Grade Obama...So Far


Long Time Member
What grade would YOU give Obama on hunting issues only?

Don't base it on rumors of what may come. Only on what he has actually done that will affect your ability to hunt.

I will say....B

He supported delisting wolves, maintaining guns in National Parks, and shut down some oil drilling in prime Utah areas that I would rather not seen drilled. I would've given him an A, except he made it harder to remove some species (polar bears) from the Endangered Species List, which may hurt us in the future.

I'd take him hunting with me and even let him walk in front. I'm not known as being a very good shot.
despite the retoric from some, I would give him a good grade also, Im really hoping a little of this stimulas money makes it into habitat improvment projects, like the one to restore the sagebrush step grassland in the Great basin, that would be a big boon for us hunters, and a cost saver in the long run this point I doubt Obama even knows we have wolves....his plate is full. I doubt he has even considered hunters or hunting....his plate is very full. His appointee's haven't done anything for hunters so far other than not change directions on a few things that were already in the this point I give him an I for incomplete....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>despite the retoric from some, I
>would give him a good
>grade also, Im really hoping
>a little of this stimulas
>money makes it into habitat
>improvment projects, like the one
>to restore the sagebrush step
>grassland in the Great basin,
>that would be a big
>boon for us hunters, and
>a cost saver in the
>long run

yea right
Difficult for me to give him an overall grade due to the short time.

Foreign Policy: A-
Military Policy: B
Domestic policy: C-
Economic policy: F-

His economic policy seems to be the same as GWB's only on steroids.

Obama supports delisting wolves? I hadn't heard that but that moves him from a C to B for me.

Wolves are what I hold against Clinton and Babbit more than anything he did while in office.

Nemont don't hold the ecomony against him that much, he had one shot at it and that was " hope " , when that fizzled there was no hope. the Wizard of Oz couldn't have fixed the economy by the time Obama stepped in, but I'll agree he isn't making it any better.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-09 AT 11:51AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-09 AT 08:20?AM (MST)


I am not grading him on the state of the current economy. I was grading him on his actions taken to date. Obviously the problems in the economy were present already.

The problem is that his economic policies is that the are substantively no different the GWB's policies, the only difference is how much he is willing to spend. Geithner is a diasaster at Treasury and Bernanke is going to print enough dollars to carpet the entire country.

Obama could have made some bold moves but instead opted to just add another zero to the already ballooning deficit. GWB was bad for the economy, Obama is going to insure that he is worse.

Just wait for when the flow of foreign capital ceases and all the massive short positions in the U.S. dollar around the world are covered it is going to get UGLY. Obama has done nothing to improve the long term health and well being of the U.S. economy. Like it or not he is now president and with it comes the burden of navigating what is happening and going to happen.

I stand by my grades.

Foreign Policy: F
Military Policy: F
Domestic policy: D
Economic policy: F-


Closing of Gitmo will basically put know terrorist on the streets of the world. Continue to allow Iran and N Korea to move toward a nuclear weapons.


Cutting the budget while we are at war?


What can I say beside - Socailism!!!!


Can't anyone read? Just look at history - it is plain and simple you cannot print money like they have been and the plan is for more printing of money? This is just STUPID!!!

America is getting what it wanted - "a snake oil salesman"

I think that on foreign policy may be the one bright spot. GITMO is still open but being studied to be shut down. I think you need to look at the actual numbers of people who were even going to go on trial. GITMO cost America alot of good will, I think that the decision to discuss closing it was correct.

Syria is going to come in out of the cold if we can continue the carrot and stick show with them. We are moving to further isolate Iran diplomatically vs just militarily.

I don't expect miracles but we have to somehow reduce our military expenditures and foot print. I don't like it but we cannot afford to sustain what we are doing. It is simple as that.

Gee, I expected Obama do do real well around here.

Nemont what would those bold moves have been? anything that wouldn't have got him impeached? don't say let capitolism run it's course, if the conservatives wouldn't do it then it's not fair to expect a liberal to.

I'm thinking China is running the show now, when they fix their economy is when we'll recover. until then it's all for show.
> Nemont what would those bold
>moves have been? anything that
>wouldn't have got him impeached?
>don't say let capitolism run
>it's course, if the conservatives
>wouldn't do it then it's
>not fair to expect a
>liberal to.

Do agree that GWB's monetary policies were destructive to long term health of our economy?

Well Obama is just taking his playbook of easy money, borrow and spending and attempting to prop up a housing bubble. That isn't bold, it is change and in the end his actions will destroy more jobs then they create. If it is bad under a conservative then it is also bad under a liberal, period. Bush isn't president any more and the Republicans don't control congress. This is 100% a liberal driven agenda. To the victor goes the spoils but also the responsibility goes to them as well.

I will give just one example: The new COBRA law. Prior it was always the seperated employees responsibility to pay the COBRA premium. Well in the rush to "save or create" jobs with the massive unread stimulus plan, there were new rules put in place whereby the employer has to front 65% of all the premium, even if prior he only paid the single rate. I have an employer who employed 53 people and he has had to layoff 30 of them. Well I just had the meeting on Friday and explained the new program to him. He called this morning and it will be cheaper for him to just close the doors and sell of the assets then to front the money with the hope of getting his money back through payroll tax credits. Even if they get a direct subsidy the program raised so much havoc with his cash flow that he could not operate. The other 23 people will be laid off at the end of this month. So instead of 23 people keeping their jobs with 30 being laid off, there are now 53 people laid off. Thanks for the help and for stimulating this business. Also since the company will cease to exist guess what happens to the COBRA? It also ceases to exist.

Good, sound monetary policy doesn't know a party. It is not a liberal or conservative issue.

I'd give the guy an F across the board. Without at least a somewhat stable economy on the homefront, all policy - foreign, domestic, economic and militarily falls by the wayside. He sure inherited a big problem - but you don't fix a big problem by quadrupling down on the debt and deficit and substantially burdening at least two generations with his bad policy. Buffett, one of O'bama's big supporters and economic advisors said today that the three most important things O'Bama needs to concentrate on is the economy, the economy and fixing the economy. He also said essentially - that this is not the time to try and force feed the American people his socialistic agenda. I'd definitely agree with W. Buffett. I'm not all that opposed to going back to Clinton era tax rates. But in this economy? no. Capital gains, corporate and dividend tax hikes in this economy, you've got to be kidding. He's killing the goose that laid the golden egg. He wants to get rid of all these troubled assets yet he wants to raise taxes on the very people and companies that he wants to buy them. OK Forrest, I'm not a smart man, O'Bama. I would think he'd want to lead this country and the rest of the world out of this mess with a position of strength, yet his policies are only weakening it. F
It is impossible to give him a grade for the economy. No matter
what is done, it will take many months, if not a few years to see significant progress...... I hope I am proven wrong.
There is a difference between the economy and economic policy.

I graded on economic policy.

I can give him a grade on integrity. It is an F-. He said he would go through the budget line by line and get rid of pork. He said he would get rid of the special interest influence through lobbyists. He said a lot but IMO he can never deliver without the line item veto. If you are a democrat then vote out all democrats on the ballot next year. If you are a republican then vote out all the republicans on the ballot next year. That is the only change that will impact our country and get it back on track. Lifetime positions in congress created a lifetime of corruption. They voted money to remodel their meeting rooms and to give all the employees a nice fat raise after allowing the country to fail. Grade the Congress because the President is a toothless dog.
Nemont the example you have there is an unfortunete situation but this is what happens when you go into a situation guns blazing, trying to stop what looks like is going to happen anyway. it was not the intent for that to happen, and if there's time before it's too late it will be corrected I'll bet.

Here in my area Obama is pretty much hated, McCain would be too because we'd have the same crisis. but believe it or not anyone who thinks they have a shot at any stimulus money is going after it like a whore, so what's that tell you? they're desparate, rock haulers, loggers,contractors , everyone wants in . the hope was Obama would ride into town throwing money all directions and that would get people giddy with excitment moving the stock market and the economy upwards, that's why the big panic to get it done there was no time to waste if it was to have a chance, " hope " you remember. well it didn't work, but Obama would have been slammed for if he hadn't tried.

Now we're left with the cold hard reality of a depression, NOBODY has an answer to how to fix it. I don't think Obama ruined the nation or has done any damage that can't be fixed by taking the only shot he had at boosting our economy. if anyone has a cure not just hindsight wisdom this would be a great time to put it on the table, just being in opposition to everything isn't an answer to anything. How would McCain have fixed this?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-09 AT 08:12PM (MST)[p]Maybe I can't read but I thought the grade was on hunting issues only.
I am hearing from other agents and brokers who are saying the same thing, businesses that are already being hamstrung by the economy are opting to either drop their group coverage altogether or close the doors.

Here another good one. The COBRA law is effective on Mar, 1st and goes back to people who have involutarily serperated backt to Oct, 1st of 2008 but the subsidy only goes forward from the effective date. Do you know when the proposed administrative rules are to be delivered? March 15th, maybe.

I have no faith that this will get corrected in time to help alot of smaller businesses. It is too big of a burden for the government to expect businesses to act as the bank for them for an interest free loan, especially in the current economic environment.

The way I see small and large businesses folding if something isn't done it wont matter anyway. as Buffett said " the US economy fell off a cliff" , and he says it's going to get worse before it gets better.

It's too bad this situation you're talking about has come about, just add it to the long list of bad things happening.
I'll give him an A+ for the amount of time he spent on the vetting process for the next Presidential pooch.

To bad he wasn't as dilligent in the vetting process with his cabinet picks!

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