gas prices



All this talk of gas prices is wearing thin.

Any idiot knows that price comparisons over time must be adjusted for inflation. If a good or service cost goes up 3% in a year, but wages and/or salaries go up 5%, then the cost has went down when adjusted for inflation. The good or service is more afordable.

If you didn't get that, read it again.


Gas prices are no-where near the historic highs around 1980-1981. This of course is thanks to Jimmy Carters falied policies.

Even adjusted for inflation, the prices have went up sharply recently. There are three major issues that if resolved could give us $1.00 a gallon gas again.

1. Over-taxation per gallon for wastful government programs.
2. Lack of refineries. We have not had a new one in 30 years.
3. Un-needed environmental regulations. We need many, but not all.

Again, all three problems due to liberal democrat policies.

And unless you'll drive your little hybrid car up into th emountains to haul out an elk, don't tell me we need to use alternative energy sources.
no! we need to just become self sefficent, like let Bush drill for oil in alaska...the Saudi's have us by our jewels and everyone else in this economy...
"OR" maybe the government is run by a bunch of crooks!!!!. Nobody will ever convince me government is working for the betterment of the average working man.
Or maybe Dubya! is holding the workin american hostage till they let him drill in AK, he already said their is nothing he can do, so boys take it on the chin,personally I think it's all bullshit! out here in NV they done so much drilling back in the 80's and hit oil in all of them and I bet it's the same in other states too, heck when my wife an I retire we can look forward to staying home cause we won't be able to drive or live, 27% social sec cut, OUCH!!!! I'm about ready to say bring back Clinton and the stained dress, things seemed to be better back then, not so sure Dubya is in it for the people, if he ran again he wouldn't get my vote JMO!...Greg
kingfish, you should be working for your own betterment. That's another big problem we have: everybody thinks it's the goverments role do do everything for us. Let me guess, you're a union guy also.
You all think the government should be doing everthing for you, don't you?

They should control prices, give us jobs, give us retirment, wipe our a$$, provide healthcare, etc...

The ONLY thing the constitution allows the government to do is protect us. Read the pre-amble. The government should NOT provide health care, retirment, jobs, cars, welfare, food or anything. The entire 500 billion in the health and human services budget should be used next year to pay the debt to zero. Family, friends and churches should be doing all that.

We have just about lost everything. Because so called conservatives like you are all socialists.
And your still all missing the point. The cost of gas is not historically that high.
I know the last time I filled up my '04 Ford dually it cost me $104.00!!! I live in Oregon and it's horrible!!! I hear that Dodge is coming out with a hybrid cummings engine. We will see...

$58 when it used to cost about $33 is high to fill up, a dollar is still a dollar in my book, Right, you must of took a wrong turn,You have to be a "Carrot Snapper"! Now get on your little bike and go back into the forest with all gods creatures and continue hunting mushrooms! I am a union man and I have worked for my retirement all my life and I expect what is comming to me!...Greg
I heard gas prices will start to decline ain 3-6 wk!
Started a 2nd job just so I can have a "GAS SLUSH FUND" for hunting.
I drive an V-10 everyday!(an would never give it up).
I could've guessed your a union man. Who else but unions and Dems say SS will be cut by 27%? It's bs.

Right is right. The reason gas prices are so high is because of heavy demand for oil from US, China and India and supply has not kept up. Clinton was more worried about stained dresses than allowing new drilling and new refineries (he couldn't go again his environ-nazi buddies). He slept through most of his presidency and now Bush is left to clean up the mess and changes this big don't happen overnight. It's going to take a long time to get energy policy back on track mostly because the Dems in congress block it at every turn, and I'm proud to have a Pres thats willing to taken on the big issues.

As for the oil in NV (and lots of other states), there is plenty of it but it's deep and costly to recover. Oil would have to stay over $50/barrel to make sense drilling for it.

And why is it that liberals always go right to the name calling?

Rick N.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-05 AT 08:26PM (MST)[p]I hate unions(I still remember bad chit re: Grove Valve in EMERYVILLE,RENO,TEXAS).
Now my shop has a couple hanging out and trying to spark an interest!
One of the guys is a real prick and wants to fight me bad so he can sue me(I behive and that seems to really pi$$es him off and I KNOW THEIR A VIDEO CAMERA ON ME!)Hes very aggresive and will not stop trespassing!
So the only time I feel like an union man is when I take an
dump! I go outta my way to buy American made products every
time! Everytime! These Union CRACK HEADS are dumb asses and the whole (99.9 precent sure) feels that way!
Just one guy talking to them and that fine I have an open door however I will not have them bust in on me like that!
I heard this guy speaking spanish to his partner and it was not nice stuff and frankly it was very scary stuff(said he knew where I lived! WTF!).
I am I white guy and understand most spanish and you would never
think so by looking at me!
Right I should I say wrong. You need to take a breath and look at the crap you write. If you think people a whining because our all mighty government are a bunch of idiots look again, at your own findings. Your big 3 part plan to lower gas prices lays in the hands of who, the government. So I guess to make your supreme findings have some teeth you better lobby OUR GOVERNMENT and let them impliment some of your brain work.

And yes, I believe in unions. For all those of you who dont thats great get a job where you dont have to be part or work for yourself and stop crying.

NO, you are wrong. In fact my three points involve the government doing nothing and leaving us alone.

1. don't tax our gas (do nothing)
2. don't interfere with private companies building refineries (do nothing)
3. stop imposing and enforcing most usless environmental regulations (do nothing).

So, all three things involve the government doing less or nothing.
Got it?
No, a dollar is still not a dollar. If you can't understand that learn about INFLATION and dollar value in a 101 economics book.

If by "retirement" you mean social security, you are mistaken. It was never meant to be retirement. It was a SMALL insurance policy set to kick in about when you were expected to die. And, the money you have paid in to SS is GONE. It's all been spent on social programs and welfare. If you think you should get it back good luck. You'll never see it. You'll been taken by the worlds biggest ponzi scheam.

And again, it's not the governments role to provide you retirement. It's your responsibility, you socialist.
Here's a couple more things the government should stop doing also, while I'm on a role:

1. They should stop taking 500 billion a year from us for the Dept. of health and human services. This would erase the deficit in a year, saving us billions yearly afterward.

2. They should stop subsidizing countries that have nothing to offer us like Africa. Let them die or kill themselves and save billions a year.
Never been part of a union and never will. If I can't take working conditions I should find a new job. Talk about whining! Can I have thirteen coffee breaks a day, please? My back got a little stiff, can I take three days off with pay?

Besides protecting lazy workers who can't stand up for themselves, the unions are corrupt and simply a front for the democrat (socialist) party.
Well put about letting them kill all themselves off!
as long as we are the first in after the last one drops.
But on work..I don't like unions either that's pretty bad coming from a guy that was born in the hart of Utah coal country.
I've worked for a Government Contracter for 30 years now and I
have to say I've put up with alot of B.S.-Stupid ass undeserving
bosses..brown-noser..kiss-asses,I can see why some people go POASTAL..With out any representation:RIMROCK

So what is it you really want the government to do? Something or nothing? They are the ones who can change things.

Your words "kingfish, you should be working for your own betterment. That's another big problem we have: everybody thinks it's the goverments role do do everything for us."

So attempt to make up your mind, confuse yourself a little more and get back to me.

What I hate, is when they say there is a shortage (or whatever reason) of crude oil, and they jack up the prices per barrel. The gas stations instantly jack up their prices per gallon of gas, as well. But when the news reports that the shortage is gone (or whatever reason is gone) and the price per gallon of crude, falls and goes down.....the f@!#$%g gas stations keep their prices up as high as a kite!? I think it's that darn OPEC (or however it's spelled) committee manipulating prices so they can get fatter and richer.
What the hell are you talking about???. You don't even understand my comment!!!. Government is suppose to serve millions not make it!. We vote these yahoos in to make life better for all whom they govern for. When was the last time government did ANYTHING positive for you?. When did they pass a bill to decrease spending, When did they pass a bill to lower your taxes?, When did they pass a bill to decrease health care?, When have you seen them lower property taxes?. NEVER!!!. Gas prices are out of control!!!. A barrel goes up and gas immediatly goes up even when we are burning gas that was refined months earlier at the lower prices but that's ok with you!. It's governments role to do what they said they do when they were running for that position!. I am working for my betterment but it's government that keeps dipping into my pocket every time they fail to be held accountable for their lack of control. It's amazing to me that a guy with 8 posts to his credit can come on this site and think he knows me!!. What's my favorite color?, How tall am I?. How old am I?. Liberals!!!!!.
Right , first of all i'm not a liberal, I'm a registered REP but i'm sure not wayyyyyyyyyy over there in Colterville with Hanity, Limbaugh and O'Rielly like you. I threw that 27% in there about SS cause I knew it would get blowed right out of the water by somebody like you, just a number being kicked around by Bush, and you RR come from a coal miners family? and worked for a Gov Con for 30 yrs ? bet you sure enjoyed those Davis and Bacon wages,thanks to the Government, no wonder why you put up with the bullshit! sure funny how things get off the tangent on a post here it was about gas with charts and everything for you dummies that can't read! I'm off work today , sick leave for a doctors app, UNION, i'm gonna get a raise in July, UNION, taking off the whole month of October to hunt, UNION Hell I enjoy my job and I even get paid for it!UNION,I think i'm gonna head down to the courthouse and register as an independent, you boys mite of opened my eyes, Na fuG IT I'LL STAY A REP!and keep my guns...Greg
Well I'd like you to know that Union Plumers make a hell of alot
more money than I do for knowing Sh!t runs down hill and payday is on friday:RIMROCK

I took off October the last 3 yrs and still cleared 90k(after maxing out my 401k to boot)
with out paying any union dues(as an machinist)and the house we bought here in San Jose 10 yrs ago for 150k is worth 650k.
UNION FUNDS ARE DOWN 60%(last 20 yrs) so will there be any thing left when you union guys retiree(that would scare the hell outta me) who knows I never ever would count on these blood sucker for anything except that the monthly beer money from me!
Union had a day (machinist/aerospace workers union) but now its
no longer a force! look at all the low cost regeins(sp?) out sourceing big companys do!
YES I feel very lucky and I am very good it what I do and I
work very hard but never when I was in a Union I was told sloooooww down I was making other look like slugs!
It made me sick really and so I worked harder to prove a point
and moaning and groaning at was so funny really and after awhile (4 years) I moved on and Union shop just vanished every where!
So now I gripe ITS just me!(the union guys handing out flyers were a no show today am happy bout that,heard they were on disablity anyway!).
Lets Hunt!!!!
You guys cry and moan about gas prices are probably the ones driving the F350, Hummer, Yukon, Suburban, etc. Should of thought about that before buying the penis truck.

You know what a penis truck is right? It's when a man buys a big a$$ truck to make up for his small a$$ penis.
My big a$$ truck was bought to pull my big a$$ boat and my bad a$$ jeep without having to burn up a sorry a$$ transmission. Don't be psycho analyzing my compadres
As usual, nobody has any substantial arguments. Just a lot of hot air and whining because the government isn't wiping your a$$ for you.

right is RIGHT!!!
My argument is that if you have a truck that gets 10 MPG, don't cry about the gas prices and don't whine about the drilling in the ANWR.
Fix the three major issues? Less taxes on gasoline. More refineries. Less environmental regulation. This is America, so I guess you can dream whatever want. Not that I don't agree. None of that will happen until America is brought down to her knees, in my opinion.

The government has been stealing money out of my check for over 40 years in the name of social security, so that makes me entitled to it! Maybe just another dream..........?

MY TRUCK GETS 9 MPG! AND I AM NOT WHINING(DUMBBURRO What with the penis thing? been hanging out at the truck center restroom?!!).
I do not want to buy an imported vehicle I believe in supporting products MADE IN AMERICA!
Gas will come down!

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