Dads 3rd season Bull


Very Active Member
A hell of a a lot effort went into this bull. My dad officially retired on Tuesday and we were able to take this bull on Saturday afternoon. Dad made a text book shot on this bull off the top of the canyon but I couldn’t find a safe route to get him to the bull due to the level of steep this canyon is with multiple cliffs mixed in. It took two days, some ropes, and damn good buddy to get him out. My dad has been my biggest mentor and role model in my life time as a hunter and as a man. He has given my younger brother and myself all the opportunities in the world to be successful, while stepping back and making his tags less of a priority the last 15 years. The past two days of crawling out that canyon with a heavy pack on is the least I could do to repay him for all things he has done for me.





A hell of a a lot effort went into this bull. My dad officially retired on Tuesday and we were able to take this bull on Saturday afternoon. Dad made a text book shot on this bull off the top of the canyon but I couldn’t find a safe route to get him to the bull due to the level of steep this canyon is with multiple cliffs mixed in. It took two days, some ropes, and damn good buddy to get him out. My dad has been my biggest mentor and role model in my life time as a hunter and as a man. He has given my younger brother and myself all the opportunities in the world to be successful, while stepping back and making his tags less of a priority the last 15 years. The past two days of crawling out that canyon with a heavy pack on is the least I could do to repay him for all things he has done for me.

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Talking for Dad's all over the country way to go Son couldn't have done it without you!!!! BTW my son does my packing out now..LOL role reversal
I'll bet it was satisfying to return that kind of favor. My guess is that after years of receiving help from your dad, you seek out opportunities to show your appreciation. Good on you. And nice bull!
Dang great bull specially for a late season bull! Congratulations to your dad.

Congratulations to your dad on a great bull! And congratulations to you for being there for your dad when he needed your help. That’s how it should be. Very nicely done...

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