Coyotes on Antelope Hunt


Active Member
One of my kids drew a Unit 58 antelope tag so we headed up there last Saturday. Got there about 4:30PM and hunted till dark. Then hunted from about 8AM till 4:30PM the next day. In Utah, it is rare to see a coyote. I might see 1 or 2 a year when I'm out driving around. They were everywhere in Wy. We randomly saw 5 in less than 12 hours. Anyone who wants to call in some coyotes this winter, head to 58. It's too far for me to drive, or I would. My boy happened to get lucky as his patience was wearing thin by the afternoon and he just wanted to find a decent size antelope and be done. Ended up with one that I rough scored at a shade over 84, even with a broken prong.

Awesome stuff!!! We are starting our drive down to 58 tomorrow for my wife's tag! If you have any tips or suggestions let me know. Excited to get down there, but not looking forward to some rain in the forecast!

Great buck!!
Awesome stuff!!! We are starting our drive down to 58 tomorrow for my wife's tag! If you have any tips or suggestions let me know. Excited to get down there, but not looking forward to some rain in the forecast!

Great buck!!
PM sent.
Stay off the 2-tracks if they're wet, and maybe just stay on pavement. There was standing water in a 2-track for about 50 ft. We got maybe 20 ft into it and it was as if my truck had no transmission. I stuck my head out the window and it was as if I was trying to pull a stump out of the ground while on a frozen lake. Worst mud ever. Luckily only took 15 minutes to get out.
Congratulations to your son. Glad you were able to make some great memories. Definitely needed a profile view if that amazing buck. Frontal view does not do it justice.
Great buck.
Heck of a goat. Good thing he's got a lot of hunting years ahead of him, cuz it's gonna take a while to top that one!!

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