Boone & Crockett and Longrange


Very Active Member
There has been a lot of discussion on Longrange hunting recently. I've seen quite a few people referring to the comments of Boone and Crockett in regards to the issue. What I find most interesting about this is that in 2004 Leupold actually named their Longrange reticle the "Boone and Crockett Reticle". This was one of the very first Longrange reticle offered on the market besides the milldot systems. Seems to me back in 2004 up until present day Boone and Crockett is ok to have their name on a Longrange product. The truth is its not even the most ethical Longrange system. A turret system is much more precise and ethical.

Just something I found kind of interesting.

What is Long Range?

What Might be Long Range to Me may not be Long Range to You!

Or Vise-Versa!

What Mighta been Long Range in the 60's sure Ain't Long Range today!

B&C Could put some Restrictions on Range!

But How the Hell would they Enforce them?

They Could start New record Books for Just Long Range!

But again!

People Would Cheat,Lie & Steal!

Just like they've done already to get their Names in the Books We already have!

We Could Define "FAIR CHASE"!

But again!

How You gonna Enforce it?

I've got one of them B&C Scopes!

But it Ain't got me a B&C Buck yet!:D

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

This pot has been stirred before. Horse has been beat to DEATH. Jesus Muley73, you fricken bored or what? mtmuley
I think you're on to something 73.... The B&C reticle works out to 550 yards. Perhaps we finally have the answer of how far one can shoot without being considered 'unethical' by the B&C club?

As far as your comment about them not being as precise, I beg to differ. They are inherently different, but very precise. Most of my LR scopes have both turrets and MOA Reticles. 99% of the time I find myself using the reticle especially for mid range shots out to 600 yards or so. Other than the few matches I shot in the past, I always use the MOA reticle to hold for wind, even if I dial up the hold over.

Way back before all the new fancy stuff, I used custom holdover Reticles made by Premier Reticles. I still have several of them and they shoot right with any other form of compensation. ------SS
I agree that they are effective but not as precise as a turret. I've shot both and I agree 100% that out 600 it's effective and lots quicker.
I just finished a hunt with six long range shooters. It was extremely disturbing and never want to be in that position again. All regard for the animals seemed to be lost. The worst was eight shots.
My grandfather tells stories of when he was a young man hunting with an open-sight 30-40. That rifle has 71 notches on the stock, for reference to his hunting achievements with just that one rifle. He told a story decades ago of a big buck he killed on some private property in Summit County. He used landmarks to tell me where it was on the property as I also hunted that property for a few years. One year, while I was up there, I was able to find the range between where he says he was sitting, and where the deer was standing when he dropped it. One shot, Open-sight, 30-40... 836 yards.

So I have an appreciation for "long range" shooting. It's just less impressive with varying weapons and optics.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I would say they are very effective. I have taken 3 coyotes with them over 500 yards and a dozen more over 300 yards. It's very effective if you set it up right with a good load.

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