Best "Functional" Camo Pattern?



I was watching a little hunting while having my morning coffee when the Hecs show came on.
I had to give a thumbs up when I saw he was wearing Sitka (my favorite) over his Hecs.

What's YOUR choice for "functional" camo pattern and why?
I'd say around 80% of hunters tend to wear the same tops as bottoms. I make a point to wear different tops than bottoms to break up the human profile.

I prefer to bring a large selection of camo patterns. If you take a look at the guy in the photo above it appears his camo stands out like a sore thumb from the country he is hunting in the background. I often set out my camo patterns in the country I'll be hunting and choose the pattern/colors that blend in the best. Also, what works in September may be a totally different pattern/color than at the same location in November. I also bring along a set of snow camo....nothing stands out against snow more than a human form dressed in dark camo against snow!
I Find this Camo Pattern hard to beat!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Earth tones. The ones who standout the most are the ones wearing a name brand camo pattern mostly because they are darker than what foliage they are around - colors don't match. Camo from a distance often appears darker and will silhouette you more than you realize.

Ex: KUIU Vias in Sept green terrain.

I'm sure a MM member will now quote me followed by some "LOL's"...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-19 AT 12:04PM (MST)[p]Honestly movement and wind direction trumps camo patterns in my opinion.
I've worn about about everything on the market; kuiu, Sitka, first lite, kings, to wranglers and carharts. No single one fooled animals any better than the other. Killed plenty of elk in close during Green September decked out in kuiu vias. Killed allot of stuff wearing solid colors too. Fred bear killed piles of stuff in flannels. Only thing I've ever found camo to be crucial in is waterfowl and turkeys where birds see in color... I purchase hunting gear off how it performs on the mountain versus the camo pattern ascetics to the human eye.
Personally I am a Sitka guy.
As mentioned above, most camo patterns are way to dark and blend into a dark blob and make you more silhouetted.

I was watching a guy with my naked eye walking through sagebrush at about 600 yards away last year and thought he stood out like a sore thumb. I looked at him through my spotter and to my surprise, he was dressed head to toe in Kuiu.

Sitka is a light camo patter with a lot of grey in it with I'll take over darker tones of greens, browns and blacks.
My philosophy is to always match the ground cover because thats what you are standing in, not the trees.
I'd have to say we are in sagebrush 90% of the time no matter what elevation we are in, and it is tones of grey's.

But also as mentioned above, no camo will be effective if the wind isn't right, nor will any scent blocker even remotely help.
Sitka i have 3 different patterns thatvway I can wear certain colors at different spots/months. The only people that talk down on sitka are people that cant afford it! Sure you can go hunt in wranglers or carhart but i can guarantee I'm hunting way more comfortable than those guys.

I like the "natural" brand and it's more affordable.

see my latest wildlife pictures on I.G.
Follow me @ antler_chaser_
Honestly movement and wind direction trumps camo patterns in my opinion.
I've worn about about everything on the market; kuiu, Sitka, first lite, kings, to wranglers and carharts. No single one fooled animals any better than the other. Killed plenty of elk in close during Green September decked out in kuiu vias. Killed allot of stuff wearing solid colors too. Fred bear killed piles of stuff in flannels. Only thing I've ever found camo to be crucial in is waterfowl and turkeys where birds see in color... I purchase hunting gear off how it performs on the mountain versus the camo pattern ascetics to the human eye.


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
"I fear none and respect all"
It's Amazing there were as Many Big Bucks taken back in the Day with Everybody Wearing Bright RED Flannel Shirts!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
The best camo pattern is the one on sale! I generally use the old "outfitters camo" pattern. But I don't think you can beat a red and black flannel shirt.

Can you have a pattern that is too light or too dark for the area you are hunting? Sure, so have one lighter set and one darker set. Colors? Don't really mean much unless you are hunting birds (turkeys/ doves) that can actually see color. Otherwise blaze orange camo is just as good.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
> It's Amazing there were as
>Many Big Bucks taken back
>in the Day with Everybody
>Wearing Bright RED Flannel Shirts!
That's because there WERE big bucks everywhere back then!?
>> It's Amazing there were as
>>Many Big Bucks taken back
>>in the Day with Everybody
>>Wearing Bright RED Flannel Shirts!
>That's because there WERE big bucks
>everywhere back then!?

That Be True PUNK!

But Which Way would you rather have it?

I'd take the RED Flannel Shirt ERA anyday!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-19 AT 07:46PM (MST)[p]Easy to be prejudiced behind a keyboard, huh boys?

Why not find some antihunter to bash rather than a fellow hunter.

Do I own some Sitka gear? Yep, gotten off close out sales at less than 1/2 price. Do I think their gear is worth list prices? Nope, but I don't bash anyone who likes their stuff. To each his/her own.

You want to bash the brand, be my guest, but when you bash the guy who wears it you lose my respect.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Color means very little when the target you're after doesn't see in color. The example about Kuiu vias in September not matching is inaccurate if you're only talking about matching color. Breaking up your outline, not blending in, is what can make a difference if all things are equal and just comparing camp patterns.

What is true is a lot of the camp patterns out there are too dark and will stand out to game.

What is also true is that it won't matter what you're wearing if they see you moving or smell you.

People constantly bash high end gear, until they get a chance to use it. You can kill deer in jeans and a flannel shirt. You won't be as comfortable as if you kill it wear quality clothing built for the conditions.
Bessy, Mrs Sikora is going to start getting angry with you if you keep posting
Her pics on here. LOL!


It's your year Bessy!

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
>>> It's Amazing there were as
>>>Many Big Bucks taken back
>>>in the Day with Everybody
>>>Wearing Bright RED Flannel Shirts!
>>That's because there WERE big bucks
>>everywhere back then!?
>That Be True PUNK!
>But Which Way would you rather
>have it?
>I'd take the RED Flannel Shirt
>ERA anyday!
If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times before.
Camo is made for the hunter in mind not the prey.
The guides at USO just wore flannel shirts and jeans. They said the most important
thing is the wind. Amen!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
I like desert kings camo, mostly because the outlet is close. Same reason I like badlands.

I keep hearing about high end, but I just don't believe the crotch won't rip out on barb wire same as my cheap crap, and I'm not sure if my 3rd grade needle work can sew Sitka or Kuiu back together.

I also have to split my budget in 3rd, and those other 2/3 grow out of crap yearly so old dad is at the outlet.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I watched a guy on tv archery hunting open country muleys the other day in a black hoodie. I'm thinking to myself "why doesn't he have camo on?"

Then he sneaked up on a mature buck and smoked him from 40 yards.

I'm sure the expensive stuff works fine, but I'm not paying for it. f you're a back country guy, I can see how the lightweight stuff would be great. I'm too old for that, so wal-mart camo works fine for me. As long as I move slow and keep the wind right....
Camo is overrated in general, but I still wear it and like it. My favorite is the old Cabelas outfitter pattern. I really like how it breaks up your outline and blends in to most surroundings. Even in the Cabelas outfitter stuff their older stuff was better, the newer stuff was lighter/brighter colored and the material seemed to almost have a sheen to it.

Cabelas Outfitter camo is my all-time favorite to look at. I never bought it because I never felt that the quality of the gear justified the price.

If I could special order any article of clothing in any color I wanted, it would be Kuiu Attack pants in Outfitter camo!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-19 AT 03:33PM (MST)[p] Sitka and Kuiu work great for me. I have both. I like the kuiu a hair better it fits to my body better. Their price point is better than sitka I feel. But the downside with Kuiu you cant try it on as they are direct to the customer. Both are awesome and the best way to buy them is on sale. Gear like that keeps you on the mtn. longer than cheap stuff. Buy once cry once. If you want good solid color pants for hunting, Eddie Bauer guide pants are awesome you can get them fleece or non fleeced lined. I have 3 pairs and they are gonna be money for shed hunting and elk hunts.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Swamppokey and wired let's see your bucks you've killed wearing your off brand same performance gear as sitka?

Not saying you cant kill them wearing wranglers or Walmart camo but haters are haters most the time its guys that can't afford good hunting gear!

>Swamppokey and wired let's see your
>bucks you've killed wearing your
>off brand same performance gear
>as sitka?
>Not saying you cant kill them
>wearing wranglers or Walmart camo
>but haters are haters most
>the time its guys that
>can't afford good hunting gear!

I never said I wear off brand. Simply stated that most soldiers in the sitka army r posers. kuiu rulz! So does Carhartt and wrangler though. Shake em haters off
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-19 AT 02:17AM (MST)[p]I agree with everyone here. I try and blend in with the terrain I'm hunting given the area and time of year. But, one reason I like camo, is to not hide from deer and elk, but other hunters. If I'm stalking another deer, watching one, making a move, I don't want other hunters seeing me do it and then seeing what I'm after. Of course the blaze orange laws throw all this out the window.
I'm a mix-n-match type guy.

My pants don't match my top like that.

I'm a Kings Camo, Kryptek, Sitka (waterfowl) and Realtree.

Doesn't matter much for the animals. If they see you move, they'll peg you. If they don't, then plain pants and shirt will do. There is merit to its advantage in not being seen by other hunters.
"What is true is a lot of the [camo] patterns out there are too dark and will stand out to game."

Vanilla - that was my point to using the Vias example. Hughs of gray can appear dark against bright and shiny green grass and oak brush, or perhaps green prarie grass hunting antelope even. So the comment isn't necessarily inaccurate.

Blending in with camo is so people can't see you and the only way to blend in with animals is to hunt downwind.

My current situation precludes me from caring about your opinion but go ahead and give voice to it anyway...

I'm impressed by Elkass' camo But the JC Penny is very good, same as any other pattern that is not in motion.

I buy differant camo every time I get new hunting clothes so I don't match. Like max1 for my eyes, then I put a blaze orange vest over all my cool looking camo.
Elkass's #3 post is hard to beat... more of a desert camo with all that tan?!!

Ive killed two great bucks within 50 yds the last two years wearing light green solid (not camo) pants and a lighter green/tan colored camo long sleeve top with blaze orange vest over top. Orange hat. Wind was right and i was stationary.

Saw a guy stalking turkeys in OK a few years ago: from about 300 yds his pants looked white or light grey. Got up close and talked to him and they looked like normal camo, but a bit faded. I told him he needed some new pants! I hang camo in a tree and go back and view from a distance after that experience.

Camo is fun but hardly worth a bunch of money if your dollars are thin. I d rather spend on boots, glass, good food, etc.
>Doesn't matter much for the animals.
>If they see you move,
>they'll peg you. If they
>don't, then plain pants and
>shirt will do. There is
>merit to its advantage in
>not being seen by other

If functional means most effective, my vote is for snow camo. In my experience it is the most effective for them not seeing you. This goes for all game not just the hoofed animals. One of my favorite ways to hunt is still hunting during a heavy snow fall. Moving slow you can work your way in to bow range. If they see you move and look at you just be still and they will soon dismiss it. Probably because where I'm at they rarely see it and it just doesn't click.

Last few years have mostly gone with Kuiu. I like the Vias camo more than Verde. Old school Predator Camo is my favorite. Specifically the brighter green Predator. It's hard to find now though, in good(non-cotton) material. I wish I could order Kuiu in Predator.

As others have said though, camo doesn't really need to be a priority, and I find myself transitioning more and more to solids. My lucky shirts are flannels.
>What's with the new trend of
>guys wearing fishing camo while
>in a boat? Seems
>like wearing camo to shoot
>from a truck.

It's just a trend set by more social media.
Having said that, sure wish I had stock in "HUK" ?
You buy certain brands because of it's functionality.

Sometimes it's in Kryptec camo and sometimes not.

I do know that fish see 5 times better than we do underwater and you can be silhouetted wearing dark colors. Light blues, grays, and whites are often best.
A person can certainly tell the ?real world hunters? from reading this thread ! Killed my best muley buck in a blue and white old heavy flannel , with some old realtree camo pants. Killed my best whitetail in brown carhart jeans and a camo jacket. Camo is one of the biggest over rated money pits in this game. A guy could buy another rifle for what some of this new stuff goes for. Only time I get picky is in the snow , love snow camo.

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