Heart = yummy


Very Active Member
Anyone out there love deer and elk hearts as much as i do? Man, they re good. Tender and flavorful no matter the age of animal.

Try not to shoot holes in em! Favorite shot to preserve meat? I like behind shoulder a little higher than heart. All lungs if possible!
Yup! Love eating the heart. We will slice thin and saute' in butter in a cast iron skillet. Good stuff!
What do u do w liver? Fry up with onions? I ve made pate and it tastes like herbs... but i dont know that i can take the liver taste. I know its good for liver health though.


We love it too. This one came from a cow a couple weeks ago. We diced it up seasoned with Ethiopian spices and made Wat (onion soup)with it. Had Shero and salad on the side, on top of Injera. It turned out great and all three pounds of it was gone at dinner.
>What do u do w liver?
>Fry up with onions?
>I ve made pate and
>it tastes like herbs... but
>i dont know that i
>can take the liver taste.
> I know its
>good for liver health though.

The only time I really like it is the first day or two after I kill one. Soak it in salt water to draw out some of the blood, slice it 3/8 in thick or so, cut the outer layer off, skin if you will. Dip it in seasoned flour, fry it in butter with mushrooms and onions. It doesn't have that strong liver flavor. I was never a beef liver fan growin up. I think it has to do with it being frozen and not fresh. Gonna have to get a fresh chunk sometime and give it a go to see if it's a freshness issue or a species issue.

>Sorry, guts is guts, and doesn't
>come into my kitchen!

Agree with HiCountryman, hearts are not guts! The heart is one of the best cuts on the animal.
The heart and tongue are the first things I eat. The liver on the other hand I've tried to like numerous times and just can't make it happen. That stays in the gut pile, unless my dad is around. He likes them.
Wife has been making liver pate from last few animals. Good if u getenough herbs in it! Sometimes it hits me wrong though... It s good for you to eat it, so we keep doing it.

Unlike the BRAINS. (cue night of living dead music), DONT EAT THAT MESS!!!!
I always save all my hearts and livers and tongues. I cut up the bad stuff for the dogs and keep the best cuts for myself. It creates a lot of extra meals for the freezer and the dogs love it too,!!!
I love heart. Soaked in salty water, sliced and fried.

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
Heart, best meat going! We never freeze it. Soak in milk for a couple days, could change the milk. Slice and cook in cast iron with butter. Serve with grilled onions/peppers alongside eggs and toast.

Properly canned heart will melt in your mouth as well. Luckily a polish man has mastered it and we all take full advantage come season, send the hearts to him and hope for a can in return.

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