Big Archery Buck Photo Contest!!

Photo contest


Founder Since 1999
Regardless of the year you scored, let's see your Best Archery Big Buck Success Photo! Post it to this thread and we'll let reactions (Likes) of the different photos help us pick the winner. Share a little detail about the pic too.

This is a new feature and should show all the contest pics in the first post of the thread. We'll run the photo contest for a month or so and a winner will be picked in late February, as contest ends on the 24th.

The contest prizes will be a Phone Skope Kit for 1st place and Pyro Putty and an Arch Lighter for 2nd place. Thanks to the folks at Phone Skope for the gear! If you don't already own the a Phone Skope, then get over to their site and get one......that is if you don't win one here!

Finally got it done on the last morning of the hunt. It took me about 15 hunting days and several misses to seal the deal. I just told my wife that it was better to kill on the last day of the hunt instead of early on. By missing it allowed me to hunt longer and the pressure to build. She loved that plan.

Posting for my friend, Frankie Cheeney. Not interested in the "contest" aspect, but this buck was taken by an "average Joe" hunter. He almost didn't take the shot, thinking of all the times he'd not been successful. His son talked him into the "try". What a ride it was for him and his family and friends- #1 World Record Pope & Young Nevada mule deer buck! (There are probably bigger and more eye-catching bucks, but this guy is all about near-perfect symmetry and deep forks!)

Frankie's buck2.JPG

Frankie's buck5.JPG
Posting for my friend, Frankie Cheeney. Not interested in the "contest" aspect, but this buck was taken by an "average Joe" hunter. He almost didn't take the shot, thinking of all the times he'd not been successful. His son talked him into the "try". What a ride it was for him and his family and friends- #1 World Record Pope & Young Nevada mule deer buck! (There are probably bigger and more eye-catching bucks, but this guy is all about near-perfect symmetry and deep forks!)
I was fortunate enough to be on the special panel to verify this buck as the world record....great typical!
Harvested in 2007. So far it's still the Texas state record non-typical archery buck. Scored a little north of 221 with 15 points. Typical 10 point (sorry, I'm a Texan) with five nice in line points.
Saw him through the spotting scope around 8 AM in the sand hills and started my stalk. Finally got the shot around 12:30. Crawled up to 27 yards of where he was bedded in some tall sunflowers. The wind was blowing and very gusty. Tried to whistle him up but he couldn't hear me through the blowing sunflowers. Set him out for a long time until he stood up. Made a quartering away shot and I could watch him run for several hundred yards before he gave it up.
Muledeer 2007.jpg
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cowhitey, thanks for the compliment. That buck in your avitar is no slouch either! Please "like" my photo in order to vote for my buck. Thanks again.
So many fantastic bucks!!! Thanks everyone for sharing. I think I agree with the reactions (Likes) of the photos. The winners are:

1st Place


2nd Place


I'll get a new photo contest going soon, so stay tuned to the site.

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