Carlos Mencia



I was watching the Mind of Mencia last night and he started his monologue off talking about the mass exodus of young white kids to groups like the KKK and the Aryan nation. He did not blame them for joining these kind of groups, he blamed Mexican and Black groups that pressured whites to feel ashamed of being white. He said if a white person was to drive around town with a bumper sticker that said " I am proud to be white" that person would be accosted by other whites. I was just wondering if other people thought he might be right. Carlos always seems to touch the right nerve for me, he accepts people for what they are and doesn't try to sugar coat it. I will try to find the video and post it.
I doubt its other ethnicities that make us ashamed of being white. I just think its how we are being socially engineered. To wit, its other whites with white guilt who are driving this exodus, if there is one.

I do think that folks are getting sick of the PC BS we get crammed down our throats every day. Perhaps this is just an indicator?
I'm not sure how Carlos gets away with what he says about blacks and the other off limits people, maybe just being any minority makes it ok. in any case he's one funny guy , he can dish it out as well as take it and that's the way it should be for all of us.
Exactly!! Minorities can say alot of borderline stuff and get away with it. If he was white and had said that then Jesse and Al would be looking for a public apology and asking the t.v. stations to cancel him. I am glad that someone like him that can dish it out and take it lets people know how he feels. Just my .02
I'm not a big fan of people that preach about race as if they had any control over it. Carlos is a fraud isn't he?
If Imos or Cosmo Kramer said that stuff they'd be in jail. I bet Jesse Jackson hates Carlos.

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