Cold weather stories


Long Time Member
I read a story on FB about a guy who wanted to drop an electric water heater element into the fuel tank on his diesel PU in order to avoid gelling of the fuel...

Anyway, it reminded me of my dad. He was given a 1931 model A by either the T.O. ranch or whatever the Vermejo Ranch was known as before Ted Turner bought it. I can't remember which ranch it came from. He needed a truck to haul hay to his cattle, so he did some welding and attached a bed to it. I still have it sitting in my yard.

Dad told me that every night during the coldest months, he would drain the oil and sit it in a pan near the stove...not too hot as he didn't want to crack the block...and put it back in when he was using it to drop hay. The truck was still running in 1974 when it was parked. Ironically, it was only 3 miles from my home and I never knew it until the neighbor who bought it let me know it was up for sale. $400 and it was mine, with the original title.

Years later I was working at a feed mill during the winter; one of the coldest we have ever had. Each night I would leave my jeep in neutral and plug it in.
One morning I started it and the darn thing rolled forward about 10'. The temp that morning was -37 and I suppose the gear lube was about frozen solid.

What are your cold weather stories??
Not really a "cold" story because it was barely above freezing but many years ago me and two friends back packed into the wilderness for the opening day of trout fishing. It's about a 12 mile hike into the lake. We got there and the lake was frozen over. No fishing. We camped there and the next morning we started hiking out and it started raining. It was coming down hard, so we decided to stop and camp at Haypress Meadows where there was an old cabin. It even had a woodstove in it.

We were all settled in and about dark here come a troop of Boy Scouts with two adults. They all looked like drowned rats. Water was gushing down the middle of the trail and one kid was dragging his pack on the ground. None of them had rain gear, not even the adults.

We quickly got them in the cabin around the fire. All their gear was soaked. Then it started snowing.

We set up our tent outside and gave them the cabin. We even gave them our dry sleeping bags which made our night pretty miserable.

The next morning, we made them follow us out to the parking lot. I don't know how they would have made it if we weren't there. Totally irresponsible troop leaders.
Yesterday I was supposed to meet my coworkers in town for breakfast. Was -25 and one truck had a flat, the others block heater outlet gfi was tripped. I tried but No chance the old Cummins was starting without a little heat and I wasn’t motivated enough to change that damn tire.
Probably 25 Years ago!

Me & My Brother Decided The Big Fish Below Flaming Gorge Dam Were Gonna Be In Big Trouble When We Got There!

Middle Of January!


The Only 2 Dumb-Asses There Was Us!

Don't Know How Many Of You Have Been Right Below The Dam?

The Humidity Mist is Probably 1000%!

First Cast!

One & Done!

Reel Iced Up In One Retrieval!


We Showed Them Big Fish That Day!:D


That'd Be an Understatement!

The Ms woodruffhunter's Elk Hunt Is On The Same Cold List!:D
Probably 25 Years ago!

Me & My Brother Decided The Big Fish Below Flaming Gorge Dam Were Gonna Be In Big Trouble When We Got There!

Middle Of January!


The Only 2 Dumb-Asses There Was Us!

Don't Know How Many Of You Have Been Right Below The Dam?

The Humidity Mist is Probably 1000%!

First Cast!

One & Done!

Reel Iced Up In One Retrieval!


We Showed Them Big Fish That Day!:D


That'd Be an Understatement!

The Ms woodruffhunter's Elk Hunt Is On The Same Cold List!:D
I’ve had the same issue at Lees Ferry in January. Thermos of Bloody Mary’s will thaw things out.

The last time I played golf, I had to wait almost an hour for the frost to burn off the greens! :cry:
New Years weekend, 1979 in Jackson Hole. -60 degrees, power went out to town, busted pipes in most buildings, including Snow King lobby. Power went out here in IDAHO FALLS at about -25, and my brother in law was out of town. His toilet tanks and bowls all froze solid and shattered. Had to go pick up the ice chunks before they thawed!
Hunting 4th season at -5* one year. Last day. I sat on a trash bag on snow overlooking a brushy draw for about 20 min before getting cold and deciding to get up and walk. Thought my azz might have frozen when I tried to walk! No luck that day
91 or 92 I had a cow tag and a buck tag. Got my buck early opening morning. I was headed to an outlook over some caves and saw a couple cows . I shot one, saw her fall and was reaching for my knife when I looked up and saw her running into the trees.

I figured to wait a few minutes and I would find her piled up a few feet into the timber.

It was about 4pm.

30 minutes later I walked into the trees and saw that she lost a lot of blood and figured to find her very soon. Nope. If she hadnt been bleeding so badly, I would not have been able to pick her tracks from all the other elk.

By this time it was dark as I followed her down hill. I could hear her, and some other elk, as I was walking down the hill. I knew my buddies would try to follow my tracks, but it was snowing heavily. Every time I crosses a logging road, I would lay a small tree across it, pointed in my direction of travel.

When we finally got back to camp it was 1130 at night and -19 degrees. Kinda romantic.
on the pack out on rifle opener some slopes were so steep and snowy that instead of trying to pick myself up with my pack on my back, I took it off and rode it down like a sled.

drank ice water on the -40 day and it felt tepid.
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Fishing for Steelhead above Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake River in 1992. We were in a 14' boat on a January Day and it was about 10°. We had on insulated underwear , wool pants, Carrharts coveralls. Each of us had a one burner Coleman stove tucked between our knees to heat peanuts and hot drinks and to warm our hands.
We fished cold all day without getting a bite. I felt numb. About 330 pm my ex showed up at the shore and flashed the headlights. We motored to the shore and almost leaped into the warm van where she had each of us a KFC Meal and the van was warm. We went back to the boat at 4 with less than an hour before dark. She sat and watched for 30 minutes then drove off. Not 2 minutes later we had a double header which was unreal as it was rare . Dad caught a 14 lb and I caught a 10 lb. We headed to the dock and went home happy.
Couple of comments here, before I tell one of mine.

1. First liar has no chance on these tall tales threads. The ole mountain men got nothing over on the MonsterMulies at the Campfire.

2. Spending the first 24 years of life in Alberta, when the climate was a touch cooler than it is now, gave me ample opportunity to freeze to death! And, believe me, my buddies and I gave it a heck of a try…….. more than once.

Now that Blank has broke the ice, so to speak, at -60, my coldest temp. is hardly much to brag about……… but….. there’s a bit more to it.

For our schools to be closed to cold or snow was simply unheard of. Canadians build for cold winters and their outdoor equipment is put together to “get you home” under some pretty tough weather. School buses included. School happens!!

So, it was a rare shock when the local radio station started announcing, well before daylight, that the schools were closed, and school would not be held. I was a junior in high school in 1965. I looked at our outdoor temperature, it said, -62F. The radio station announced a wind of 20 miles per hour and the wind chill was -104F

As per Blank’s report of frozen water lines, we had them, but not just water lines into our homes, but city water lines that were 12 feet deep under ground were froze. Not a vehicle in town would start. Nothing moved anywhere. This in a town where -40F for one to two weeks straight, in January, were not that uncommon.

Being ten feet tall and bullet proof, what’s the big deal. I called a couple ball players and we decided to walk to the school and play a little mid-day basketball. I lived a block and a half from the school. (What is that, about 150-200 yards……not far anyway.)

I threw on the winter parka and headed out…. into the wind. Immediately the moisture in my nose froze, (normal at about -25.) Eyes felt like they here going to freeze open. Half way, I thinking, “its cold out here”. At three quarters, I’m thinking, “SOB”.

By the time I get to the front door of the school, I’m border line disorientated. I stagger in the front door, and there’s the custodian glaring at me. I stammer, “we’re
gonna play basketball.” He says, “go ahead, furnace in the gym’s froze up….. have a good time.”
I remember the time I came out of my motel room in Rock Springs, WY and my windshield was cracked. It was 17 degrees. I headed back to CA pronto.
Like I said, first liar’s got no chance.

Last time I walked out of a motel in Wyoming, it was -13, I headed back to the ridge those bucks were on.

Jim Sebastian, slept in the back of his pickup, under a tin camper shell! Said he wanted to be closer, at dawn.

Don’t ask who’s tougher, me or Jim, but….. you can ask who’s smarter. ???

Just bragging on ya Jim, don’t burn my house down…. kay?
Took a buddy up on the front archery hunting end of November back when there were deer to hunt up there.

Started the hike from bottom in a snow storm. Got to the top when there was about 3-4 hours of hunting light left. Storm parted, skies went partly cloudy, and the frigid temps kicked in with the wind chill.

We thought we were prepared. Fond a good glassing spot and started seeing some good bucks stirring with does. Too far off for a stalk that night. We began to realize our situation when my buddy asked me if I was having trouble grabbing things and opening zippers on pack. We both noticed we were shaking uncontrollably.

Everything was snow covered. And wind blowing. We decided to light a fire and warm up while we watched these bucks until dark.

Took us over an hour to get a fire to take and we could never get it going well enough to warm up. We decided the mountain had won that day and we quickly got off the top and made the long hike back to bottom. Not sure how cold it was but water was froze solid and joints were locking up until we got down the trail with some body movement.

Nothing serious though. Just a reality check as to how easy it can be to freeze to death on a mountain.
Took a buddy up on the front archery hunting end of November back when there were deer to hunt up there.

Started the hike from bottom in a snow storm. Got to the top when there was about 3-4 hours of hunting light left. Storm parted, skies went partly cloudy, and the frigid temps kicked in with the wind chill.

We thought we were prepared. Fond a good glassing spot and started seeing some good bucks stirring with does. Too far off for a stalk that night. We began to realize our situation when my buddy asked me if I was having trouble grabbing things and opening zippers on pack. We both noticed we were shaking uncontrollably.

Everything was snow covered. And wind blowing. We decided to light a fire and warm up while we watched these bucks until dark.

Took us over an hour to get a fire to take and we could never get it going well enough to warm up. We decided the mountain had won that day and we quickly got off the top and made the long hike back to bottom. Not sure how cold it was but water was froze solid and joints were locking up until we got down the trail with some body movement.

Nothing serious though. Just a reality check as to how easy it can be to freeze to death on a mountain.
In 1959, I froze both ears, they swelled up, stuck straight out (still do) turned black, all the skin peeled off. Mom figured they were headed for the trash can.

Nothing heroic either. Playing hockey on an outdoor rink. Cold weather’s not much fun, when all’s said and done.

There’s more than one reason I’m an ugly SOB.
In 1959, I froze both ears, they swelled up, stuck straight out (still do) turned black, all the skin peeled off. Mom figured they were headed for the trash can.

Nothing heroic either. Playing hockey on an outdoor rink. Cold weather’s not much fun, when all’s said and done.

There’s more than one reason I’m an ugly SOB.
Nobody is ugly when they are buying lunch or making biscuits.
In 2010, my wife went on her first elk hunt. It was a limited entry hunt and we had seen a few elk in the area. We finally found two bulls and we could not get any closer than 430 yards. After that, it was all open area and impossible to get on them.
It was a bit longer than I wanted her to shoot. However, she had a great rest and shot. It was a perfect shot, to where she was aiming. However, she aimed too far back (center), and hit it too far back.
Got up to the bull and I could see it was sick and hit hard. It still took off before my wife could get a shot.
This crazy guy from Altamont made the trip to my house the next morning (he was the first one there) and meme, some other friends, and more family started looking for it.
We went to the spot at it had probable snowed over the night, at least a foot. The sun came out and the snow started melting.
Bess found the elk and it start to rain/snow. Then, the wind started to blow.
We took care of the elk and packed it out. By the time we got done, everyone was about frozen.
I have seen -40 degrees up here but even then I wasn't as cold as that day. I still feel bad as Bess took the worst of it and jumped in the back of the truck for the trip home (we couldn't all fit in the truck). I am still surprised he talks to me :)

It took us some time to thaw out. I (we) would have never found that elk without him. It was not even close to the place I expected it to be. I have no idea that elk went where it did.
In 2010, my wife went on her first elk hunt. It was a limited entry hunt and we had seen a few elk in the area. We finally found two bulls and we could not get any closer than 430 yards. After that, it was all open area and impossible to get on them.
It was a bit longer than I wanted her to shoot. However, she had a great rest and shot. It was a perfect shot, to where she was aiming. However, she aimed too far back (center), and hit it too far back.
Got up to the bull and I could see it was sick and hit hard. It still took off before my wife could get a shot.
This crazy guy from Altamont made the trip to my house the next morning (he was the first one there) and meme, some other friends, and more family started looking for it.
We went to the spot at it had probable snowed over the night, at least a foot. The sun came out and the snow started melting.
Bess found the elk and it start to rain/snow. Then, the wind started to blow.
We took care of the elk and packed it out. By the time we got done, everyone was about frozen.
I have seen -40 degrees up here but even then I wasn't as cold as that day. I still feel bad as Bess took the worst of it and jumped in the back of the truck for the trip home (we couldn't all fit in the truck). I am still surprised he talks to me :)

It took us some time to thaw out. I (we) would have never found that elk without him. It was not even close to the place I expected it to be. I have no idea that elk went where it did.
I remember when that story unfolded on MM. Reading that story changed my opinion about the ole Bobcat, rather than wanting to pour sugar in his fuel tank I decided right then, “ I wanted to get to know a guy that will do that for someone”and made a point of meeting him in person and from then on trying to be as good a guy as he is, in the real world.

This world needs a lot more people like Robert Bess!!!
I was a boy in the Texas panhandle. A nasty front blew in and dropped snow and sleet on us for days.we were all stuck in the house. Finally the weather broke and dad decided he and I would go to town. I'm not sure what he needed. We drove to the front gate. It was still bitter cold and wind blowing like it does in the panhandle. Dad told me to get the gate. I was unhooking the chain and realized a lump next to the brace. I reached down and brushed snow off of it. In a tight little ball was a frozen coyote.
When I was a kid WE could shut off the light and Walk over to the bed before light could leave the room because the windows was so frosted up. LOL
In 2010, my wife went on her first elk hunt.
I still feel bad as Bess took the worst of it and jumped in the back of the truck for the trip home (we couldn't all fit in the truck). I am still surprised he talks to me :)
Truthful, after giving this 12 hours of thought, I’m very surprised the BobCat, didn’t crowd into the cab of the truck with you…… and make your wife set on his lap.

The fact that he didn’t has me all confused. ?
You Guys Crack Me Up!

The Cab Was More Than Over-Full Lumpy!:D

I Can Truthfully Say:

If You'd Of Asked Me Which Way Was North/East/West Or South That Day I Didn't Have A Clue!

Like Going In With a Blindfold On That Day with The Weather!

I Had Never Been There In My Life!

But It All Worked Out for The Good & woodruffhunter's Wife Got Her Bull!

I Might Post an Annual 'TEMPS IN YOUR AREA' Thread!

But I Won'r Whine About Our Temps Here!

Cuzz I Know Damn Well It's Colder In woodruffhunters Neck of The Woods!:D
You Guys Crack Me Up!

The Cab Was More Than Over-Full Lumpy!:D

I Can Truthfully Say:

If You'd Of Asked Me Which Way Was North/East/West Or South That Day I Didn't Have A Clue!

Like Going In With a Blindfold On That Day with The Weather!

I Had Never Been There In My Life!

But It All Worked Out for The Good & woodruffhunter's Wife Got Her Bull!

I Might Post an Annual 'TEMPS IN YOUR AREA' Thread!

But I Won'r Whine About Our Temps Here!

Cuzz I Know Damn Well It's Colder In woodruffhunters Neck of The Woods!:D
It’s not often we get a poke at you, so when the opportunity comes……….

Hope it makes you Jovial….

Don’t be chasing bucks or bulls into Peter Sinks, if frost bite bothers you at all!
My partner and I drew archery moose tags in Jackson Hole for Dec 1982. We didn't realize the bigger bulls shed first, and we kept looking but only saw small ones. Before we knew it, was Dec 31st and -29 degrees and we neede to fill a tag!! Had warm mittens on, but couldn't hold a bow or release. Ended up taking them off and frostbit both hands on the riser and aluminum release. Got a moose on the Gros Ventre, and by the time we got it back to Idaho was frozen solid!!!
Truthful, after giving this 12 hours of thought, I’m very surprised the BobCat, didn’t crowd into the cab of the truck with you…… and make your wife set on his lap.

The fact that he didn’t has me all confused. ?
Lumpy: Here is an idea, if you want to joke about me or Bess, fine. If you want to bring my wife into it, I would appreciate it if you would keep your mouth shut. Thank you.
In the 80’s a couple of my buddies and I went goosehunting on a lake northeast of Wellington, Colorado. It was the first really good coldsnap and the new ice wasn’t very thick. We carefully placed the decoys and the farthest couple were placed where we knew the water wasn’t very deep, just in case we fell in. No geese flew that morning and my friends decided to leave early. I decided to stay another hour. I slid around on the ice careful not to make any moves that might break the ice when I picked up the decoys. I saved the farthest out one for last. As I bent down to pick up the last decoy I went through the ice, it was only chest deep but I couldn’t get back on top of it because it kept collapsing as I tried. I ended up breaking my way through the ice to shore by heaving my upper body onto the ice. I was real cold by the time I got back to the blind, grabbed my shotgun and walked the quarter mile to my VW Beetle. VW Bugs don’t really have a functional heater and my coveralls were frozen sold, it took me forever to dig the keys out of my pocket through that hand slit in the coveralls and get the bug started. I was barely functioning by that point and realized I wasn’t going to get home. Stopped at the nearest farmhouse and pounded on the door, they put me in the hot shower because the zippers and shoe laces were froze and couldn’t be undone. They got me warm, gave me some clothes and coffee and we had breakfast while my clothes tumbled away in the drier. I owe a lot to those folks.
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But it involved his wife.
I appreciate Homer, another great guy has be come a good friend. Let me just say this tree.

Our wife’s are special and I should not have said what I said. I understand woodruffhunters reaction. He had every right to respond.

Wife and children deserve our support and not be part of these discussions. I hope we can just put this behind us. I’m going to try harder.
In the 80’s a couple of my buddies and I went goosehunting on a lake northeast of Wellington, Colorado. It was the first really good coldsnap and the new ice wasn’t very thick. We carefully placed the decoys and the farthest couple were placed where we knew the water wasn’t very deep, just in case we fell in. No geese flew that morning and my friends decided to leave early. I decided to stay another hour. I slid around on the ice careful not to make any moves that might break the ice when I picked up the decoys. I saved the farthest out one for last. As I bent down to pick up the last decoy I went through the ice, it was only chest deep but I couldn’t get back on top of it because it kept collapsing as I tried. I ended up breaking my way through the ice to shore by heaving my upper body onto the ice. I was real cold by the time I got back to the blind, grabbed my shotgun and walked the quarter mile to my VW Beetle. VW Bugs don’t really have a functional heater and my coveralls were frozen sold, it took me forever to dig the keys out of my pocket through that hand slit in the coveralls and get the bug started. I was barely functioning by that point and realized I wasn’t going to get home. Stopped at the nearest farmhouse and pounded on the door, they put me in the hot shower because the zippers and shoe laces were froze and couldn’t be undone. They got me warm, gave me some clothes and coffee and we had breakfast while my clothes tumbled away in the drier. I owe a lot to those folks.
I had a similar wreck Beanman. Walking along the shore, duck hunting. Not on the lake but next to it. Came to a little patch of ice about 4’ across, stepped on it. Splash! In over my head but, I my case, fortunately, I git the bottom and when my knees buckled I instinctively shoved off the bottom and shot far enough out of the water to throw myself out onto the shore, and rolled out.
Headed for my buddies car, of course, it was locked. He had walked in the opposite direction and was clear around to the opposite side of the lake. I yelled, and yelled……. Nothing. I decided to shoot three times in rapid succession. It worked, I could see him coming.

By the time he got to the car, my Levi’s and parka were froze solid. However……. I was wearing a pair of sweat pants and wool sweater under my outer clothes. By the time my buddy got to the car, the outer clothing had froze, and the inner clothing was sealed off, my body heat had started to warm my soaking wet inner garments. I can’t say I was warm but I was no longer feeling like I was freezing to death. It was an interesting and unexpected feeling. Kind of like the “Igloo Affect” in guess.

But……… as soon as got in the car and started the heater, the ice began melting, so I pealed the parka and my Levi’s off. Dumb!!!

The twenty minute ride back to the house was a cold SOB!!!

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