Grizzly Bear Attack in NW Wyoming


Very Active Member
A shed hunter was attacked in the Sunlight Basin (East Painter) today by a grizzly bear. He has been airlifted to the hospital in Billings. I will provide a link when I have the time. Right now, the USFW is in charge of the grizzly bears in Wyoming and not the G&F. I hope the local man survives. When you are in this part of the state, there is no such thing as being too careful while communing with nature. just sayin...O.E. Fatman
Why does it matter who manages the grizzly bears in relation to this story?
Why does it matter who manages the grizzly bears in relation to this story?
Are you serious? That may be dumbest question ever asked. How much time have you spent in this part of NW Wyoming? When the USFWS manages these bears, the usual course is to blame the poor person killed or maimed. If the G&F were in charge of decision making, they would likely take the bear out. Who the hell knows what the USFWS service will do. A few years ago, a tourist was killed by a grizzly bear in YNP. The USFWS gave the bear a pass. Later that same summer, they found that same grizzly bear's DNA around another grizzly bear killed human in YNP. In 2011, on Kitty Creek west of Cody, a man was killed by a bear. Chris Servheen of the USFWS blamed the poor dead old man for the attack. Down the road, it came out that the bear had been trapped and left on the side of the trail by the two idiots who had trapped it. Those two idiots had violated protocols for leaving trapped bears because they wanted to get back to Montana to drink beer. just

Interesting follow up article. This is not exactly the way that bear spray was intended to be deployed. The G&F is going to give this bear a pass. Only time will tell if that is a good idea or not. Concluding that a bear was in a defensive posture is pure speculation. I have been very close to a lot of grizzly bears over the years. You can't tell what they are going to do at any given time. just
Glad to see the WGFD make that decision! Its not pure speculation when you look at the situation. I'm sure your lifetime of living close to the bears counts for something mighty tredwell.
Wait, I thought you said USFWS was in charge of the investigation? Article says that the WY G&F conducted it. And you're always saying that G&F can't manage wildlife for chit, yet it seems you want them in charge of the management of grizzly bears?
I don't understand....the bear attacked a human. Very sad for the human and his family. I hope he lives. Am I ignorant to think that the bear was just doing what a bear does? Why run out and kill it? Is one bear more aggressive than another bear? Article says that they didn't know if the bear was being aggressive...I'd say it is pretty obvious. Bears scare the chit out of me. That would be my worst fear in the woods....
Are you serious? That may be dumbest question ever asked. How much time have you spent in this part of NW Wyoming? When the USFWS manages these bears, the usual course is to blame the poor person killed or maimed. If the G&F were in charge of decision making, they would likely take the bear out. Who the hell knows what the USFWS service will do. A few years ago, a tourist was killed by a grizzly bear in YNP. The USFWS gave the bear a pass. Later that same summer, they found that same grizzly bear's DNA around another grizzly bear killed human in YNP. In 2011, on Kitty Creek west of Cody, a man was killed by a bear. Chris Servheen of the USFWS blamed the poor dead old man for the attack. Down the road, it came out that the bear had been trapped and left on the side of the trail by the two idiots who had trapped it. Those two idiots had violated protocols for leaving trapped bears because they wanted to get back to Montana to drink beer. just

So looks like the G&F did the investigation and the bear still got a pass. Now what?
Wait, I thought you said USFWS was in charge of the investigation? Article says that the WY G&F conducted it. And you're always saying that G&F can't manage wildlife for chit, yet it seems you want them in charge of the management of grizzly bears?
The G&F operates under the guidance of the USFWS. They don't do anything with these bears without input from that federal agency. I have complained about the G&F management of mule deer particularly in NW Wyoming. Reading comprehension is fundamental. just
The G&F operates under the guidance of the USFWS. They don't do anything with these bears without input from that federal agency. I have complained about the G&F management of mule deer particularly in NW Wyoming. Reading comprehension is fundamental. just
Mighty Treadwell it was a rhetorical question.
" Am I ignorant to think that the bear was just doing what a bear does? Why run out and kill it? "

Are you saying? Bears killing humans is what bears do?
If that's the case than yes kill the bears!!
The federal government and the State of Wyoming just argued the appeal from Judge Christensen's Federal District Court's Order relisting the grizzly bear after Wyoming scheduled grizzly bear hunts. It was just argued in front of 3 judges from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. That Court of Appeals is often called the Nutty Ninth.

The decision to give this bear a pass may stem from the fact it couldn't be located. There are lots of grizzly bears around here. They are not all collared. Less than a few miles from this spot in 2018, the G&F trapped at least 6 grizzly bears in less than a month. Also, everyone who hikes and recreates in this part of NW Wyoming does so at their own peril. If the decision is made by the federal or state government to give a bear a pass, the people who make that decision have tort immunity from lawsuits. They can't be sued if the same bear attacks another person. Unless you can find gross negligence, they walk on the issue of civil liability. The widow who sued the federal government over her husband's death on Kitty Creek in 2011, from a grizzly bear attack, had her suit dismissed on a motion for summary judgement. Despite the fact that the USFWS had ignored all of it's own trapping protocols on releasing a drugged grizzly bear, the judge felt it did not rise to the level of gross negligence.

I post these articles on grizzly bear attacks for one simple reason. The threat from grizzly bears is real. Very few people who hunt or recreate in this area, appreciate that fact. If you come here, you had better pay attention or suffer the consequences. Thinking it won't happen to you, or that you can defend yourself with a firearm or bear spray, may not be true. From what I have heard, this poor fellow never saw this grizzly bear coming. Arguing that the attack was defensive and not aggressive is just speculation. My guess is if this bear does this again (assuming they can locate it) the powers that be will claim it was aggressive. Does it really matter if you are the person attacked? just
The federal government and the State of Wyoming just argued the appeal from Judge Christensen's Federal District Court's Order relisting the grizzly bear after Wyoming scheduled grizzly bear hunts. It was just argued in front of 3 judges from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. That Court of Appeals is often called the Nutty Ninth.

The decision to give this bear a pass may stem from the fact it couldn't be located. There are lots of grizzly bears around here. They are not all collared. Less than a few miles from this spot in 2018, the G&F trapped at least 6 grizzly bears in less than a month. Also, everyone who hikes and recreates in this part of NW Wyoming does so at their own peril. If the decision is made by the federal or state government to give a bear a pass, the people who make that decision have tort immunity from lawsuits. They can't be sued if the same bear attacks another person. Unless you can find gross negligence, they walk on the issue of civil liability. The widow who sued the federal government over her husband's death on Kitty Creek in 2011, from a grizzly bear attack, had her suit dismissed on a motion for summary judgement. Despite the fact that the USFWS had ignored all of it's own trapping protocols on releasing a drugged grizzly bear, the judge felt it did not rise to the level of gross negligence.

I post these articles on grizzly bear attacks for one simple reason. The threat from grizzly bears is real. Very few people who hunt or recreate in this area, appreciate that fact. If you come here, you had better pay attention or suffer the consequences. Thinking it won't happen to you, or that you can defend yourself with a firearm or bear spray, may not be true. From what I have heard, this poor fellow never saw this grizzly bear coming. Arguing that the attack was defensive and not aggressive is just speculation. My guess is if this bear does this again (assuming they can locate it) the powers that be will claim it was aggressive. Does it really matter if you are the person attacked? just
This is gold. You better not ever go visit alaska. I could see 7 brown bears from my camp last weekend. And I didn’t have a gun or bear spray! Oh the fear!!

Next you will say it’s because we can hunt them up here.... blah blah blah.

With how many people are out every day compared to the number of attacks per year it’s not something one should be worried or afraid of. Better chance of getting hurt by the locals driving drunk home from the bar....

But hey! Live in fear boomer.
Tell this to Mark Uptain's family. Dude you're being a real tool on this thread.
Hey it happens. Sad deal for sure. Could of been a tree falling on his tent. Would you burn all the trees down?

Sorry but if one person dies a year is the cost of having grizzly bears then so be it. They deserve to be here as much as anyone else.
Hey it happens. Sad deal for sure. Could of been a tree falling on his tent. Would you burn all the trees down?

Sorry but if one person dies a year is the cost of having grizzly bears then so be it. They deserve to be here as much as anyone else.
Where did anyone say they shouldn't be here? The frustrations are that we don't have state management. I suppose you have a problem with that too?
It's like saying go kill the great whites and bull sharks for biting people in the ocean. Maybe the bear thought the human was an easy meal? Humans are in the bears realm....his living room. Why would we think or expect it to be smart enough to know we're human and to run away. They don't have the brain capacity to understand the shed hunter wasn't there to harm it. I guess we'll never know...
Kill that bear because it attacked a human where it lives. Seems like we feel pretty special. Are we that self important to not understand that a bear or any predator for that matter just may feel threatened by our presence?
Where did anyone say they shouldn't be here? The frustrations are that we don't have state management. I suppose you have a problem with that too?
So you’re saying Marks death would of been prevented if there was state management?
It's like saying go kill the great whites and bull sharks for biting people in the ocean. Maybe the bear thought the human was an easy meal? Humans are in the bears realm....his living room. Why would we think or expect it to be smart enough to know we're human and to run away. They don't have the brain capacity to understand the shed hunter wasn't there to harm it. I guess we'll never know...
Kill that bear because it attacked a human where it lives. Seems like we feel pretty special. Are we that self important to not understand that a bear or any predator for that matter just may feel threatened by our presence?
What state do you live in?
Where the heck did you get that from? You just make it up as you go.
You typed it. You brought up Marks death and then said the frustrations are with lack of state management. So please tell me how Marks death would of been prevented? That’s pretty low man. Show some respect. He had a wife and kids.
You typed it. You brought up Marks death and then said the frustrations are with lack of state management. So please tell me how Marks death would of been prevented? That’s pretty low man. Show some respect. He had a wife and kids.
These are your words "Sorry but if one person dies a year is the cost of having grizzly bears then so be it. They deserve to be here as much as anyone else." You want to talk about low, you take the cake. And camping in Alaska without a gun in bear country. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but it's not anyone who hunts in any bear country.

But the truth is try hunting in northwest Wyoming and keep your game meat just outside the tent. I don't think so. But that's common in Alaska. Gee, I wonder why?
I have no issues with a bear being a bear when frightened in its bed, being surprised rounding a bend on the trail, etc. It is their natural instinct. Its the pissed off ones that attack for no other reason than to show dominance. I hunt every year, lots of times alone, in bear country and knock on wood bears have always gone the other way when they know it's a human/hunter. With that being said bear management NEEDS to be turned over to Wyoming GnF. Let them manage the bears like all other wildlife in the state. They know the country/bears. The feds are too heavily influenced by the eco extremists then sound management.
These are your words "Sorry but if one person dies a year is the cost of having grizzly bears then so be it. They deserve to be here as much as anyone else." You want to talk about low, you take the cake. And camping in Alaska without a gun in bear country. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but it's not anyone who hunts in any bear country.

But the truth is try hunting in northwest Wyoming and keep your game meat just outside the tent. I don't think so. But that's common in Alaska. Gee, I wonder why?
How do you educate bears if you kill it? Does it’s memory live on to teach other bears? You probably believe moss only grows on the north side of trees too.

I’ve spent plenty of time in NW Wyoming. Yes there’s grizzly bears. Business as usual.
I have no issues with a bear being a bear when frightened in its bed, being surprised rounding a bend on the trail, etc. It is their natural instinct. Its the pissed off ones that attack for no other reason than to show dominance. I hunt every year, lots of times alone, in bear country and knock on wood bears have always gone the other way when they know it's a human/hunter. With that being said bear management NEEDS to be turned over to Wyoming GnF. Let them manage the bears like all other wildlife in the state. They know the country/bears. The feds are too heavily influenced by the eco extremists then sound management.
I have no issues with a bear being a bear when frightened in its bed, being surprised rounding a bend on the trail, etc. It is their natural instinct. Its the pissed off ones that attack for no other reason than to show dominance. I hunt every year, lots of times alone, in bear country and knock on wood bears have always gone the other way when they know it's a human/hunter. With that being said bear management NEEDS to be turned over to Wyoming GnF. Let them manage the bears like all other wildlife in the state. They know the country/bears. The feds are too heavily influenced by the eco extremists then sound management.
The problem with this case is they really don't know what happened.
I agree Jeff we don't know, however, there are plenty of documented cases where a pissed off bear still chewed on a human after being pepper sprayed, shot, etc. This bear seemed to be startled and once he got a little resistance (bear spray) he fled. Furthermore, when the GnF went looking for him he was long gone. Not usually the case when you have an aggressive, mean bear. This seemed to be the case, mean/pissed bear, with Mr. Uptain too. The bear(s) never left the kill site and had to be killed when the GnF returned to recover/investigate Mr. Uptains death.
I was hunting in NM 2 years ago and set up to glass this area where 3 canyons dumped out. I was on a point only about 100 feet from the valley bottom. There were huge boulders below me and to the right of me. I had JUST got set up when I hear some rustling in the boulders to the right of me. I grab my gun and see something emerging out of the rocks. It was no more than 10 feet from me. I thought it was a badger until it kept getting larger and larger. I finally put ears on on it and realized it was a bear. I grabbed my sh!t and ran like hell. Probably not the best thing to do but after a few seconds of running, I looked bear. I ran another 10 seconds and looked bear. I ended up running about 300 yards I figure before I stopped to bear. I assume the bear was sleeping in the rocks and when I was getting set up, he smelled me. I figure he bailed off the rocks and into the valley as I ran off. Its the most scared I have ever been while out hunting.
If it would have attacked me, I wouldn't have blamed the bear. I was in its home and I WAS NOT THE NORM IN THAT SITUATION. I am glad it didn't chase me. LOL.
I don't go in the ocean anymore because here on the west coast we've had many shark sightings and numerous deaths from sharks. Our are was featured on Shark week. I knew Fran...a surfer who was killed on Guadalupe beach. No need for me to go in the ocean. We are in there world and we run the risk of them not wanting us there.
I agree Jeff we don't know, however, there are plenty of documented cases where a pissed off bear still chewed on a human after being pepper sprayed, shot, etc. This bear seemed to be startled and once he got a little resistance (bear spray) he fled. Furthermore, when the GnF went looking for him he was long gone. Not usually the case when you have an aggressive, mean bear. This seemed to be the case, mean/pissed bear, with Mr. Uptain too. The bear(s) never left the kill site and had to be killed when the GnF returned to recover/investigate Mr. Uptains death.
I do agree to a point Bryon, but in the one case you throw a dead elk into the mix. My main point and I think you agree, is that the state should have total management of the bears.
I do agree to a point Bryon, but in the one case you throw a dead elk into the mix. My main point and I think you agree, is that the state should have total management of the bears.
Blah blah blah you have no point one entity more in tune with bear populations and so forth and that is why you feel that way? Or is it that one entity is too soft on protecting humans from bears? That is a serious question...not being condescending or anything. one entity more in tune with bear populations and so forth and that is why you feel that way? Or is it that one entity is too soft on protecting humans from bears? That is a serious question...not being condescending or anything.
Long and complicated answer, but bottom line is the USFWS wants state control as much as the state does. As long as the bear is listed as endangered, they can't be properly managed.
Well, I went to bed early last night because I am an old man. I admit I was surprised when I checked this thread this morning.

Jeff/jm77 is right on with regards to state management of the grizzly bear by GF in Wyoming. They are in the best position to do this. They know the situation better than the USFWS. Dusty Lassiter and Chris Queen of G&F are infinitely aware of most of the bears that cause trouble. Chris Queen killed a sow in the Sunlight in 2017 while he was elk hunting. He knew the bear and I was told he had assisted in the trapping and moving of the bear before that.

Right now, the USFWS is a political organization. They are subject to the whims of the animal rights/eco-elite groups and what they want. They get sued if those groups don't like what they do. Most of those groups are headquartered in California. Look it up. The USFWS is subject to the whims of what party is in control of the white house and who is president. It matters if there is a D or an R in charge. When the USFWS is sued and loses, the EAJA allows the eco-elite groups to receive their attorney's fees from the U.S. Treasury. When the grizzly bear was relisted by Judge Christensen in Montana, you should be aware that he was appointed by President Obama after being recommended by Max Baucus in a rather nefarious quid pro quo. I am a little jaded about the USFWS. When I practiced law in North Idaho, a elderly man disappeared in the Upper Priest Lake area. The grizzly bear in the Selkirks had just been listed under the ESA. Chris Servheen, was the guy in charge of the new grizzly program in the USFWS. He did everything in his power to make sure that the disappearance was not labeled a grizzly kill of a human. Those who investigated on the ground will tell you that is exactly what happened. He did a similar thing with press releases on the old man killed on Kitty Creek in 2011.

When the grizzly bears are managed by the State of Wyoming, their management is way more flexible. When the State of Wyoming had management of these bears, look at the mortality rate for the bears during that period of time. The state could destroy bears for coming to close to humans, for killing livestock and for attacking people. The 2018 trapping project by the state revealed that the 20 grizzly bears trapped in 5-6 areas around Sunlight/Crandall were malnourished and stunted. I spoke to the G&F seasonal employees who did this trapping, and that is what they told me. With the USFWS in control, the G&F spends a ridiculous amount of time and money trapping and moving problem grizzly bears. That is about all they can do under federal management. They move them to other areas in Wyoming where grizzly bears live. Many of them return to the place they were trapped. It is my understanding that the bears are given 3 strikes before they are destroyed. There is a 3 strikes bear at Powell High School that was stuffed by the art department. He was caught munching corn in someone's garden near Heart Mountain.

The numbers count on grizzly bear population in the GYE in Wyoming is the subject of controversy. The 700 number is conservative at best and an outright lie to others. It is a political figure reached through compromise. The G&F in Wyoming won't study the actual number until they are in charge of management.

I believe that if a bear kills or attacks a human, that bear should be destroyed. Many of the bears are destroyed by the people they have mauled. You can't risk another human life based on the speculation that the bear was acting defensively or aggressively. That being said, you still have to find the culprit before you can dispose of it. I hear people say that a bear "was just doing what bears do". Would you say the same thing for a psychotic or serial killer preying on humans?

If you look back historically, you will find that the Latin name for a grizzly bear was Ursus Horribilis. Why do you think that was changed to Ursus Arctos? Do I have some complaints about actions taken by the G&F with regards to the grizzly bear? Yes, I felt that scheduling a hunt for these bears was premature and a PR nightmare. I was hoping that the G&F would be allowed to quietly and methodically remove the problem bears before any hunts began. I have no way of knowing this, but I believe the judge who relisted the bears was thinking the same thing. The state will never recover the money they spend on grizzly bears whether there are hunts or not.

If one of you thinks I am "off my rockers" that is fine. I don't find personal attacks to be very persuasive. just
MightyHunter I apologize for this idiot that calls himself Slightlysober. Obviously he is not well educated. I hear you and understand our plight. Until the grizz is delisted and managed by Wyoming we will not be happy. And by the way as per WGFD they have been tasked by the USFWS to do the investigations.
I would say it definitely is a factor that they are not hunted in Wyoming. Look at the animals ( elk, deer, bears, etc) in Yellowstone compared to when they're outside the park. They know when they are in danger and when they have free reign. I know the argument is how do you educate a dead bear. However, putting pressure on them, hunting them, and killing a few here and there would help. They are smart animals that learn from one another and especially their moms. If they were hunted they would be more likely to run from humans then they are as of now.
I glad to hear that you are not deterred by the negative or combative posts but would have expected nothing less from a retired attorney. I always enjoy reading your posts on various issues including mule deer and grizzlies and find them informative as well as fact based. Thanks, Paul
MightyHunter I apologize for this idiot that calls himself Slightlysober. Obviously he is not well educated. I hear you and understand our plight. Until the grizz is delisted and managed by Wyoming we will not be happy. And by the way as per WGFD they have been tasked by the USFWS to do the investigations.
And once they are managed by WGFD old mightyhunter will be blaming them for everything.

You Wyoming guys are soft. Must be transplants. Scared of a few bears!

A recent ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. I don't think there was any real surprise that they upheld the District Court ruling. Under the EAJA, this just means more attorney's fees from the taxpayers, for the attorneys representing the eco-elites. By the way, there was a 7th person (federal employee) mauled in 2020 by a grizzly bear. I believe it was in Beaverhead County. just
Best wishes of a speedy recovery for the victim of this vicious attack.

I guess I regard HUMAN LIFE and safety much higher than some on this thread. ----SS
People that value the life of a bear over the life of a human are "off their rockers". No aggression towards humans should be tolerated by any bear.
This is gold. You better not ever go visit alaska. I could see 7 brown bears from my camp last weekend. And I didn’t have a gun or bear spray! Oh the fear!!

Next you will say it’s because we can hunt them up here.... blah blah blah.

With how many people are out every day compared to the number of attacks per year it’s not something one should be worried or afraid of. Better chance of getting hurt by the locals driving drunk home from the bar....

But hey! Live in fear boomer.
Just out of curiosity, what's your plan if a grizzly does attack?
I have spent plenty of time in Alaska around brown bears. They are like puppy dogs compared to wyo grizzly bears. Wyo bears are unpredictable and dangerous. Spend a little time in NW Wyoming and then report back
I have spent plenty of time in Alaska around brown bears. They are like puppy dogs compared to wyo grizzly bears. Wyo bears are unpredictable and dangerous. Spend a little time in NW Wyoming and then report back
I’ve only spent 22 years in western Wyoming. The bears are no more aggressive in Wyoming than anywhere else. I do love some of the grizzly stories shared. Always good for a laugh...

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