Canon EOS Rebel T6 Lens Question


Active Member
Bought this a couple of years ago. Looking for a Lens that will reach out some distance.
Must be dummy proof as I lack education in photography.


I have the 18-55 and the 75-300 that came with it.
I have owned the Canon 75-300 for a couple decades & probably used it more than any other lens I own. The only longer focal length I have is a Sigma 400. It's an OK lens for the price, but if you move to Canon branded long FL telephotos, your wallet will get somewhat more depleted. ;)

A more affordable option is a decent doubler for anywhere from $100 to $500. As the name implies, it effectively doubles the focal length, i.e. up to 600 mm. Downside -- the doubler will cut the light transmission at least a stop.
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Thanks, Will the 2x work on "Auto". Is there a "Cheat Sheet" for easy manual operation?

The autofocus might not, meaning you would need to focus manually. And as I mentioned earlier, you're also going to lose light. You can make up for the latter a bit by adjusting the the "film" speed, tho.

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