Gunnison mule deer rut


Very Active Member
Gunnison mule deer rut

What are the usual dates of the mule deer rut in the Gunnison basin hunt units?
Is it pretty much the same time every year or does it vary with weather conditions?
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-19 AT 05:54PM (MST)[p]Interesting article about that:

Does weather affect the timing of the rut (defined as does getting bred)? No

Does weather affect what we see of the rut during the daytime hours? Yes.

Despite what that article says, I have always heard from mid November to Dec 1 the rut is in full swing in Colorado. Of course, more snow the later it gets means the deer all have to come down to the low country, so they are more visibly in the rut.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

Thanks for posting the link to that was a good read.
The reason I asked for specific info on Gunnison basin is because I realize different geographical areas can vary on the timing of the rut for several reasons.
Does the amount of hunting pressure have any affect on the timing of the rut?
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

"Does the amount of hunting pressure have any affect on the timing of the rut? "

I would have to say no. The does will be bred on the appointed days/nights regardless of hunting pressure. However, being able to observe the rut during hunting hours could surely be affected. More hunting pressure = less daylight activity


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

That makes sense thanks tx
Anybody that lives in the Gunnison area care to comment please?
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

Honestly it all depends when the does come into estrus. The bucks in the bucks basin (the few ones that manage to survive the previous winter)from experience typically get rolling about the mid to later half of the 3rd rifle season. So say, the 5th or so of November. This past year with the cold and snow in 3rd season I had bucks starting to cover does the opening weekend of 3rd season in 54. Other years it's taken until almost the last day of 3rd.

RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

For what it's worth. I hunted 67 4th season last year. Got there fri Nov 9th end of 3rd. Snowed good Sunday. Saw lots of bucks while scouting. To me looked like younger bucks rutting end of 3rd. Day before 4th started any group of does I found had 1 or several bucks close by. Tagged out first day but can say that first day of 4th, bucks were going crazy. Left the next day so cant speak for how next few days were.
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

There are only 4 tags available for the "Rut" 2 auction 2 raffle.
one brought a hundred and 10 thousand last week. And those guys only get a week they are DONE December 1.

The gestation period for mule deer is like 203 days. So for the last day of 4th the 18th would put our fawns on the ground May 21? Yes some hit then... small #s. "Predator Swamping" All biological data I have ever seen shows late May to early June. That's also what I observe annually. That means the majority of our does are getting bred Nov 25 to Dec 10.
I agree we see a "few" does get serviced during the rifle seasons I see it happen every fall. But have you ever been here, on your glass, the 1st of December?
Porn hub and "Fight Club"!
The rut we enjoy so much is really just DUMB males wasting calories. When we see "lip curls" from the piss holes those does are not telling the bucks "Im coming in" They are peeing to say "leave me the ---- alone"! Yep pre rut is exciting and some are "tending" But they are really just wasting valuable energy. Comparing pre Nov 20 to Thanksgiving to Dec 10th is night verses day. Find Chad Bishop's 61 data. They sewed volva beacons in that went off when they gave birth.

The "Rut" Dates "Standing Heat" Here in the Gunnison Basin are
consistently November 25 to Dec 10.
If you still don't believe me What was the "violation" date of
Governor Tag pimp Brownley's Gunnison Conviction? December 4th 2012. If you told me I could only count and glass Mule Deer One day a year.... I pick 12-05....
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

>There are only 4 tags available
>for the "Rut" 2 auction
>2 raffle.
>one brought a hundred and 10
>thousand last week. And those
>guys only get a week
>they are DONE December 1.
>The gestation period for mule deer
>is like 203 days.
>So for the last day
>of 4th the 18th would
>put our fawns on the
>ground May 21? Yes
>some hit then... small #s.
> "Predator Swamping" All
>biological data I have ever
>seen shows late May to
>early June. That's also what
>I observe annually.
>That means the majority of
>our does are getting bred
>Nov 25 to Dec 10.
>I agree we see a "few"
>does get serviced during the
>rifle seasons I see it
>happen every fall. But
>have you ever been here,
>on your glass, the 1st
>of December?
>Porn hub and "Fight Club"!
>The rut we enjoy so much
>is really just DUMB males
>wasting calories. When we see
>"lip curls" from the piss
>holes those does are not
>telling the bucks "Im coming
>in" They are peeing
>to say "leave me the
>---- alone"! Yep pre rut
>is exciting and some are
>"tending" But they are really
>just wasting valuable energy.
>Comparing pre Nov 20 to
>Thanksgiving to Dec 10th is
>night verses day.
>Find Chad Bishop's 61 data.
> They sewed volva beacons
>in that went off when
>they gave birth.
>The "Rut" Dates "Standing Heat" Here
>in the Gunnison Basin are
>consistently November 25 to Dec 10.
>If you still don't believe me
>What was the "violation" date
>Governor Tag pimp Brownley's Gunnison Conviction?
> December 4th 2012.
>If you told me I
>could only count and glass
>Mule Deer One day a
>year.... I pick 12-05....

Tomichi is spot on.
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

>There are only 4 tags available
>for the "Rut" 2 auction
>2 raffle.
>one brought a hundred and 10
>thousand last week. And those
>guys only get a week
>they are DONE December 1.
>The gestation period for mule deer
>is like 203 days.
>So for the last day
>of 4th the 18th would
>put our fawns on the
>ground May 21? Yes
>some hit then... small #s.
> "Predator Swamping" All
>biological data I have ever
>seen shows late May to
>early June. That's also what
>I observe annually.
>That means the majority of
>our does are getting bred
>Nov 25 to Dec 10.
>I agree we see a "few"
>does get serviced during the
>rifle seasons I see it
>happen every fall. But
>have you ever been here,
>on your glass, the 1st
>of December?
>Porn hub and "Fight Club"!
>The rut we enjoy so much
>is really just DUMB males
>wasting calories. When we see
>"lip curls" from the piss
>holes those does are not
>telling the bucks "Im coming
>in" They are peeing
>to say "leave me the
>---- alone"! Yep pre rut
>is exciting and some are
>"tending" But they are really
>just wasting valuable energy.
>Comparing pre Nov 20 to
>Thanksgiving to Dec 10th is
>night verses day.
>Find Chad Bishop's 61 data.
> They sewed volva beacons
>in that went off when
>they gave birth.
>The "Rut" Dates "Standing Heat" Here
>in the Gunnison Basin are
>consistently November 25 to Dec 10.
>If you still don't believe me
>What was the "violation" date
>Governor Tag pimp Brownley's Gunnison Conviction?
> December 4th 2012.
>If you told me I
>could only count and glass
>Mule Deer One day a
>year.... I pick 12-05....

Good info, I would have never thought it would be that late. That is around our gun season here in PA but our rut is normally over.
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

Thanks for the replies fellas I really appreciate it.
My curiosity is pretty much satisfied.
By the way if you don't mind please reply to my latest PMs.
I will try to keep them at a minimum. Thanks again
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

Sorry Tomichi, but I think your numbers are a bit off....203 days after November 18th is June 5th. From a few studies I have seen the normal fawn drop is the end of the 1st week of June. If I remember correctly the study was out of the NW Colorado, but could be wrong. 203 days prior to their peak fawn drop was November 20th for the peak breeding.

I have not been on the ground nearly as much as you have, so I dont doubt December 5th would be the best hunting day as the does will be being bred before and after the peak. I have watched big mature bucks breed all day on the 19th and 20th of November.
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

I'm going with Tomichi on this, he is in the basin every day. He is out and about every day for his job, ranching and watches the wildlife. I have noticed that ruts happen at different times in different areas. I had a rancher in Montrose tell me that it is after thanksgiving when he sees all of the big bucks rutting, he is a 3rd generation rancher on the winter range.

RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-19 AT 05:21PM (MST)[p]He may be right on when you can observe does being bred during daylight but his math was wrong. Add it up. Add 203 days to Nov 18 and you get June 9th

Of course you will see more deer being bred in the daytime after hunters leave the field. Doesn?t mean deer aren't being bred at night then.

Big bucks aren't totally stupid even during the rut or they never would get big. When hunters are there = breed mostly at night.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

I don't think Tomichi was trying to give us a math lesson.
I think his point is that the rut in the Gunnison Basin is it a bit later than most people would think it is.
Thank you all for the great comments
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

You can't argue with eyewitness reports as long as you believe them, and these sound very believable.

But I really don't think that is unique to the Gunnison basin. My whole life I have heard of people seeing big bucks chasing does the last part of November and first part of December all over Colorado. Right after the hunting seasons close. No jeeps and 4 wheelers running the roads. No camps in the woods. They know the difference. And I guarantee you they know the sound of Tomichi?s truck and that it doesn't pose a threat because they hear it year round.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut


My current situation precludes me from caring about your opinion but go ahead and give voice to it anyway...

Most people make their case based on what they personally see on their one week/year in them thar hills chasing them. On those -25 degree evenings at sundown the hills are remarkably lonely in early december. And the walk back to the truck is a bit nippy in the dark.

Sure am glad they changed the end dates on those rut tags... all four of them.

All else being equal i would always hunt as late on the calendar as I can, but have also been on both ends of snow totals, too much and too little making earlier better based on where camp is.
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-19 AT 11:47AM (MST)[p]>I don't think Tomichi was trying
>to give us a math
>I think his point is that
>the rut in the Gunnison
>Basin is it a bit
>later than most people would
>think it is.
>Thank you all for the great

I wouldn't say the rut is really different anywhere in the state. It's just a matter of does coming into estrus. Some does do in early to mid November others not until December. It's no different than that elk when some cows don't cycle until October. The one governors tag deer I was involved with back when we could hunt in December was killed on the 11th I want to say and he was rutted up and with 12 does that day. Watched him around thanksgiving that year and he was with another smaller buck and not a doe in sight. This year for instance I helped a buddy kill a buck the 5th day of third rifle season that was rutting his brains out. Turned around in 4th in the same unit with another buddy and couldn't find a mature buck with does to save our lives. Ended up killing a pretty good buck the last morning of season that was all by himself.

RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

Helped hunt 4th season (second week of Nov) twice and hunted it myself once in 66 in the last five years. Saw a ton of bucks (~40 a day) chasing does, but didn't see any actually mount a doe during all of those hunts- not one. The does just weren't ready yet- the bucks were all swollen as ticks and chasing, but no actual breeding unless it was all in the dead of night.

Cheers- Dave
RE: Gunnison mule deer rut

>Helped hunt 4th season (second week
>of Nov) twice and hunted
>it myself once in 66
>in the last five years.
> Saw a ton of
>bucks (~40 a day) chasing
>does, but didn't see any
>actually mount a doe during
>all of those hunts- not
>one. The does just
>weren't ready yet- the bucks
>were all swollen as ticks
>and chasing, but no actual
>breeding unless it was all
>in the dead of night.
>Cheers- Dave

Dave I sent you a pm

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