Colorado OTC bulll


Long Time Member
A young friend of mine wanted someone to go on a backpacking OTC archery trip with him. He got out of The Marines fairly recently and being in the woods with him was great. He has a huge amount of enthusiasm for elk, something that is sort of missing in me so it was cool to feel his passion for the hunt. He got a lifetime bull too and the packout about killed this 60 year old BeanMan..



LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-19 AT 12:59PM (MST)[p]???. Awesome. Why to get it done. You made your friends day and helped him make some awesome memories that he will remember for a lifetime.

Your a special man. Always helping out and offering to help out.

Thanks for sharing.
Fantastic story and hunt! Only problem is now he will think that is the norm!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Nice Job Beaner!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
The seconds were 19? on the right side. It green scored 309 and change. It was the archers first bull. He was so excited he lifted me off the ground by my pectorals, had to tell him to let go.

That you are the right. You still look young.
Good looking bull.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Did you fell a tree on him to pin him in there? Just razzin.

Good job Fred. I'm not sure Hasbean fits now. You have plenty left!
Sounds like a fun backpack trip to me. Good stuff. Congrats to you both on that big bull.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Thanks Jerry, it was fun going out backpack archery hunting with a kid I've known since he was really small and has a huge fire for elk hunting. He got out of the Marines a couple of years ago too. And...he was given a little white dog for Christmas 18 years ago that bit his Sister and that is how I ended up with Sparkey


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