Enter to WIN Sweet Knife Sharpening Kit


Founder Since 1999
What a sweet giveaway this one is! I'm sure there's a bunch of you who'd like to have a top of the line knife sharpening kit that'll put an edge on your blade that makes your job on the mountain or at home 100% easier.

Take a look at the ViperSharp Professional Knife Sharpening System from ViperSharp. Sweet piece of gear we're giving away, thanks to the folks at ViperSharp. To enter, simply reply to this post with, "I want a ViperSharp!" and you'll be entered. Share in your post 20-30 words telling how this kit could help you, and I'll enter you twice.
I'll randomly pick a giveaway winner in early August.

I hope you guys will take a minute or two and check this product and the others available at ViperSharp out. Next time you're in the market for a knife sharpener, shop ViperSharp first. High quality products designed to put an unreal edge on your blades to save to time and effort.
Fantastic gift item!


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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"I want a ViperSharp!"
RE: Enter to WIN Sweet Knife Sh"I want a ViperSharp!"arpening Kit

"I want a ViperSharp!"

Using a sharp blade is a joy - using a dull one is a danger.

Looks like this is a great piece of kit to enjoy the former and avoid the latter!
For you guys that own a Hatfield S30V knife. The diamond 4 stone would be a great way to keep your knife razor sharp and make sharpening that hard steel easy. Founder should get a pat on the back for offering this prize to the members.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-18 AT 05:36PM (MST)[p]I Want Viper Sharp!!!I am constantly Using my blade Around the property and with work projects and hunting/fishing expeditions.Rattlesnakes and other vermin are commin Az.Help!
Sharpen my knives.
I want a ViperSharp

From Bison to Elk
Moose to Deer
Wolves & Dead Calves
A sharp knife hasn't a peer
With a ViperSharp
Heck I'd even gut a Carp
"I want a ViperSharp!"

The one thing that makes me keep going back to the removable blade style knifes like Havalon is the ability to always have a razor sharp blade. I hate how flimsy those blades are and I feel that they are sometimes dangerous. This sharpener would be one more reason to ditch the disposables.
I want a ViperSharp!

I struggle getting my knife as sharp as I want with a traditional stone. This looks easier and quicker to get the edge I like to see in my knife!
I want a ViperSharp

I don't have a good sharpening system. I have great knives in my pack that I never use because I don't want to dull them. No more "emergency only" knives!
I want a ViperSharp!

I like to keep my cutting tools sharp enough to circumcise a gnat. Actually a tool like this will be way easier than using my Arkansas stones.
I want a ViperSharp

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I want a ViperSharp!

THis would be great to keep all my knives sharp, I could probably use it to get my broadheads to a new level of sharp as well.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
I want a ViperSharp!

This would be great for my deer knives and axe heads, I personally have trouble getting razor sharp edges and this would be perfect
I want a ViperSharp!
Because everytime I go grab one of my knives it's dull, due to my kids playing with them in the rocks! LOL
I want a ViperSharp!

I know I'd use it a lot if I had one but I simply can't afford one.
That fact is that I have spent on average, about 12 percent of my income towards family medical expenses. Last year was a whopping 28 percent. I've never asked for a handout in all that time but hopefully I can win something along the way.
That's usually why I enter these contest.
I not only want, but need a Vipersharp! My wife is going to kick me to the curb if I don't get her kitchen knives sharper. So please help me stay married!
"I want a ViperSharp!"

I usually pay to have my knives sharpened because I haven't found a foolproof system.
I want a Vipershape!

But If I don't win one how much we talking about to purchase one?

Thanks Joe

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
I want a vipersharp! It would help me put an even edge on all my knifes. They would stay sharp longer because the edge would be perfect! Not the wavy sharp edge that I get with my hand held sharpener.
I want a ViperSharp!

Almost cut my index finger off last year quartering an elk figure it's about time to be done with dull knives once and for all.
[font size=+2]We've Got a Winner!!![/font]

JadgBob wins the ViperSharp. I'll shoot you an email for shipping information. Thanks to everyone who entered. If you didn't win, but still need a knife sharpener, get yourself a ViperSharp.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!

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