Good news for the Bush bashers

I'm pretty sure that Al Gore was responsible for all that growth, after all he did invent two of the biggest things ever.............The internet, and global warming
:( Somebody didn't like bouncing betty :(
202 do you really think that Tfinal, Huntindude will come on here and let that stand as happening under Bush's tour. They will come up with some explaination that it was the democrats in congress that made it happen, then bash Bush and the GOP and sign off. Then stick their heads in the sand and plan how they are going to help get Hillary elected for the gravey train handout.

Boy if you overlook everything else that's some exciting stuff, his appoval rating could climb into the double digits if any of this is true.
>RELH, kinda like fishin' ain't it?
> LOL!

Caught an Ostrich!! ROFL>>>

:( Somebody didn't like bouncing betty :(
Have fun with it, good news true or not has to seem like an oasis in the desert to you. most of us didn't start out feeling this way about Bush, heck I voted for him the first go around. he made his bed, you jumped in it some of us didn't.
Let's just forget that pesky 8.7 trillion dollar deficit its probably not that important anyhow. The war in Irag really isn't that big of an issue either. Who really needs the rest of the world they better just do what we say. I do respect you though 202 you would be the guy bailing out the sinking boat while everyone else swam for shore. Dude and T-Final keep fighting the good fight on here you're outnumbered but you hold your own.
Yea, they hold their own sometimes when they are not beating around the bush,Pun intended, or just plain ignoring somethings. Heck, it's fun fighting with them, but I wish they would hurry up and past that bottle of JD my way and quick hogging it. Dude thrown another log on the campfire and pass that darn bottle.

I agree with RELH, all this talk gets us right back to where we started from....let's get hammered and talk about our past sexual escapades. I got a whole bag of jerky in the tent and big bag of freshly picked tomato leaves straight from the sunny slopes of NorCal.
See this is the way it's supposed to be. I'm a redneck from a redneck town and most of my friends think I'm too liberal, but they are my freinds and always will be. this country is very much divided and there should be debates ( or fights as they may be ) without death threats, that's what used to make us better than the rag heads. even RELH is ok, I think he listens to way too much Rush but anyone who likes pre-64 70's can't be all bad. I have a couple bottles of George Dickle I haven't opened yet, and a bottle of tequilla with a worm in it one of my pipe changers gave me . there's no way I'd drink anything with a bug in it, we could let 202 nurse that.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-07 AT 11:09PM (MST)[p]Huntidude;

I never tried that brand, but am willing. While you are passing it, I do not listen to Rush. Heard one of his programs long time ago, and turn it off thinking that idiot is too far right and maybe twofaced. Later developements proved me right on the two face part.
I agree on the worm, do not need that, maybe Forthewall or 202 can bring a bottle of "Old Bushmills" in case it gets cold. Yea! I'm part Irish.
Forthewall, you leave that damn wacky weed at home, I don't smoke that crap and now I know why you absent minded at times. Too many brain cells destroyed.
I only destroy lung cells with my Ciggerette smoking, bad habit I picked up in the Army.

Oh yeah RELH, I only have one thing to say about that....uh...hold on...damn I had it...what the hell were we talking about? Aw man cookies, Right on! I still got cookies in the tent.
I only destroy lung cells with my Ciggerette smoking, bad habit I picked up in the Army.


Damn Robert, that is when I QUIT SMOKING. Had a cough and went to a Navy dispensory and to this day not sure what that young Dr. told me, but I threw the pack away and never smoked again. Been just over 41 years now. Hate to be around someone who is smoking as the smell gets to me, sorry. But I would make an exception in your case. LOL

Thanks, I'll make sure to blow the smoke downwind, you sit upwind at the campfire. Take a guess who I will put downwind.


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