Best elk hunt


Ok guys and gals, I'm sitting on 25 non-resident points for elk. I have been thinking Mt. Emily, but now re-thinking a Roosevelt and taking my son along to shoot his first elk. What is the best Roosevelt unit in Oregon. Archery or rifle.
Powers or Melrose for Rosey's. However neither are the same experience as Mt. Emily. My advice, get the rifle Emily tag and do a mentor hunter with your son and let him shoot it.
I agree, no Rosey hunt in Oregon is worth that amount of points. I'm guessing padfoot has 24 points and wants to hunt Emily next year :)

All seriousness, you can shoot me a PM if you want and I can help a little.
A lot of Oregon for archery is OTC tags.
Rifle is for drawing a Rocky tag.
Tough to get a couple NR tags but it seems you have a lot of years invested.
They kill some studs in the Powers and sixes units. Get a reputable outfitter and you'll do fine. You can kill a rocky almost anywhere, a rosie is pretty limited on where you can hunt them..
With your points I would do Wenaha archery. Less hunter crowding than in Emily. More country that holds elk and can be easily accessed in Wenaha
Um.... out of the 2 emily is way way more ACCESSIBLE than wenaha... you can practically drive the whole emily unit..

Question one- you want to hunt rifle or bow? I would do wenaha if you do bow forsure

Question 2.. diy or outfitter? If I was a non res doing rifle... and had zero time to scout.. it be emily.. I can fill you in on places to look. If you like. I dont know too much about it but have seen some dandy bulls killed in there

If you want mess people. And pack in style do wenaha or walla walla...

Just curious. I have never hunted Mt Emily so I only know what I have been told and read here. I thought the elk in Mt Emily were more down off the top in some very nasty country. I have hunted Wenaha several times. There is some very remote country there but we never needed to go there to find elk. The top was plenty big enough, we did not need to drop down very far. I think both are great choices. I have seen a few reports on Emily that complained of crowding. I don't think I have ever seen a bad report from the Wenaha archery hunt. My wife and I average 14 points, she has 18. Walla walla is in reach soon and Mt Emily is not that far out of reach. I don't think we could ever draw Wenaha together. I am torn between her drawing the Wenaha hunt and me just calling for her or hunting a lesser unit where we can both have tags.

All my experience is during the archery seasons. I have been on the Wenaha rifle hunt with some friends. That hunt is nothing like the archery hunt.

Here is a link to Zims Mt Emily hunt last year
Um.... out of the 2 emily is way way more ACCESSIBLE than wenaha... you can practically drive the whole emily unit..

Question one- you want to hunt rifle or bow? I would do wenaha if you do bow forsure

Question 2.. diy or outfitter? If I was a non res doing rifle... and had zero time to scout.. it be emily.. I can fill you in on places to look. If you like. I dont know too much about it but have seen some dandy bulls killed in there

If you want mess people. And pack in style do wenaha or walla walla...

Thanks Kasey, I'll give you a call in a week or so.
Based on my hunt last year and all I spoke with. You would be better off in Weneha especially if you can backpack in there. I would only consider Mt. Emily if you hire an outfitter to do a drop camp deep down a canyon. The tops are full of spike pressure which pushes all the big bulls down deep. I'd go at least 1,000 feet down if not 2,000. You can't back a bull up from that deep unless you got horses or 8 very good young friends. Period.
You can draw a Roosie tag every year with 0 points. That is absolute crazy talk if you would even consider using your points to hunt the coast. Hunt Weneha or Mt Emily rifle.
Done it for years Zim:) slow and steady my friend lol

It’s not realistic with the laundry list of broken body parts most have accumulated with the time required to draw these tags. In my case impossible. I would list all the injuries here but it would be longer than a list of SFW corruption articles. Most concerning of which is any backpack strap pressure on my pacer.
You can draw a Roosie tag every year with 0 points. That is absolute crazy talk if you would even consider using your points to hunt the coast. Hunt Weneha or Mt Emily rifle.

Try getting a quality Rosie anywhere in the nation or world, rockies are dime a dozen. You can draw rocky tags with 0 point in oregon as well. Powers and the sixes are the 2 best in the state.
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