Colorado Mountain Goat Hunt


New Member
Looking for any information on the best Colorado mountain goat unit for Mature Billy’s. Looking at a DIY hunt as well but would not rule out an outfitter and can hunt until December 31st in any unit (Realistically until the snow is to deep to get through). Any information would be appreciated!
Did you review the Goat information on the CDPW website? They have complete harvest data going back at least 10 years, showing every kill with horn length and bases. That's where I'd start. I assume by your "hunt until Dec 31" comment, it means you bought the statewide auction tag at the Sheep Show?
Yep I've went through those as well just looking for any additional information anyone might have! And yes I bought the tag at the sheep show
I don't think there is one unit that consistently puts out big billies. There have been some big ones killed in a few units but nothing consistent.
Big Billies means areas that are tough to get into, or few tags.

The front range units get pounded, so it's hard to find an old billy.

1. New units that just open

2. G5 away from CB

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