Early Velvet Bulls


Here are a few pictures from a trail camera that I cropped to show the new antler growth. The pictures range from 26 April to 6 May. Hope it works!

26 AprVelvet.jpg



Nice growth! I have a pic of sheds in the contest thread that came from a bull that two weeks ago had 2 ft of main beam, most of his g1s and working hard on his g2s. Three younger bulls in the same drainage had velvet nubs.
Thanks for posting!! Always love the start of antler growth and now the anticipation gets stronger and stronger ?
My brother seen a bull on may 1st that was into his 4ths already and massive as hell.

I seen a bull years ago the first week of may that was nubbing out his 5ths, and his first 3 points we're all in that 18-20 inch range. He was going to be a monster.

The giants are well on there way at this point in time.

Sweet pictures by the way.

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