Gov deer tag tried to get returned


Active Member
Has anyone read the agenda packet the Division is gonna discuss tomorrow? What caught my eye are pages 135-52. The board is going to discuss how clint heiber tried turning his tag back last fall and the outfit he used is backing him. It should be a good listen.
Hmmm, that could be interesting. Here's the breakdown from DWR.

there's a lot of work going on right now behind the scenes to close some of these "loopholes" that in the past were easy for someone like this to slip through.

this guy has little to no chance of succeeding but it's part of a larger picture -- look to see changes to the LOA program as well as a much more robust conflict-of-interest filing requirement from us (the RAC & WB) in the near future.

overall, I'm really encouraged by the focus on this stuff
The question that should have been asked that would have cut the whole thing down by at least 45 minutes regarding the “hunting” definition, is this: “if mr heber was in Holden during the season while WLH guides were on the hill, and they called and said they had the buck in question, bedded in open under a tree, would mr heber still have gone back to California, or would he forget all about COVID, and go shoot that buck as fast as possible?”

we all know the truthfulness to answer of that question. And we all know this was just another game played by WLH. Byron and dumdum Donnie seemed to be about the only ones who refused to see that.

glad they voted the way they did.

how about kalan offering the other tag holder $5,000 to quit hunting that buck! He must have been getting close to where he was if they were buying him off.

glad he didn’t accept their bullshizz offer.
A few random thoughts...

- Very impressed with the investigator. Extremely thorough job.

- Disappointed in the hunter and outfitter as it seems clear to me they were attempting to hunt the deer and even made an offer to the Sportsman Tag holder for $5k to not hunt the deer while the Auction Tag holder was sitting a few miles away in the outfitters house waiting for a phone call.

- The tag holder's attorney saying the hunter was waiting to see if other guides had moved to the Henry's so it was safe to come to the mountain was laughable.

- Byron Bateman needs to be done with the WB. It wasn't about money or whether or not he hunted, it's whether the guy was precluded from hunting. Which the travel schedule leads me to believe he wasn't.

- The AG office seemed to understand the big picture and did a good job of laying out the information for the WB.

- I believe the correct decision was reached.
This is yet another example of how big money tags and certain guide services are ruining the sport of hunting. It is an embarrassment to call these tags “conservation permits.” When is this particular guide service going to face some real consequences for these type of shenanigans?

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Perty Simple There Hawkeye!

Take the Money out of the Equation!

Well,I Guess that Won't Be Simple!

This is yet another example of how big money tags and guide services are ruining the sport of hunting. It is an embarrassment to call these tags “conservation permits.” When is this particular guide service going to face some real consequences for these type of shenanigans?

My friend drew the best desert sheep tag in the state. He was trying to decide between WLO and Adam Bronson to guide him. I told him some of the stuff WLO has done and I asked him if he wanted that stain on his hunt. He booked Bronson the next day.

If you are looking for a guide that will do ANYTHING to get you a trophy then WLO is the guide service for you
I just watched the entire video segment again and I would like to thank Karl Hirst for standing up for what is right. Randy Dearth, Wade Heaton, Brett Selman and Kevin Albrecht voted in favor of Mr. Hirst's motion to deny the variance but Karl did the heavy lifting. Thank you Mr. Hirst!
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I just watched the entire video segment again and I would like to thank Karl Hirst for standing up for what is right. Randy Dearth, Wade Heaton, Brett Selman and Karl Albrecht voted in favor of Mr. Hirst's motion to deny the variance but Karl did the heavy lifting. Thank you Mr. Hirst!
any link to it??
The variance request starts right after the lunch break (around 1 pm) and lasts just over and hour.
A few random thoughts...

- Very impressed with the investigator. Extremely thorough job.

- Disappointed in the hunter and outfitter as it seems clear to me they were attempting to hunt the deer and even made an offer to the Sportsman Tag holder for $5k to not hunt the deer while the Auction Tag holder was sitting a few miles away in the outfitters house waiting for a phone call.

- The tag holder's attorney saying the hunter was waiting to see if other guides had moved to the Henry's so it was safe to come to the mountain was laughable.

- Byron Bateman needs to be done with the WB. It wasn't about money or whether or not he hunted, it's whether the guy was precluded from hunting. Which the travel schedule leads me to believe he wasn't.

- The AG office seemed to understand the big picture and did a good job of laying out the information for the WB.

- I believe the correct decision was reached

FWIW-Both Byron and Donnie (SFW members) are being replaced this year 'cause their 6 year terms are up! That's the good news. The bad news is, they may be replaced by 2 more SFW's who could be more trophy/money oriented.
FWIW-Both Byron and Donnie (SFW members) are being replaced this year 'cause their 6 year terms are up! That's the good news. The bad news is, they may be replaced by 2 more SFW's who could be more trophy/money oriented.
Time to get in the ear of Gov. Cox
FWIW-Both Byron and Donnie (SFW members) are being replaced this year 'cause their 6 year terms are up! That's the good news. The bad news is, they may be replaced by 2 more SFW's who could be more trophy/money oriented.
nope! I'm on the WB nominating committee and I think you'll be surprised how wrong this will turn out to be (we selected two days ago). ?

Also new this year: there will be a 30day comment period that begins once the governor makes his two selections from our list of finalists. If that goes poorly, there will be a do-over to my understanding.
I liked Wade......he didn't want to say he was hunting....but....he said he was hunting......
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Or he blew the horn off the one he wanted and said hell with it I’ll turn my tag in now
That's why they didn't want want to shoot it cuz it was busted. Both gov and sportsman tag were after the buck. That's just Heiber acting like a spoiled brat. Of course throwing money at things has worked in the past for him. It's called hunting not killing. These " killers" not hunters, think that because they pay all this money for the he tags that they are entitled to the biggest animals.
Who is this Styler douche bag? Is this the same Styler that threatened Hawkeye?
I think you're referring to Mike Styler, the former Director of DNR.

Heiber can fly on an airplane but is too scared to go on the mountain to hunt? Lmmfao!!!!!!
It was chartered. Don't know about the flight to Mexico though.

He still made it here and stayed at the outfitters home while the guides looked for the buck. One of the worst parts to me was the text string between the outfitter and guides saying if they didn't turn the buck up, the hunter would seek a variance. The code says that COVID must've precluded the hunter from hunting, which has nothing to do with whether or not he finds the buck or steps foot on the mountain.

At least that's my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong
nope! I'm on the WB nominating committee and I think you'll be surprised how wrong this will turn out to be (we selected two days ago). ?

Also new this year: there will be a 30day comment period that begins once the governor makes his two selections from our list of finalists. If that goes poorly, there will be a do-over to my understanding.

That's one of the few times I'd be glad to make a mistake!
Does the 30 day comment period involve the public?
Gee. I wonder where the idea to apply for variance came from. Price DWR office?

All us knuckleheads just out here following the law. Year after year the Lemons seem to just have no interest in doing so.

I'm surprised it didn't just get approved at the directors level, guided bear hunts aren't just random events
That's one of the few times I'd be glad to make a mistake!
Does the 30 day comment period involve the public?
yes, it is a public comment period -- and it's coming right up too .

The seats have to be Senate confirmed in June so the look for it i the next week or two
Mr Hebert has been hunting big bucks in Southern Utah for many years, he knows what he’s doing, his lawyer was bad, just another bunch of BS
There were 65 replies here. I'll bet there wasn't 1 that wrote Governor Cox. When the legislature had to get rid of baiting it shows just how inept our game management planners are. Now is time to show your teeth by writing to the governor, DWR, and the WLB.
By the way, I think that it was Bryan Bateman that said they were getting very few responses on E-Mails and letters so they must be doing the job. I've only received consistence responses from one person and one response from another. Believe me I have sent a few E-Mails. Don't expect any answers from all, but just maybe one will answer you..
When I E-Mail Bateman I get weird answers back, like his E-Mail is corrupted. Don't know what to think there.
Do I have this right? This guy spent $250,000 for the Utah Statewide Mule Deer tag in 2020 at the Expo. Flew in a private jet from California to Utah. Sat around a few days waiting for the guides to find the giant mule deer buck. They could not find it while he was in Utah. Later on they found out the buck had broke its antlers and they basically gave up and came up with this brilliant plan to return the tag.

My daughter overheard me telling this story to my brother and I thought she had a great response. After hearing that the buck broke its antlers (she assumed in a fight with another buck) she said "I would have went looking for the buck that was big enough to bust off his antlers."

$250,000 tag soup with a side of karma.

That old guy on the Board (Byron) - yikes!
Do I have this right? This guy spent $250,000 for the Utah Statewide Mule Deer tag in 2020 at the Expo. Flew in a private jet from California to Utah. Sat around a few days waiting for the guides to find the giant mule deer buck. They could not find it while he was in Utah. Later on they found out the buck had broke its antlers and they basically gave up and came up with this brilliant plan to return the tag.

My daughter overheard me telling this story to my brother and I thought she had a great response. After hearing that the buck broke its antlers (she assumed in a fight with another buck) she said "I would have went looking for the buck that was big enough to bust off his antlers."

$250,000 tag soup with a side of karma.

That old guy on the Board (Byron) - yikes!

Byron is a guide with his son and grandson. So of course he will side with the Commercial hunting. On EVERYTHING.

Yes. Guides should be barred from WB.
I think Clints lawyer did a very good job. He tried to suck as many d!cks as possible to get everyone on the Board to like him....the problem was that his clients story was as fake as Bruce Jenners (fill in blank).
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I think Clints lawyer did a very good job. He tried to suck as many d!cks as possible to get everyone on the Board to like him....the problem was that his clients story was as fake as Bruce Jenners (fill in blank).
If you can touch it then it is real.
Do I have this right? This guy spent $250,000 for the Utah Statewide Mule Deer tag in 2020 at the Expo. Flew in a private jet from California to Utah. Sat around a few days waiting for the guides to find the giant mule deer buck. They could not find it while he was in Utah. Later on they found out the buck had broke its antlers and they basically gave up and came up with this brilliant plan to return the tag.

My daughter overheard me telling this story to my brother and I thought she had a great response. After hearing that the buck broke its antlers (she assumed in a fight with another buck) she said "I would have went looking for the buck that was big enough to bust off his antlers."

$250,000 tag soup with a side of karma.

That old guy on the Board (Byron) - yikes!
Some of the locals that live on that unit said it got shot off by somebody. Shot off one of the forks with all the junk on it. IT was not from a fight. They dont fight or spar until mid October. This was back in mid September. They alos found 3 poached bucks on the unit in mid November with the heads cut off and caped off.
Some of the locals that live on that unit said it got shot off by somebody. Shot off one of the forks with all the junk on it. IT was not from a fight. They dont fight or spar until mid October. This was back in mid September. They alos found 3 poached bucks on the unit in mid November with the heads cut off and caped off.
And the plot thickens! Welcome to the World of Big Money Trophy Hunting. :sick:
I think Clints lawyer did a very good job. He tried to suck as many d!cks as possible to get everyone on the Board to like him....the problem was that his clients story was as fake as Bruce Jenners (fill in blank).
Cait was headed over to the donalds for a night of fun. To set the mood, Cait sent a pic of his junk.

The donald replied “sure, if you’re swinging by Arby’s pick me something up”
I think Clints lawyer did a very good job. He tried to suck as many d!cks as possible to get everyone on the Board to like him....the problem was that his clients story was as fake as Bruce Jenners (fill in blank).
careful what you say about Bruce Jenner, she's going to be the next Governor of California.
This raises the question, "Does there need to be more public transparency in the handling of variance requests?"

If this request had been granted initially by DWR, how many of us would've known what was going on?

I agree with this premise.
careful what you say about Bruce Jenner, she's going to be the next Governor of California.
I saw the interview Jenner did with Hannity yesterday.
I think it would be a big improvement over what’s going on there in Cali now.
Just my opinion as an outside observer!
I saw the interview Jenner did with Hannity yesterday.
I think it would be a big improvement over what’s going on there in Cali now.
Just my opinion as an outside observer!
Anything is an improvement over today's California. Unfortunately the only real fix for Cali is a big shift in tectonic plates that swallows it up. Yeah it'd hurt the economy but we'd get over it. :eek:
Anything is an improvement over today's California. Unfortunately the only real fix for Cali is a big shift in tectonic plates that swallows it up. Yeah it'd hurt the economy but we'd get over it. :eek:
He said "swallows"......insert Beevis and Butthead laugh.
No IT won't be the next governor of Cali
It ruined it's,chances,when it made the,statement I about transgenders shouldn't be,allowed in woman's sports,????? can you say hypocrite
Newman will come out on top just like he has,with the first recall
Not the first time he's been in this boat
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