EL's condensation problem???


Active Member
While out on the last day of the UT ML elk hunt I noticed that I had condesation inside of my right side column. I wasnt too worried about it due to the service of Swarvo. After I got home and they sat in the house for a while the condensation left and they were back to normal.

I thought well maybe it was temperature induced so I placed them on the porch to try to bring back the same scenario but it didnt happen.

Any ideas? Possible nitrogen leak? I don't want to send them in if I dont have to but I also dont want to be 7 miles in with no glass again.
I would think that once a seal lets moisture past once, it will continue to do so. If I were you, I would send it back with as complete an explanation of the circumstances you sepect are the cause. You pay for the service and it is supposed to be good, so there is no way I'd chance being out hunting and have it happen again, because it will. They call it Murphy's Law.
I agree with Steve.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Send them in have them looked at and at the very least they come back cleaned and looking brand new.

Colorado, U.S.A

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