Boys Archery Buck 2015


Long Time Member
Heres a quick video of my boys archery buck from a few years past... He's not a big buck but the memories are sure BIG...

Listen the clanking of sh!t hitting the aluminum chair, that buck had all the warning signs and didn't listen... :D

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That is awesome!

Everything in that buck told him something was wrong and to GTFO but he didnt listen.

Great video and great memory Tikka.

awesome video proud papa there that buck was sure something was up just hung around a little to long thanks for sharing that special memory
Here’s it is nvguy2...
Oh yeah. That’s freaking Awesome. Love the pic. I’ll bet that thing tasted good. Those are the best memories when your with family. Way to go. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Tikka?

You Can't Blame all the Movement/Noise in the Blind on Hornets!:D

(((RAZZIN Ya!))

I Seen some of them Buzzin around on your Clip!

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