Happy 50th Birthday Bura!




Happy birthday, I hope I look that good when I get to be that old, uh, I mean your age! Seriously, If older is better then you are approaching magnificent.

50, are you kidding me??? I never would have guessed it. Must be all of that clean living.....

Happy birthday Bura!


Hey Bura,

With another year under your belt are you putting the emphasis more on "Nut" LOL You're 10 years younger than Chevy Chase, guess that would make you cousin Eddy, huh.
Happy Birthday Man!
Happy Birthday Bura!
50 huh?
Can we call you an old fart yet or do you have enough starch left in ya to beat us down? LOL.
Seriously, hope you have a great B-Day and continued success hunting.
without a doubt my friend........HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hears to many more for a great guy and friend!!!......Dwayne Elam
Holy Geez! 50 big ones! 50 more and the pres will send you a b-day card, and you can get you pic on good morning america. Funny thing about internet forums, from reading you posts, I always though you were a little older than that. Have a great birthday Bura! :)
Happy B-day bura,now you can get the senior citizen's discount at denny's :)


Happy 50th Bura. Someone once posted you and another on MM were young seniors, near 61-62 years old. But I knew better. Congratulations, you have a full decade left to live.


If you are lucky, you can retire in 5 years!
Happy B-day Bura!..If you ever come to Utah, You could get me a free Canyon or State Park pass with that many years under the belt!. Its quite costly to us younger (30) generation. You seniors with all the discounts have it easy..Seriously, Have a great B-day!
Heu Bura, I hear the doctor said you have the body of a 50 year old!!!!. To bad your only 42!!!!Ha!ha!ha!...Keith 46...29!
Happy birthday man. Hope you had a good one. And many more to you also.

later, MM
LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-03 AT 06:25AM (MST)[p]Happy Birthday Bura! I know your real age, but I won't tell. Have a fun and safe day. And, don't let your meatloaf!




Half a century!! Man that is really something!! I suppose it will not be too much longer before you retire and sit around and begin teaching your grandkids how to chase the monsters muleys. Happy B-Day!!!

happy birthday bro! have a great one! like bucksnort say...discout for S.C.

haha but have a good ones

Dang Allen, you're more aged than I am. You'd better hunt the flats in 36c. With all of today's active geology, those little hills are now mountains. Why don't ya give me a good price on your Swaro 15x's. cuz if you spot something that far out, it'll take you too long to get there.

Happy B-day- it's a black day!
Doug/Red Rabbit
Wow Allen, having met you just a month ago, I would guess you to be no older than 48! j/k, actually you look very young - you must be approaching you prime. Some people get better with time... others die...
50 Good years. Thats 18250 days, or 438000 hours that you have graced the humon race with your presence. Hope to see another half a century out of ya.

Happy Birthday!!!!!....

Mike McArthur
Happy 50th, Bura!! Geez, with the young kids you've got, you musta been a "late bloomer", huh? I would have never guessed that your 50, especially after see'in your picture last season w/ your Coues. Was that a "stand-in" or what? None-the-less, have a great birthday old man !!!! :D
50! Man you sure don't look 50,.....but I remember when you did :) :)

Happy Birthday and be careful because I here that butt surgery shortly follows the 50 mark...... oops I forgot that you already reached that milestone. :D

On a serious side Happy Birthday!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-03 AT 07:02PM (MST)[p]You know Bura, at you age you should be extremely careful where you hunt. In the words of Pat McManus, you might be "not long for this whirl"! LMAO, Just kidding, have a great day bud. (I had to post this as it was post #25 which is half of 50)

Happy Birthday! Hope you get a Wallhanger this year!

(Where is Bura now? I haven't seen him post yet!) lol
Michael~All Gods creatures welcome, right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
He spent his birthday scouting for the coues hunt. He'll be on line in a little bit.

Happy Birthday Bura...and remember age is ONLY a number...althou they do keep getting bigger...LOL

Scott G.
Here is the real story.......HuntsLikeNora just turned the BIG 30 and is having flashbacks to his high-school days with his girlfriend/cousin in Lubbock. (there was only 6 kids in his highschool graduating class). Anyway he went and robbed the cradle with his fantastic wife Tara and is still feeling old and run down so he goes and lies about my age to make himself feel better. Hell, he even shaved his head so the gray doesnt show.......I AM ONLY 41 YEARS YOUNG.......I think him and PW gang up on me because they WANT TO BE ME........I have the eyes of a hawk and the body of a Greek God......I am just reaching my prime.................Seriously thanks for the well and not so well wishes.................I just hope I have another 20 seasons left in me............. Allen Taylor......
Right behind you Bura. Hope you feel as good as me. Now if the gout don't come back I can go hunting. Happy b-day

Very funny Bura. HuntsLikeNora got you good, he had us all in on it. Glad to see you got him back.

Happy 41.

A Big Happy Birthday to you Allan on your 41st. In 20 more years from now you will be where I am now and I will probably pushing up daisies in the Rockies. ha ha

happy d-day i meen b-day maybe there is hope for me i didn't think i' make it to 30 or 40 now maybe i'll make it to your age but i didn't have the clean living to help me along so maybe not i know i wont look as young as you at 50 or even 40 they say you are only as old as you feel so i must be 98 by now if this is 41 yrs i dont know if i wont to know what 50 feels like i'm out of body parts to get any more aches and pains

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