eye supliment..?..



there's an add in a hunting mag about an eye supplement called, Claroxan' that supposed to sharpen eye site, anybody try this, and is it really safe or a hoax.. Thanks...
It's probably as phony as the shots those two fellas are taking with their rifles. Is it just me Or has anyone else noticed every time they work the bolts on those rifles they never eject the spent shells????. HMMMM! The whole thing sounds pretty hokey to me....
99.9 percent of the supplement business is a fraud. i dont think i'd give them any of my money. listen to the doctor dean adell show on any given day(one of your local am's probably runs it) and odds are you will hear him say this. i think dr dean is pretty smart, and tends to have alot more common sense than most doctors these days.
kilowatt, It's part of the commercial for this product they are talking about. These two fellas are suppose to be old buddies that have hunted together for many years. It shows them walking together and all of the sudden the fella that has been using this eye product see's something and fires at it before his buddy even see's what he's shooting at. When he works the bolt on his rifle to chamber another round the spent casing never ejects. He fires again and works the bolt again and no spent casing. I was trying to draw the comparison that the product is a phony as the fellas shooting.
OK, I understand this now. Don't think I have seen the commercial only the advertisement in Magazines. I just had a complete eye exam last month and mentioned this product to him.
He is also a Asst. Professor at Stanford hospital in and he had never heard of it.


Didnt anybody ever tell you that too much master bay shun will make you go blind?


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