Generac IQ2000 vs. Honda EU2000


Active Member
I was watching a hunting show last night and Generac generators had a lenghty commercial comparing their product to Honda generators.

I have used small Honda generators for years and have been impressed with the ease of starting and the quiteness. The Generac commercial claimed even better performance and even less noise and a few hundred bucks cheaper.

Can anyone give their experience using one versus the other?

LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-16 AT 07:56PM (MST)[p]Vortex vs Swarovski... I have used both and there is no comparison between the 2 as the Generac isn't even close to the quality of a Honda. I wouldn't purchase a Generac.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
You get what you pay for, even if it does make you pucker to shell out the bucks for a Honda. I do hunt with a couple people with Gener-wrecks, and they're not at all quiet.
It's more of a Bushnell vs Swaro thing.

I wish Honda just made everything......and sold it all in one place.

If you are looking for a generator and don't get a Honda then you will be sorry.

I saw Polaris is making generators. They can't even make a reliable quad after all these years!!!

Power goes out and you'd have to say a prayer and fast for two days to help that thing to run : )

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
Saw an hvac guy usein a generac the other day so I asked his opinion of it. He only gave me 3 letters, POS.
I know an electrical contracting outfit who is an authorized Generac dealer. They pulled up on the job site one day and fired up their Honda. That should tell you something.

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