Good Game Processor in Flagstaff or Phoenix?


Very Active Member
The guy I've used for years is slowly going out of business- so I'm looking for another game processor. Any MM'rs have a great game processor they would recommend?
Casey’s in Flagstaff is real good. Make sure you call before you show up. They seem to fill up quickly since the pandemic and will outright refuse you.

Coconino game processing in Winona is good too but they’re top dollar and hardly any better than the next guy.
Thanks CC. Ya, it's a tough biz. I like the smaller outfits that seem to take pride in doing it right. But like you say, they can get overwhelmed pretty quickly.
It’s a lot harder now to find a good one. I know they’re out there, but I can only vouch for the few I’ve used. They seem to be retiring or just quitting. I know of a few that quit in the last 5 years. Same thing seems to be going on with taxidermists, at least in northern AZ they are cutting way back if not quitting.

I lived in the valley for 16 years and never knew of a good game processor there. I hear a lot about Mark Miller at Millers Southwest and he seems to have a decent enough reputation. He is in the east valley but will make efforts to get it to you at other places down there. I never used him though.

I think I’m kind of lucky. I use a butcher and game processor that recently retired and gave up his license. He still kept his shop with all of the primo equipment and has it as a hobby and for friends and family to use. I can’t just drop the animal off and say “call me when it’s done”, I have to put a lot of the work in. It helps when he is there because I don’t really know the tricks and efficient ways of doing it.
I used Casey's in East Flag. for a bull last year... highly recommend. Good guy, super clean, efficient & professional operation. FYI - On the burger portion I went with his standard 10% added fat. If you use him I'd probably recommend going with 15%.... as 10% fat is super lean on wild game.

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