Governor tag bull for 2021

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Long Time Member
Mossback just posted the 2021 Governor tag bull they just killed.

Looks like a GIANT.


The names involved ought to get some folks fired up. Blaaaaaaam!

That bull is unreal. Simply unreal. Bigger than even a bull of my dreams. Anyone know what unit it was on?
Can you spell MASS, it is unbelievable from the royal up especially on that left antler. Can't even venture a guess on those numbers. Congrats to the scooters and the hunter.
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Imagine the guide fee on that one.

"The hunt never stops"

At some point, we are gonna have to address that with the corporate class now that we've taken some of their tools.

And NO, I don't believe for a second, Mossback "turned up" this bull in September, and ALL there clients passed on it. What you have here, is the highest bidder, I'm sure the negotiations were inspiring?.
I'm Surprised a Bull of That Caliber Survived the Earlier Hunts with All The BS that goes on Now days!

Does It Take 2 of Utah's Most Famous Guides to GIT-R-DONE in today's World?

And I Don't Say That To Be Rude!

Nice Job to Robyn & Everybody else Involved!
Funny thing about it - with Mossback involved I have more confidence it was actually done above board!
The Waldrips are in with WLH. Why wouldn’t they be? She got to illegally kill a giant ram with him with absolutely no recourse or consequence. Of course they’re sticking with WLH! Here is what I guess happened here:

WLH had the client, and Mossbsck guides found the bull. Knowing they couldn’t get the client, MB made a call and said let us put the bull in our expo “booth” and slap our logo on the pics and we’ll show you where it’s at. Probably some cheddar exchanged hands too. I could be wrong. That is pure speculation, but I’m guessing that’s how it went. Either way it doesn’t really matter. Mossback, for all the bashing it gets on these forums, seem to do things by the book. You may not like them or how they’ve done things, but I never hear first hand accounts of illegal behavior. Just “I heard from a friend of a friend” type stories. The other outfit…not so much.

That is an awesome bull elk. Stunning, really. It’s incredible how big and awesome these bulls can get here in this state.
The Waldrips are in with WLH. Why wouldn’t they be? She got to illegally kill a giant ram with him with absolutely no recourse or consequence. Of course they’re sticking with WLH! Here is what I guess happened here:

WLH had the client, and Mossbsck guides found the bull. Knowing they couldn’t get the client, MB made a call and said let us put the bull in our expo “booth” and slap our logo on the pics and we’ll show you where it’s at. Probably some cheddar exchanged hands too. I could be wrong. That is pure speculation, but I’m guessing that’s how it went. Either way it doesn’t really matter. Mossback, for all the bashing it gets on these forums, seem to do things by the book. You may not like them or how they’ve done things, but I never hear first hand accounts of illegal behavior. Just “I heard from a friend of a friend” type stories. The other outfit…not so much.

That is an awesome bull elk. Stunning, really. It’s incredible how big and awesome these bulls can get here in this state.
Probably not far off Vanilla and you are right about the 2 outfits for sure. Mossback takes a lot of crap, and lots of rumors fly about them blocking roads and causing issues but no evidence ever surfaces in this day and age of everyone carrying a personal camera. They have been known and it’s been proven on here even that Doyle and crew do help the average Joe from time to time. I think most people are just jealous of what Mossback has accomplished. They kill big stuff and sometimes come off as arrogant but that is not a crime that I know of??

WLH on the other hand…video and proof does exist of them running off average Joe hunters and running afoul of the law. The Nebo sheep situation was such a joke-claiming ignorance is definitely not a defense for everyone of us, but somehow it was for that clown show.
The Waldrips are in with WLH. Why wouldn’t they be? She got to illegally kill a giant ram with him with absolutely no recourse or consequence. Of course they’re sticking with WLH! Here is what I guess happened here:

WLH had the client, and Mossbsck guides found the bull. Knowing they couldn’t get the client, MB made a call and said let us put the bull in our expo “booth” and slap our logo on the pics and we’ll show you where it’s at. Probably some cheddar exchanged hands too. I could be wrong. That is pure speculation, but I’m guessing that’s how it went. Either way it doesn’t really matter. Mossback, for all the bashing it gets on these forums, seem to do things by the book. You may not like them or how they’ve done things, but I never hear first hand accounts of illegal behavior. Just “I heard from a friend of a friend” type stories. The other outfit…not so much.


Ain't That F'N Something That Bucks & Bulls Can Get That Big in this State When They Live Past Age 4?


That is an awesome bull elk. Stunning, really. It’s incredible how big and awesome these bulls can get here in this state.
This bull should make us all proud. We do such good in letting the DNR grow 8-10 year old bulls on public land so that the elites can kill them for the highest $$$ bid. Gives me all kinds of warm fuzzies. I think I'll print this photo for my trophy wall...
This bull is the reason guys were burning 13+ points on the N. Cache this year. One guy burned 22 on an Archery Tag. He was pretty sneaky to make it through the season. Too bad they got him on winter range.
Before you all get warm and fuzzy on Doyle.

This bull was home free, and ready to be hunted next year, possibly by some dude drawing a tag.

Moss didn't have a tag. But his "need" to get his stamp on a pic(and tens of thousands I'm sure in payment), hosed all those guys.

Honestly pretty shitty. Bad enough running his company via an army of spotters, paid info(Heather Farrar anyone?), and more cams than Hollywood.

Imagine how many dudes knew of this bull. Knew it survived. And kept their mouths shut.

Doyle sold you fools out. And, considering the N Cache really isn't his stomping ground. The FOOL who tipped him off to start with.

Your very right hoss..if there is a big buck or bull anywhere in the state and moss or WL here about it there will be a army sent out to find it and the big money will follow
Thats an awesome looking bull but don't think it is as massive in person as the photo shows. Seems the antlers are short in length but good mass.
This bull should make us all proud. We do such good in letting the DNR grow 8-10 year old bulls on public land so that the elites can kill them for the highest $$$ bid. Gives me all kinds of warm fuzzies. I think I'll print this photo for my trophy wall...
Facetious as can be. I support that! These guides are as crooked as any regular Joe hunter, if not more. That is a great bull elk. But the way it was harvested, I doubt, does any justice to the regular Joe hunters who don't make a lot, don't have a lot of time off, don't have eyes in the hills from March to December..this bull is a trophy to someone who pays whatever, whenever, for whatever. Not a public land trophy. Rest assured the "EYES" in the woods scared this guy off any possibility of being harvested by the "wrong" hunter. The bull was being protected until the $$$ hunter was ready.
Enlighten us
Facetious as can be. I support that! These guides are as crooked as any regular Joe hunter, if not more. That is a great bull elk. But the way it was harvested, I doubt, does any justice to the regular Joe hunters who don't make a lot, don't have a lot of time off, don't have eyes in the hills from March to December..this bull is a trophy to someone who pays whatever, whenever, for whatever. Not a public land trophy. Rest assured the "EYES" in the woods scared this guy off any possibility of being harvested by the "wrong" hunter. The bull was being protected until the $$$ hunter was ready.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to harvest 8 bulls ranging between 320 and 396. The last few years. All with archery equipment. All DIY ? public land.
Personally I’ll take my smallest bull over this said bull guarantee…, everyone likes seeing big **** dead, however.. is it cooler seeing a 300 bull or a 170 buck done with guys like us? Or vibe up these outfitters that have people on the mountain HONESTLY 24-7, 365.
But the pic doesn’t look like ones from there, I’ve been trying to figure it out
In Utah, can outfitters guide hunters and send professional scouts wherever and whenever they want? Or are they only permitted in certain areas? Maybe they ARE permitted everywhere. Or maybe most is conducted on private? Or BLM rules are different? I really don’t know and just curious why we don’t see this the same way in other states. Awesome bull though. I don’t personally identify with the mercenary “stone cold killer” and “anything, anywhere, anytime” themes but maybe I would if I had a different financial situation. So I’m sort of glad I don’t.
With the amount of background in that picture some one on MM has got to know exactly were that bull was taken.
It looks like the pic could have been taken from North Cache, NE of Cove, but I can’t match the pattern of trees in the valley. Not many other places it could have been on North Cache, imo. I’m not convinced.
Unless the original photo was green-screened, and even if it was, there’s gonna be some company on that ridge next season looking for his little brother. Hell, I’m in New Jersey and I know where that is!!! Maybe we ask to deep-six this thread in the interest of hunter safety! ???
Unless the original photo was green-screened, and even if it was, there’s gonna be some company on that ridge next season looking for his little brother. Hell, I’m in New Jersey and I know where that is!!! Maybe we ask to deep-six this thread in the interest of hunter safety! ???

If the outfitters were worried about people identifying the location, they wouldn't have made it so easy to figure out where it is.

Guys will be in for a hard lesson on the realities of the North Cache!
You guys be careful her husband was gonna come kick mine and Bess's ass last time she was being posted around here. ? ??
Not SKEERED Hossy!

Just Playin It Safe!:D

Hubby Waldrip Told Me If He Couldn't Kick My Ass That Robyn Surely Could!

I remember that well now.

Old Tri even started another account to post Robyn Africa kills, I'm pretty sure trying to bait you in.??

Wonder what ever became of her trying to start a hunting show
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