Clearchannel Dumping Shock Jocks!


Long Time Member
In what appears to be a reaction to the Superbowl halftime highjinks and a general degradatiopn of morality,Clearchannel (The Country's largest radio conglomerate)
is dumping over-the-edge Shock Jocks,(Howard Stern,etc.)and fining stations that break their new decency code!
Is this something who's time has come? or radical censorship?
I kind of like the idea,but is it the the beginning of a dangerous trend,attacking the first ammendment?
I am glad to see it...It's way over due in my opinion. I can be easily entertained without being shocked...
Howard Stern says what most of us think! What about kill shots or pics of dead animals on the outdoor channel. Does that entertain you? Most people are shocked by it. If you don't like it, don't watch or listen to it. My 2cents. Ed F
Stern is still on the air. Just not on the radio stations that Clear Channel own. There was only 6 Clear Channel staitons that carried Stern out of the 50-60 that carry him.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"

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