Don't Miss This...Worth Watching!

He nails it squarely on the head.

Over, and over, and over, and over.........

Good stuff.
Damn! That man is right on the money.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
That was the goofiest cartoon I have ever seen. The only point the guy tried to make was "whoever kills the most people wins", "it was the Democrats in 1998 that caused the war" and the "News media have no right to report on the war" Someone please explain to me what the goal in Iraq is! "To liberate the Iraqies" Ok, which ones?, "To stop global terriorism" Why Iraq & not about 2 dozen other nations? "To prove we're the greatest nation on earth"? That sounds a little insecure to me.

I sure as hell don't have the answers but neither does this goof ball.

Stuff it in a Rucksack Russ.

He made some damned good points.

Your A.D.D. is kicking in.

Watch it again. You needed to urinate, and
were impatient.

Yep! that is what you expected. The same as we did concerning your left wing, bent wrist liberal viewpoint on everything. I guess we are all even.

"left wing, bent wrist liberal viewpoint on everything".

Left wing refers to the side of the house each political party sits. Bent wrist implies homosexual. Liberal, meaning; broad-minded: tolerant of different views and standards of behavior in others
- progressive politically or socially: favoring gradual reform, especially political reforms that extend democracy, distribute wealth more evenly, and protect the personal freedom of the individual
- generous: freely giving...

I'm not registered with any political party, I'm not gay, but I guess by definition I am liberal. The point is the internet gives us all the opportunity to voice our opinions. The danger in that is; by doing so you have to be very careful how you word things. If we all sat down over a beer, cup of coffee or a coke things would sound much different than they do when you express your opinion in print.

I choose to express my opinions on MM not because I expect you all to agree but because we all have several things in common; we like to hunt, we enjoy firearms and our respect of nature.

I still think that guy?s YouTube rant was goofy.

Well Rus, if you are not registered, then you can't vote, right? So if you choose not to vote, then why do you care, politically, what happens? I was always told, if you don't vote, then you have no cause to #####.
"distribute wealth more evenly"?

Why don't you just say socialism? You want to make points and speak plainly......
I don't know how things are done in Nev. but in Utard the only time you have to register a political party is in the primaries. I don't think I've missed voting in the 35 years I've been eligible. Heck I even voted for Regan once. I agree, if you don't vote - don't gripe. I bagger my kids and everyone around me to vote. My wife & I generally cancel each other out but that's not the point is it?


I copied & pasted the definition of liberal out of the dictionary. I doubt Mr. Webster would appreciate me changing his definitions. Course, he's probably a lib as well.

Great video. I don't know the guy but he tells it like it is. My friends son leaves for Iraq in 4-5 weeks. May they all be successful and keep safe.

Phantom Hunter

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