Draining the swamp


Active Member
Hard to believe, but in some instances the GOP has pulled its head out...... seems like the DEMs might be figuring it out???

I believe over the last 3 years I have seen Ocho and Newmont claim the GOP was dead and gone. Has the American public woken up? Have the politicians final opened their eyes?

Even some Dem reps are calling for change!



I notice Newmont and Ocho have been very quiet as of late. But I would like their input on this whereas they are the Dem representation here.
Nemont a Dem? Not even close. So if one criticizes an R that means they are automatically a D, what an interesting perspective. Saying Nemont is a Dem is the same as saying RELH doesn't parrot what he sees on Fox or 264 is literate.

The responsibility lies on Representative Ben Ray Luj?n of New Mexico, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. He was the guys responsible for finding viable contesting candidates. Ossof, Quist, Thompson, Parnell, were all weak candidates, yet in every case the races came down to single digit wins.

This would be no different that an R running for Pelosi's seat and bringing the race to within a single digit.

Republicans should be worried as to the damage that has occurred within 6 months, more so should some actual Dear Leader legislation occur.
>Nemont a Dem? Not even close.
>So if one criticizes an
>R that means they are
>automatically a D, what an
>interesting perspective. Saying Nemont is
>a Dem is the same
>as saying RELH doesn't parrot
>what he sees on Fox
>or 264 is literate.
>The responsibility lies on Representative Ben
>Ray Luj?n of New Mexico,
>the chairman of the Democratic
>Congressional Campaign Committee. He was
>the guys responsible for finding
>viable contesting candidates. Ossof, Quist,
>Thompson, Parnell, were all weak
>candidates, yet in every case
>the races came down to
>single digit wins.
>This would be no different that
>an R running for Pelosi's
>seat and bringing the race
>to within a single digit.
>Republicans should be worried as to
>the damage that has occurred
>within 6 months, more so
>should some actual Dear Leader
>legislation occur.

And Remind us again what a Great F'N Job Obama did in 8 Wasted Years?

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

FTW. Please post just one picture of one of your deer mounts. The reason is that I was told you had a 267" mule deer you shot in ID.

NE might be a conservative (fake conservative) but he would be better described as an obstructionist first.
>Nemont a Dem? Not even close.
>So if one criticizes an
>R that means they are
>automatically a D, what an
>interesting perspective. Saying Nemont is
>a Dem is the same
>as saying RELH doesn't parrot
>what he sees on Fox
>or 264 is literate.
>The responsibility lies on Representative Ben
>Ray Luj?n of New Mexico,
>the chairman of the Democratic
>Congressional Campaign Committee. He was
>the guys responsible for finding
>viable contesting candidates. Ossof, Quist,
>Thompson, Parnell, were all weak
>candidates, yet in every case
>the races came down to
>single digit wins.
>This would be no different that
>an R running for Pelosi's
>seat and bringing the race
>to within a single digit.
>Republicans should be worried as to
>the damage that has occurred
>within 6 months, more so
>should some actual Dear Leader
>legislation occur.

No, it is not if someone criticizes the R they are a D. I criticize both parties. That being said I have not as of recently seen any evidence of him criticizing the D, so logical path of thinking would be that he is a D.

But as to your argument, which in no way answered my question. I don't think the R needs to worry at this time. In fact Gergen is not the only political analyst to claim that the D needs to reassess, and that the mid terms and 2020 is in no way shape or form a lock for the D.

My question about the D party pulling their head out, was in reference to the CNN article citing D reps saying they need a change in leardership.
The definition of crazy, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Like I said the dems have the market on crazy cornered, they will continue doing the same thing.
Trump is down 20 points in only a few months, he'd be down even more if he had done anything meaningful.

What about the ACA repeal and replace? the wall? tax reform? what happens if they don't happen? how much worse will it be if they do? the republicans problems are going to hit the fan soon, and hat's assuming the Russia investigation goes nowhere which is a Yuge assumption.

The dems need to get their act together no doubt about it. and they might, but who says they have to. the republicans won and they're as phuked up as ever , if you disagree look at how much legislation they've passed.

The only thing that's gone in the republicans favor since November is Handle winning a race she should have not even needed to work at winning. if this is your idea of winning Charlie Sheen has a joint ready for you.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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