Chitty Super Bowl


Long Time Member
OK I will post about it,

I dont like either teams, But I was pulling for the Bears. Peyton has to be the biggest whinner wussy QB I have seen. What a di@k!!
Chicago just flat out self distructed and there QB sucks to. What kind of wussy throws were those? hell my daughter could have picked them off.
Indy pretty much handed Chicago there tails.
Again another year of crappy football.
Good thing they have the commercials.
Oh and the half time show, who's idea was it to get Prince, holly balls, singers all over the country and they pick that Flamming Cheeto, good hell bring back Janet Jackson, at least there we has something to look at.
You have to be kidding me!

Peyton Manning is unreal! They call run right, run left, or pass, and then he calls the play!

It was bitter sweet with the NM BOY losing though!
You're absolutely right, especially about Manning. I couldn't believe that during the botched hand off to Addai, Manning made no attempt to get to the ball, he looked more like he was trying to get away from it. That really shows what caliber of QB he really is, that and his perpetual whining whenever his recievers don't catch a poorly thrown pass. They'll remember that one as the turnover-bowl.

jhibbs, Manning was not complaining about dropped passes, he was complaining because the refs were not calling pass interference! Manning is a class act and he deserved to win this game, with all of his team mates Congrats to the Colts.
> OK I will post about
> I dont like either teams,
>But I was pulling for
>the Bears. Peyton has to
>be the biggest whinner wussy
>QB I have seen. What
>a di@k!!
>Chicago just flat out self distructed
>and there QB sucks to.
>What kind of wussy throws
>were those? hell my daughter
>could have picked them off.
>Indy pretty much handed Chicago there
>Again another year of crappy football.
>Good thing they have the commercials.
>Oh and the half time show,
>who's idea was it to
>get Prince, holly balls, singers
>all over the country and
>they pick that Flamming Cheeto,
>good hell bring back Janet
>Jackson, at least there we
>has something to look at.
> about being a whinner?!?!
Manning is a class act who is the smartest quarterback playing the game. He wants to win, and gets on people to make them better.
Here's hint for ya, next time don't watch the game.

No doubt he is a great quarterback. But he's an even bigger whiner. He looks like he's 12 years old when he's crying about something.

Funny you would make that comment.

The only bobcat scratching his head!!
Manning is a cry baby no question a great QB, but a wuss and a cry baby. Did you see him yelling at his teammates? Not going for the ball when it was right in front of him. HUM i seem to remember a great QB ELWAY helicopter for the first down in a super bowl at age 36 now there is a hell of a QB.
I would take Manning in his prime over horse face Elway in his prime EVERY day of the week, twice on Sunday.

Well Lien2 it looks like the majority is with Peyton being a whinner.
No whinning here. There on National TV. He looked like a baby.
Grossman will be gone next year. Manning was lucky to get a win in the "turnover bowl". Sloppy, crappy game. It just demonstrated how the Hawks would have waxed the Bears if their top 3 dbacks weren't injured in the divisional playoff. Rex kept lobbing prayer passes. Bad decisions. I predict Hawks and Packers next year in the NFC title game with the Hawks advancing to play New England in the big game.
lousy game, worse commercials, terrible half time show,,,, looked to me like the bears were trying not to lose, not to win,,, poorly played game but lots of superbowls arent to super
I watched the game.....and actually didn't even drink any beer. I totally disagree with you guys bashing Manning. He is the Leader on that field, he has every right to get in guys faces. And because he does, he's a whinner? C'mon, if any of you guys have ever played the position before in your life you would know that's what great QB's do. Players respect him and step up because of it.

Chitty Super Bowl??? Think about if for a second. More points in the first quarter (20) then the previous 6 SB's (19) combined! Turnovers make the game exciting. Opening kickoff return for a TD! INT for a TD! Rainy weather on natural grass! The game was good. Don't be so ticky tacky.

Whoever it is up on the pedastel, someone's always trying to knock em' off.
If you think Manning is better than Elway then you never watched Elway play. Manning bent his thumbnail backwards and boo hoo. Elway and Favre both played with broken arms and legs and you still watched them start the next game. Montana is one of my faves too.
I think Manning is as good as most, but I did notice that Hasselbeck played the entire post season with a broken hand, severely cut finger and strained shoulder and Manning did just bend a finger.
Zigga, a little research might help you look less foolish, notive I said MIGHT. Manning has the second longest streak of games played in a row, behind only Favre. Yet Elway was a tough guy and Manning is a whimp. How so? You brought up his thumb injury in the AFC title game, did he miss any downs or miss any Super Bowl practices? Hell no, in fact he made ZERO excuses of ant errant throws, not even the rain. Question for you Elway fans, how many years did he have to play BEFORE getting a Super Bowl victory compared to Manning?

Montana is the best QB ever at winning when it counted, bar NONE. I stand by my comment of taking Manning over Elway. Funny how people call Manning a whiner, yet defend Elway. Is there anyone who has EVER played QB in the NFL who whined more than #7? I think not.

Like I said, you've probably never see Elway play. He never had a line for starters which forced him to have more rushing yards than his own running backs for years. I could go on. Manning is good but Elway and Montana get my vote

Manning is one of the best young QB's to trot down the chute!

What the helk you bin smoke'n??
What about the speckled pup on the Budwiser Wagon? I liked her. Kind of cute. Like my girl mutt friends.
As for The game halftime and the commercials. puke.
"He never had a line for starters which forced him to have more rushing yards than his own running backs for years."

Wow. If there is a stat on that, I got to see it.

Manning is the leader of that team. In fact, he runs that offense usually off the cuff based on what kind of defense packages he sees. He had the Bears D pinned as they never changed. They were playing extremely conservative D which killed them.

I couldn't see where Manning was "whining" about anything. What I saw was generalship in the biggest game of most of those players lives.
At least this years Super Bowl wasn't decided by the umpires. I thought Manning did a super job. Maybe that's why he was selected MVP.

Funny how some will always bash a player that is probably one of the best QB's to play the game. To all of those in favor of "the Whiner" Wheres your superbowl Ring?

I liked the game. Wet, turnovers, scoring. fun to watch.

Manning a whiner? I think he is the best in the league. Fun to watch because he is so good. Elway was good also. I think they both have commitment, skill, and leadership. I would rather see Manning "whine" at his team than slap them on the back and tell them nice try for playing like crap.

I am glad the Colts won. They were the best team. If the Bears had any other quarterback, with average skills, maybe they could have won. What do you think the Bears would give right now for that whine-ass Manning?
I dont think Manning is that great, Elway is a better QB then him! All you saw was his whinning at the recievers for not catching his chitty throws. BUT he was throwing better then Chicagos QB so ya in that game he was a great QB compared to the competition. Way to go COLTS!! NOT

Now for trhe flamming cheeto who sang at half time, Who in the sam hell picks the artists who sing for these things?
They should be hung! That fruitcake looked like a for sure off spring from aunt jamima the syrup lady.

Profesional sports are really starting to suck, I will take a college game anyday. They have heart. Not fat wallets and bent little fingers.
As a former player, I like to see teams win on execution, not slop. Not their fault it was a wet day, but I'd still rather see a game decided less on the weather and more on pure talent.
The game: seen some better, seen some worse. It was interesting. Best quarterback? I'm partial to Favre, but then I've always been a cheesehead. Elway, Marino, Montana... there have been some great quarterbacks.

Commercials were okay. Have to buy a bag of doritos to toast the nerd in the car and the chick that face planted it.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-07 AT 09:55PM (MST)[p]Say what you want about about Peyton Manning. But he is my son's favorite player and I would rather my son look up to someone like Peyton Manning than a jack-ass type player like Michael Vick.

As for me , I'm a Favre guy as well. He is w/o a doubt the toughest QB( maybe even player,) I have ever seen. A true throw back player. Sure glad he is coming back next season.

I think Montana was the best QB ever. Elway was the best athlete. Marino the best pure passer. And of course Favre my personal favorite.

Oh ya, the Super Bowl. Bottom line, Indy was and is a better team than Chicago.
How can you say anything negative about the hardest working player in the NFL. I can see bashing an unprepared whiner but not somebody with more control of the offense than some offensive coordinators.

Manning and Farve are probably the two best role models in pro sports.
Does anyone remeber how Elway done in his first Super bowl?
What was the first team that drafted Elway?and did Elway whine and say he would go play baseball if he had to play for that team that wasn't winning...Just wondering if any one could remeber the history of no-way-elway...:RIMROCK
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-07 AT 08:31AM (MST)[p]"What was the first team that drafted Elway?and did Elway whine and say he would go play baseball if he had to play for that team that wasn't winning...Just wondering if any one could remeber the history of no-way-elway...:RIMROCK"

Ohhhhh, ohhhh! I know this one! I think he was drafted by the Colts right!

What I win?

Didn't his belly-aching about Dan Reeves and the loss of 3 SB's get Reeves fired?

Got to agree with you chukar. My 8 year old kid thinks Manning hung the moon. Definately a better star to like that Vick.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-07 AT 10:10AM (MST)[p]Elway lost more than just one Superbowl. He has been to his fair share which shows what a great athlete he is. The last I counted was 5 Superbowls. Not too shabby for a crybaby huh guys??? He's a stud, admit it.

I saw a show on CMT the other day that had Kenny Chesney and Peyton Manning on it. When Peyton was still in college Kenny was down on the sidelines at a Tennessee game when Peyton walked off the field in disgust from a fumble and sat next to Kenny Chesney. He turned to one of his staff and told them to "GET THIS GUY OUT OF HERE!!!", referring to Kenny Chesney. What a JERK! Peyton was the one telling the story so I heard it from the horses ass......I mean mouth. It's one thing to treat people like crap and another thing to not want to play for one team over another as Elway did.

My team is the Pack but poor Favre is too old and beat up to end his career with a Superbowl win.
John "no way" Elway is a putz!
Big goofy lurp that just happened to have a good team around him.
He showed his yeller underbelly when he wouldn't play fer the Colts!
Talk about a whinner!!

When it's all settled, I'd bet dollars-to-dognuts Elway wouldn't even be able to hold Manning's jock!

Manning is a class act on 'an off the feild, off matters to me as much as on!
I think he is truely someone an 8 year old can admire.
Was Chesney on the team? Should he be on the bench if he was not? I would have told him to leave also. If I led the team I would not want that distraction either. Smart move Manning.
I like Peyton and I am glad he got his ring. He might get another before all is said and done. However, if you needed
one last drive to get a touchdown to win the game, I would pick
Montana first and Elway second. Those guys just refused to lose
if they had have a chance to win!
<if you needed
one last drive to get a touchdown to win the game,>

We all know that would have to be "JOHNNY U"..The king of the two minute drill and always will be...:RIMROCK
Johnny Ewe?? Hmmmmmmmmm....
It wasn't even the same game back then, I don't think they even wore helmits back then!
Mannings jock? What does she use that for?

Elway made it into the Hall of Fame as soon as they would allow it. How many other qb's made it to 5 Superbowls? And NO, it wasn't because of anyone else on his team the first three times. He could have done better on defense than the guys in the backfield. Too bad they didn't let him play offense and defense, maybe they would have won.
Best active quarterbacks;

1. Brett Favre
2. Tom Brady
3. Matt Hasselbeck
4. Peyton Manning
5. Drew Brees

Best all-time

1. Montana
2. Namath
3. Favre
3. Unitas
4. Bradmouth
5. Starr
6. Staubach
Wool... I'd imagine Elway would use it as a resperator...

Dang... they shure wasted alot of money on other players, when Elway couldda done it all by hisself...

Big goofy buck-toothed crybaby...

Dan Marino was TWICE the QB Noway was.
I forgot Marino, he should be tied for number 5 all time.

Elway I would list at 7th all time. No forgetting Mr. Ed
> Best all-time
> 1. Montana
> 2. Namath
> 3. Favre
> 3. Unitas
> 4. Bradmouth
> 5. Starr
> 6. Staubach

Ahhhhh... 'skuewwwwwzzz me???

Montana??? He was good, but not THAT good.
Where's Marino?? Better check the stat's there, bubba.
If Dan had had a Jerry Rice.... wow... nobuddy'd EVER break those records... definately wouldda got the big ring...
'An speak'n of Dolfinks? Greasy??? I think he was at the stupid bowl a time or two...

Does the name Tarkington ring a bell??

'An I love Favre, but he's not in the top ten.
Neither is Bradshaw... (both are close)
OK Bong, where's your 10?

Remember, you can't put a number on heart, toughness, attitude and the fact that some of these guys had a crappy team around them and still won games.
Ok I've had enough of this - you fellers better go and check the record books - cuz I have and I know the score. The top two QB's ever:

Elway and Montana - in all categories considered. Wins, pass yards, TD's , Games played and Super Bowl victories - whatever they are both right there.


Pro - I'd always assumed you had some idiotic ideas but this takes the cake. Manning is great -BUT HE AIN'T NO ELWAY! Can't even carry water to him! The Broncos always had hope when John was in there.

You can say that they are whinners all you want but the bottom line is take the 'h' out of the word and you have what they really are and you are not! HA HA HA!!! ;-) :p

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
No doubt Elway had the best arm. He could throw the ball 90 yards flat footed 90 miles anhour!But he still had to throw the ball 90 miles anhour on a short 10 yarder..and one more thing
all the QBs thats been talked about are and were better than me!
Now I didn't say that and this post will self destruct in 30 seconds!.....:RIMROCK
Dmanmastertracker... You have Namath ranked # 2 QB of all time? What about Marino, Elway, Young ,Moon, Aikman, just to name a few. I noticed you said earlier"As a former player" Do you mean former NFL player and if so who did you play for? Just curious.

Do you guys remember when ESPN's Suzy Kolber was interviewing Namath a couple of years ago live on national tv and he was drunk.I think his infamous quote went something like this " I want to kiss you right now". Then Kolber would ask him another question and his response was the same "I just wanna kiss you right now". What a tool shed. #2 QB of all time? Not in my book.
Based on Super Bowls wouldn't Brady be up there somewhere? He ain't bad. I still take Manning.

I liked Marino. Too bad the Dolphins could not put a decent team around him.

My all-time favorite though is Ryan Leaf. That guy did it right. Made big bucks and only had to play a few games.
So what is Leaf doing now? I heard he is coaching highschool football somewhere. I also see him on Ted Turners website hunting. Why did he quit playing?
Dmanmastertracker, where's Steve Young on that list?

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Hey there,
I believe Manning is a hell of a QB and him and his team deserve to finally win one. However it was a very poorly played game on both parts. I think Manning was looking kinda whiny but I think mostly over the crappy refs not calling pass interferance.
The thing I can't understand is for hell sakes it is the biggest game of the year and how many dome stadiums are there. It rained all through the game they could have picked a place where the weather condition would not have such an effect.
Ok sportsfans....
Best all-time QB...
Did a little research... here are a few statistics- right from the NFL.
See any patterns??
Look fer 2 names- Marino, 'an P. Manning!
Oh... 'an a name most conspicuosly absent?? Montana?


Most Seasons Leading League
6 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86, 1988, 1992, 1997
5 Sammy Baugh, Washington, 1937, 1943, 1945, 1947-48
4 George Blanda, Chi. Bears, 1953; Houston, 1963-65 Sonny Jurgensen, Philadelphia, 1961; Washington, 1966-67, 1969

Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League
3 George Blanda, Houston, 1963-65 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86
2 By many players

Most Passes Completed, Career

4,967 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999
4,678 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2005
4,123 John Elway, Denver, 1983-1998


Most Seasons Leading League

5 Sonny Jurgensen, Philadelphia, 1961-62; Washington, 1966-67, 1969 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86, 1988, 1992
4 Sammy Baugh, Washington, 1937, 1940, 1947-48
Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, 1957, 1959-1960, 1963
Dan Fouts, San Diego, 1979-1982
3 Arnie Herber, Green Bay, 1932, 1934, 1936
Sid Luckman, Chi. Bears, 1943, 1945-46
John Brodie, San Francisco, 1965, 1968, 1970
John Hadl, San Diego, 1965, 1968, 1971
Joe Namath, N.Y. Jets, 1966-67, 1972

Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League

4 Dan Fouts, San Diego, 1979-1982
3 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86
2 By many players

Most Yards Gained, Career

61,361 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999
53,615 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2005
51,475 John Elway, Denver, 1983-1998

Most Seasons, 3,000 or More Yards Passing

14 Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1992-2005
13 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-1992, 1994-95, 1997-98
12 John Elway, Denver, 1985-1991, 1993-97

Most Yards Gained, Rookie, Season

3,739 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998
2,931 Chris Weinke, Carolina, 2001
2,833 Rick Mirer, Seattle, 1993

Most Games, 400 or More Yards Passing, Career

13 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999
7 Joe Montana, San Francisco, 1979-1990, 1992; Kansas City, 1993-94 Warren Moon, Houston, 1984-1993; Minnesota, 1994-96; Seattle, 1997-98; Kansas City, 1999-2000
6 Dan Fouts, San Diego, 1973-1987 Drew Bledsoe, New England, 1993-2001; Buffalo, 2002-04 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2005

Most Games, 300 or More Yards Passing, Career

63 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999
51 Dan Fouts, San Diego, 1973-1987
49 Warren Moon, Houston, 1984-1993; Minnesota, 1994-96; Seattle, 1997-98; Kansas


Most Seasons Leading League

4 Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, 1957-1960 Len Dawson, Dall. Texans, 1962; Kansas City, 1963, 1965-66 Steve Young, San Francisco, 1992-94, 1998 Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1995-97, 2003
3 Arnie Herber, Green Bay, 1932, 1934, 1936 Sid Luckman, Chi. Bears, 1943, 1945-46 Y.A. Tittle, San Francisco, 1955; N.Y. Giants, 1962-63 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86
2 By many players

Most Consecutive Seasons Leading League

4 Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, 1957-1960
3 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984-86 Steve Young, San Francisco, 1992-94 Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1995-97
2 By many players

Most Touchdown Passes, Career

420 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999
396 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2005
342 Fran Tarkenton, Minnesota, 1961-66, 1972-78; N.Y. Giants, 1967-1971

Most Touchdown Passes, Season

49 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004
48 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984
44 Dan Marino, Miami, 1986

Most Touchdown Passes, Rookie, Season

26 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998
22 Charlie Conerly, N.Y. Giants, 1948
20 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983

Most Games, Four or More Touchdown Passes, Career

21 Dan Marino, Miami, 1983-1999
19 Brett Favre, Atlanta, 1991; Green Bay, 1992-2005
17 Johnny Unitas, Baltimore, 1956-1972; San Diego, 1973

Most Games, Four or More Touchdown Passes, Season

6 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004
5 Dan Marino, Miami, 1986 Brett Favre, Green Bay, 1996 Donovan McNabb, Philadelphia, 2004
4 George Blanda, Houston, 1961 Vince Ferragamo, Los Angeles, 1980 Steve Young, San Francisco, 1994 Randall Cunningham, Minnesota, 1998 Daunte Culpepper, Minnesota, 2004

Most Consecutive Games, Four or More Touchdown Passes

5 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 2004
4 Dan Marino, Miami, 1984
2 By many players
"Favre is too old and beat up to end his career with a Superbowl win"

Okay, let the cheesehead in me speak! He is definately not at the top of his game, but with the right team around him? Yeah, he could do. Well, I suppose that could be said of a number of quarterbacks. I do't expect the Pack to go to the superbowl next year, but it would be cool. If there is a team that could throw the odds.... Hope they have a good season. Favre is a great guy, great football player, and a class act. I don't think he ever lost sight of why he played in the first place.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-07 AT 01:39PM (MST)[p]Ryan Leaf is the QB coach and Head golf coach at West Texas A&M, which is in Canyon, TX - a little south of Amarillo, which you can get to by morning, up from San Anton..

All time greatest QB debates are a load of fun. But I didn't get to see Slinging Sammy Baugh or Johnny Unitas or the others like him. So here is my top 10 for my lifetime. Figure I started watching football in 1976. I remember being a total Steelers fan in the late 70's so that is where I start. These are my preferences too - in reverse order (and yes I have two number sevens and two number sixes and two number fours and two number twos and my list goes to 11 - just like the amps on Spinal Tap baby! - Cuz 10 just ain't loud enough):

11- Vinny Testaverde - not flashy but consistent and durable.
10- Joe Namath - got to see him play in his later years.
9- Jim McMahon - Were just here to do the Superbowl Shuffle!
8- Fran Tarkenton - The leader of the Purple People Eaters
7- Ken Stabler - The Snake - the original!
7- Randall Cunningham - the original triple threat!(punter too)
6- Warren Moon - Would be the greatest if not for time in CFL
6- Dan Fouts - Oh bearded one - you were a true guru
5- Peyton Manning - Will be the greatest when it's all done
4- Tom Brady - Class act - great leader and winner
4- Brett Favre - The gunslinger
3- Steve Young - Best lefty ever - great runner and leader.
2 - Terry Bradshaw - the mouth of the south was great in Pitt.
2- Joe Montana - Who can forget the catch?
1- John Elway - No questions. Hands down.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Put down the hemp pipe 'an step away!!!


Marino's not even on yer list???

You'd have to throw Jaws and Jim Thorpe up there too and give Bartkowski, Simms and Kelly consideration. Thorpe played in a totally different era and was only QB part of the time, but for everything else he could do, run, kick, etc.. he should be on the list.
Wow Roy....Vinny Testaverde and Randall Cunningham??

No Aikman or Marino. I hope you are kidding and are just trying to stir the pot a little....

Jim McMahon instead of Jim Kelly?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-07 AT 08:37AM (MST)[p]This is just a list of my favorites - not rating their talent or anything like that. Aikman played for the Cowboys so I have to hate him, I didn't mention Staubach or White or Hogeboom either. Marino gets an honorable mention from me and Jim Kelly is a tie for number 11. Vince Young is 12 but he may be up to 4 or 5 by the end of next year. I like Cutler too - he had some good games and looks good. I am sure that John Beck will also be on the list before it is all said and done too!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Dave Krieg holds more records than any QB!! Ok, So there all the worst records!! HA HA!!


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