that price over there, I've done it many times.

I think with a bum shoulder I'd stick with 60 lbs as well.
Ksl also has a bunch of bows in your price range. Hoyt has one or two new bows each year that fit the build as well. The best thing you can do is shoot as many bows as you can afford and find the one that you feel is the best for you.
With a bad shoulder an Elite should be looked at, the Energy 35 has been on Camofire recently and right in your price range. It's a shooter!
There are two super nice Elite bows on today.

If you are right handed and a 28" - 29" draw length you're golden with one of those. I also recommend one of the 60 lbs bows. They are all super fast these days and you can get started down in the 50's to build strength.

Use the wingspan method to determine your draw length. Measure your fingertip to fingertip spread sideways. Subtract 15" and then divide by two. This will give you your exact ATA draw length you need. Other people will say wingspan divided by 2.5 but comes out 1/2" too long for most people unless you have a very short wingspan.

Jump on it right away as they will disappear before the day is up.

If you are in Salt Lake, let me know and I can help you get it set up. Or at least point you in the right direction on where to get it setup for you.

My dad had a similar situation so I looked for the lightest bows I could find. Ended up buying a Mathews Creed in 50-60 lbs and a Mathews Heli-M in 55-65 pounds.

We both loved them so much, I shoot the Heli-M and ended up selling my Hoyt. There is something to be said about a light bow that you can shoot ALL DAY LONG and not get fatigued. The Heli-M is 3.5 lbs and the Creed 3.85 lbs.

If interested, I may sell the Heli-M as for next season, I want to get a 60-70 lb version of either the Heli-M or Creed XS.

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