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A change is afoot in the halls of Congress, as Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid catch wind of the fact that more than 75% of Americans want domestic oil drilling to begin NOW, and what they do between now and November will determine whether or not they keep their jobs:

Reid, Pelosi ready to compromise
Democrat leadership running scared on growing demand for oil
Posted: July 28, 2008
11:14 pm Eastern

? 2008 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON ? Are the Democratic leaders in Congress nervous about the growing grass-roots demand for lifting restrictions on domestic oil drilling?

Consider this: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has himself proposed a plan to open new areas for oil exploration ? outraging senior members of his own caucus.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, ever aware of the way average Americans are being squeezed at the gas pump and through rising inflation due to higher energy prices, is supporting the plan.

While the proposal is drawing shrieks from those Democrats occupying safe seats in the House and Senate, it shows how vulnerable congressional Democrats might be to an uprising from voters in November.

The legislation, drafted by Reid and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., would open nearly a billion new acres off the coast of Alaska to study for drilling. It would also dramatically accelerate oil leases in the western and central Gulf of Mexico.

"I am unalterably opposed to drilling,? said Sen. Frank Lautenberg, (D-N.J., a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, who cited a massive oil spill that closed nearly 100 miles of the Mississippi River last week.

Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., urged Reid to be "very careful about drilling off the coast of Alaska."

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., has one the opposite direction from Reid and Pelosi ? sponsoring legislation to ban drilling in the North Aleutian Basin, an area that Congress has already opened to oil leasing.

Pelosi told The Hill that lawmakers should focus on the National Petroleum Reserve on Alaska's North Slope instead of offshore.

"There are tens of millions of barrels in the reserve," she said. "If you want oil in Alaska, drill there."

Rep. Peter Fazio, D-Ore., is among those who believe Democratic leaders haven't been rigid enough in opposing drilling.

"Some people are just scared of the accusation that not leasing more has an impact on oil prices," he said.

Meanwhile, WND Editor Joseph Farah has renewed his call for pressuring Congress to drop its moratorium on offshore drilling and its ban pumping oil in Alaska's ANWR nature reserve.

"It will be a shame if Americans don't hold Congress' feet to the fire before members quietly adjourn for the year," Farah says. "This is an election year and the Democratic majority is clearly out of step with the will of the people on this issue. But the people's will must be expressed clearly and forcefully."

Oil has doubled in price over the past year, triggering inflation and pinching U.S. consumers who are dealing with a depressed housing market, job uncertainty and soaring food costs.

Farah is calling on Americans to flood Congress with e-mails, phone calls, letters and text messages demanding action that can lead the country in the direction of energy independence.

"Right now, that means lifting the moratorium," he says. "That's the first step. If we can't agree on that as Americans today, then we are in for a long period of national economic decline. If we can't push Congress to do the right thing with even a strong majority of Democrats behind us, then this country is simply no longer a place where the will of the people means anything."

Farah's goal is to force Congress to act in the next two months ? before it adjourns for the year.

Farah's plan is simple: "I want to bring Congress to its knees," he says. "I want to melt down their phones. I want to flood their e-mail boxes. I want to hold them as political hostages. The ransom demand is to unleash the free market to begin exploring and pumping domestic crude oil and getting it to market as fast as possible. We've got 73 days to make our voices heard. Let's make history by bringing this recalcitrant body of elitists into compliance with the will of the people and the rule of law."
After eagerly waiting for someone else to take the lead on demanding action of Congress, Farah came to the conclusion no one else was going to do it.

"We're running out of time," Farah says. "If we let these rascals, these scoundrels, leave town before they lift all their ridiculous bans and restrictions on drilling for domestic oil, this country is headed for a major recession. Even worse, we'll head into a new year and a new presidency with the Washington elite thinking they put one over on us again."

Farah says the only thing that can prevent the disaster of gasoline prices of $6, $7, even $8 a gallon in the near future is a general uprising of the American people.

Besides the call to action, Farah is also devoting the current issue of Whistleblower magazine, the monthly print complement to WND, to the critical topic of "the energy independence revolution."

"It's time to stop business as usual," he says. "Every day, you need to make some phone calls, you need to write some emails, you need to use Skype and text messages and even send some letters through the Post Office. This grass-roots movement has to build steadily for the next 73 days. We cannot allow Congress to adjourn without lifting the ban on drilling in ANWR, off shore and on public lands under which we know there are vast reserves of oil."

Farah says it's a national emergency and needs to be treated as such.

"I hope radio talk-show hosts across the country will embrace this bipartisan, non-partisan movement," he says. "There is no question in my mind this is what the American people want. Now it's just time for them to impose their will on their elected representatives who, in their chauffeured limousines and taxpayer-supported travel, are hopelessly out of touch with their constituents, with people who are finding it difficult to make ends meet."

Farah says he is convinced Congress will act only if the people steamroll members into action. He points to the way the Dubai port deal and so-called "comprehensive immigration reform" were killed by popular uprisings in recent years.

"We can make this happen, again," he says. "But this time, we won't just be stopping something bad from happening. We will be doing something that is very good for the country ? something that will improve the lives of all of us, something that will improve national security, something vital for the future of the nation."

Congress is set to adjourn at the end of September and will take most of August off for recess.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to push Congress into action in the next two months," Farah says. "I know I can't do it by myself. But I know if the American people get mobilized nothing can stop them. You have to let members of Congress know you are serious. You have to persuade them and their staffs they are not returning to Washington next year if they fail to act in America's interest before they leave town."

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Well, I was wrong, I stated that it would be Feinstein that would jump ship first on the oil crisis, but here we have Pelosi and Reid jumping ship. Did you notice the Texas two step that Pelosi pulled. Drill in Alaska but not offshore of CA. Trying to save her elected butt and still not tee off her liberal supporters in the bay area.
I think in the next few months, a majority of CA. residents will vote for offshore drilling and building more oil refining plants in this state to lower our cost. We pay more then most other states as it is now.
Going to put Obama in a hard place and he must be looking at flip floping now.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-08 AT 05:34PM (MST)[p]the federal offshore ban expires on Sept 30th. It is usually included in the Interior Depts budget. What are they going to do? To renew would mean almost certain political suicide and it appears they are going to make a few concessions just to save their necks. your right on ole Flipper, he'll be singing a different tune very soon.
Have you noticed the dead silence from our liberals on this post. They must be having a hard time racking their brains for a comeback that will not sound too phoney. Maybe the idea of their liberal elite deserting them is too much to bear. flip-flop, flip-flop, flip-flop.

this has already been around several times, its just more of the right wing blame game, its still gonna cost a lot, we still don't have enough to be independent, we burn to much, and people like me are still going to fight drilling in some places, and didn't GWB and Jeb ban drilling off Florida? have they done the flip flop yet
piper, we have MORE oil/gas here in America than they have in the middle east, if Congress would get the hell out of the way, we could extract plenty of it to make OPEC crumble to her knees. And we can still work on alternative energy solutions. This nonsense that we can only do one or the other is pure BS spewed from the eco-nazi's. We have plenty of oil/gas right here in the West, offshore, and in ANWR to feed our thirst.

You may want to actually research why we can't drill off the Florida shorelines before 'piping' off.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I have hunted the same places in the book cliffs where they want to drill, I see the huge decline in mule deer on the wyoming range here in Wy, and oil shale is even worse, right in the heart of mulie country, blaming people that care about the land and care about hunting and outdoor opportunity for the long term is what I dislike about the far right, if were are down to drilling floy canyon in Utah or the upper beaver in Wyoming or splitting the largest chunk of wild country in America we have left in half, we got some real problems
governor Charlie Crist actually came out in favor of drilling off Florida a few months ago. Where have you been piper? as we speak china is setting up on the other side of the 45 mile line between forida and cuba. Their going to horizontal drill to get the oil on our side of the line and that is bs. Its our oil and we should be getting it. Besides, do you think the chinese give a rats a** if they have an oil spill and are going to follow our environmental regulations? not! you people make me sick...
The only change were gonna have around here if Obama is elected is the changing of everyones SHiite filled drawers after they realize what he is doing to the country, her people and our foundations.
Get used to the drilling, it is going to happen and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You and Dude always qoute about what the majority of americans want. Well the majority of Americans want more drilling and more oil from our own reserves and your liberal fellow democrats are falling in line to protect their congress seats. I just love it when a liberal democrat decides to screw over the liberals that put them in office. Some might call it justice for living in a fairy time world.
Rember what I told you about the old pocket book vote, you are seeing it now, and alot of your liberal voters have jumped shipped and changed their mind about what is best for the enviroment and what is best for their pocket book.

>I have hunted the same
>places in the book cliffs
>where they want to drill,
>I see the huge decline
>in mule deer on the
>wyoming range here in Wy,
>and oil shale is even
>worse, right in the heart
>of mulie country, blaming people
>that care about the land
>and care about hunting and
>outdoor opportunity for the long
>term is what I dislike
>about the far right, if
>were are down to drilling
>floy canyon in Utah or
>the upper beaver in Wyoming
>or splitting the largest chunk
>of wild country in America
>we have left in half,
>we got some real problems

If you really feel this way then you should be screaming for them to drill in ANWR and offshore. The areas you mention are included in the 68 billion acres already available to drill that pelosi et al keep yelling about. I agree with ya about drilling in these areas when there are areas with more oil and less impact but we can't drill there.

Also, who really cares if drilling in the US lowers the price-it might not, but what it may do is keep the price from spiking higher and what it will do is keep our dollars here rather than sending them to the middle east or other foreign countries.

Alternative energy-with the price of gas we will have alternatives, just not tomorrow. Tomorrow we still need oil.
you know, in all actuality, it is more environmentally friendly for us to go after that oil than someone else. Do you think that Nigeria, Venezuela, Sudan, China, or any of these third world countries care about the environment? Do you think they are using as modern of technology as we are? Do you think their oil rigs would have survived Katrina and Rita without spilling a drop of oil? I doubt it!

Are your fellow libs saying its ok to destroy the rain forest to plant sugar beets for ethanol and palm oil? Or its ok to destroy the pristine deserts of the middle east? Or its ok for Mexico to take the risk of ruining their tourist trade? etc, etc, etc

Did you also know that since 1980 there has been spilled 101,000 barrels of oil from drilling. Did you also know that the earth itself has oozed 605,000 barrels of oil from the ocean floor because of the pressure build up in that same time period? Did you know that? Well you do now! Don't ya think that by removing this oil the pressure would be relieved and we would actually be cleaning up the environment? What a novel idea huh?

RELH is right. 65% of the American people want to drill, thats a majority, its going to happen and your going to see it happen by Sept 30th. If they don't allow it there going to find themselves out of a job. I and other people at this point will vote against them any way just because they have drug their feet on the whole deal. I bet a lot of other folks do too!

ok, I'm done with my rant

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